Chapter 61 Ouroboros of Time


A creature that exists in mystery.

At the same time, it is also a mysterious creature that is difficult for outsiders to see.

Because it lives in time.

Time, originally a concept, is an invisible existence.

Even in many worlds.

Ouroboros is just a symbol that has been handed down since ancient times.

The approximate image is a snake.

The snake was eating its tail, and it formed a ring.

The symbolic meaning of ouroboros is “infinity” and “circulation”.

The hidden power engraved on He Tian’s soul is the power of ouroboros.

He Tian himself is just an ordinary person.

However, he is a person who travels through the world.

Therefore, he was used as a tool by the God of Traversal, and he was forced to travel through the world several times.

But He Tian didn’t know it himself.

During one of his crossings, he was once looked at by a mysterious creature that existed in ‘time’.

Although it was just a glance.

But it was also contaminated with the breath of the other party.

It was this breath that made him a unique existence.



Metatron’s sigh.

Yang Xuan got up.

In fact, they all add up to nothing more than a second.

So, at this time, people were still shouting loudly to make He Tian stand up.

It’s because they don’t listen to the cry.

On the Blue Star, there was a situation that surprised Yang Xuan.

Convergence of faith!

Because Yang Xuan, God, exists as a person.

In addition, Yang Xuan even the Kingdom of God overlaps with Blue Star.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the current Blue Star is a planet covered by the law of faith.

So when those who have faith, they believe in something with one heart.

Then only a small opportunity is needed.

A miracle will appear.

“stand up!”

“What are you waiting for!”

“We have all seen your sign of complete evolution.”

“Your blood should represent your strength.”

“Young man, hurry up! Go and make miracles.”

Countless voices, countless shouts.

It seemed that at this moment, the entire Blue Star trembled.


In ordinary people, it is completely invisible to the naked eye.

Countless beliefs have gathered in front of He Tian.


Those powers of faith finally converged into countless voices, directly appearing in He Tian’s mind.

And, what needs to be declared is.

When things got to this point, Yang Xuan hadn’t intervened yet.

Those beliefs directly traveled a mark in He Tian’s soul.

This mark is very important to him.


In a void of space.

He Tian looked around in confusion.

In his feelings, he seemed to have been in a coma for at least a whole day.

Of course, the outside time remains unchanged.

“It’s so dark!”

“I can’t see anything.”

“Am I dead!”

“Could it be that this is the space where the mind and consciousness are imprisoned after being transformed into a ghoul!”

“It is said that all people who are transformed into ghouls have to endure endless suffering and pay a sufficient price for the evil thoughts they have accumulated before.”

“Then next, I’m going to experience endless reincarnation.”

“Each reincarnation is a picture of me when I am malicious, and it makes me feel guilty.”

“It should be this routine.”

After He Tian thought of this, he sat on the ground and began to wait for the torture to come.

But what surprised him was.

I waited for a long time without any signs.

After a while, he saw two scarlet rays of light appearing far away.

“Is it finally here!”

“The scarlet light indicates the gate of purgatory!”

“Come on, I am ready to meet my destiny.”

“I just hope that my sister can be redeemed!”

“I don’t know what happened to Xiao Mei.”

“But she has a great chance of surviving. After all, she doesn’t attract the evil thoughts of those ghouls.”

When He Tian thought of his sister, he was full of worries.

At this time, the two scarlet rays of light were getting closer and closer.


Just when the scarlet light came not far from He Tian.

Suddenly, this chaotic space trembled violently.

He Tian didn’t think much, he still thought that the scene would change in the next second.

I should welcome the things I don’t want to see the least, and the scenes I don’t want to experience once.


Until the chaotic space, a faint light appeared.

Until any day you can see the surrounding scene clearly.

He discovered by accident that he had not experienced those terrible memories.

“What’s the matter? Isn’t it what I guessed it?”

“Is it to simply torture my soul?”

“Also, no matter what kind of punishment it is, I accept it!”

He Tian thought about it and thought it was also good.

So he slowly closed his eyes.

Waiting for the torture to come.

But this time, it was a while.

The torture did not come.

He Tian finally couldn’t sit still now.

He began to open his eyes, and began to learn about the situation here.

Because there was already a little light in the space, this time he clearly saw the surrounding scenes.



“what’s this?”

“Snake head!”

Just when He Tian saw the surrounding situation clearly.

He immediately took a breath.

Because, in front of him.

There was a huge python that seemed to be able to swallow a planet with one bite, staring at him.

It turned out that the two scarlet rays of light before were not the entrance to purgatory.

It was the pupil of this giant python.

The scarlet vertical pupil stared at He Tian firmly.

The huge snake head approached a little bit. *

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