Chapter 63 All-knowing and all-powerful? I do not believe! (4 more!)

He Tian’s spirit reached its highest point at this moment.

He has the will to survive, but he will die without hesitation.

That powerful willpower directly ignited his soul.

The dazzling golden light gushes out from his body.

The chains that held him melted just as soon as they were touched by the golden light.

The huge Ouroboros of Time suddenly opened its mouth when it discovered this, and hurriedly bite towards He Tian.

It also happened to have just arrived in front of He Tian.

But in the end, he was still a step late.


In the chaotic space, a terrifying impact began to spread.


The ouroboros of time gave out a painful roar because of this.

He Tian is a mortal who is above the essence, with a distance of tens of thousands of miles from the Ouroboros of Time.

Actually hurt the Ouroboros of Time.

I have to say that this is really a miracle.


He Tian’s own will is only one aspect of being able to hurt the Ouroboros of Time.

The most important thing is the global live broadcast on Bluestar.

The title from the umbrella company.

People’s hope for He Tian.

With the blessing of this long-term factor, the current Hetian has become possible.

He Tian also showed a relieved look before his consciousness completely disappeared.

Because he saw the painful look of our Ouroboros.

I also saw that the other party said those two again, and he couldn’t hear the words at all.



But even if the other party said these two words.

But his self-destruction has not been reversed.

In other words, he succeeded.


“Praise God!”

While He Tian’s consciousness was dying, he couldn’t help expressing his gratitude to God in his heart.

At this moment, he became a believer.

A true believer.

And as soon as faith appeared, he became a believer at the level of the Holy Spirit.

“Time! Time!”

But what He Tian didn’t know was.

At the moment when his will completely disappeared.

The Ouroboros of Time, wounded by He Tian, ​​began to roar like crazy.

As a mysterious creature living in time.

As a terrible existence that takes the world as its food.

It has never been hurt by such a weak human being.

Ever since.

He no longer has the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy.

Even if the other party is just a small human.

At this moment, the Ouroboros of Time must fight with all its strength.

“Death is not the end!”



The Ouroboros of Time under the anger, this time is no longer for He Tian to return to a certain point in time.

He wanted to directly return this chaotic space to the moment he had just met He Tian.


After restarting this area, He Tian will return.

However, the mark of hope on He Tian’s body is not.

Because the power of that belief is unique.

When it is consumed, it can only be recondensed.

At least with the ability of the Ouroboros of time, it was impossible to bring the mark of hope back to that moment.


Yang Xuan’s personality suddenly dropped a lot.

Or, the personality of the Ouroboros of Time surpasses God.

Then under the suppression of personality.

Not to mention it is a mark of hope, even if it is Yang Xuan’s Kingdom of God, he can restart it at will.

But obviously that is impossible.


The gap between time and time.

In the boundless chaotic space.

The area of ​​the Ouroboros of Time began to tremble violently.

The restart has already begun.

He Tian’s consciousness also began to reappear at this moment.

For He Tian time, time seems to have passed hundreds of years, and it seems that only a second has passed.

“What’s wrong with me?”

“I remember, I was chased by a ghoul, and then I came to a strange space.”

“Then I saw a terrifying giant snake.”

“By the way, in order to prevent the giant snake from getting Blue Star’s coordinates, I committed suicide.”

“I committed suicide?”

“Yes, I committed suicide?”

“But why am I still alive on my horse!”

After He Tian thought of this moment, he couldn’t help but explode.

“I don’t want to live, let me die!”

“God, I am your devout believer, I am willing to sacrifice myself!”

“Please fulfill it!”

“Please fulfill it!”

He Tian’s soul began to pray in the chaotic space.

His words seemed to be understood by Ouroboros of Time.

Even the Ouroboros of Time showed a contemptuous smile similar to that of a human.


“I have heard of this word in many worlds!”

“Unfortunately, the so-called omniscience and omnipotence simply cannot exist.”

“Your God is just false.”

“It is better to believe in me than to believe in God!”

“I can forgive your rudeness, and even give you great power.”

“That is the power of time.”

“As long as you can bring me enough world coordinates, I will let you be my messenger.”

The sound of ouroboros.

It appeared directly in He Tian’s heart.

It is an intelligent creature that has already been hammered.

Moreover, it has a not-low IQ.

Even willing to let go of the tiny creatures that hurt him.

But He Tian laughed loudly.

“I see!”

“So you are just a weak creature!”

“You don’t know the power of God, not because God doesn’t exist, but because you are ignorant, ignorant, and weak!”

“Perhaps, in your eyes, I am just an insignificant ant that can be pinched to death at will.”

“But how similar you are to me.”

“In the eyes of God, you are just one of the sentient beings.”

“In God’s eyes, you are the same as me. Even if you are countless times stronger than me, you are still just a weak ant in front of that great existence.”

“The difference between you and me is that you are a slightly stronger ant, and I am the weakest one.”

“Knowing this, I don’t worry anymore.”

“Come on, devour me!”

“Even if you swallow me, you can’t hurt the family I want to protect.”

“Because that is the Lord’s pasture, if there is a stupid snake, I want to go to the Lord’s pasture to cast it.”

“Then don’t say it’s the Lord, just the great king of angels can cut you down by the sword.”

“Hahaha! Come, eat me!”*

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