After observing for a while, Kanda Yinghe put down the monocular telescope in his hand.

After thinking for a while, he bit his thumb and let the blood drip.

Then, he put his hands together, quickly formed the five seals of ‘Hai-Xu-You-Shen-Wei’, and performed the ‘Spiritual Calling Technique’.


A cloud of chakra smoke exploded.

A slender crane appeared in the field.

Kanda Yinghe didn’t waste any words, immediately took out a pen and paper, wrote a secret letter, and stuffed it into the letter box on the opponent’s leg.

Then, he patted its back and said, “Heshan, send this letter to the forward base immediately.”


Hearing this, the crane named Heshan cried out.

Then, it nodded, flapped its wings, and its body rushed into the sky like a sharp arrow and disappeared into the sky.

Looking at its back as it left, Kanda Yinghe breathed a sigh of relief.

After doing all this, he said to Quartz and the Konoha ninjas who came later: "The support from the base will arrive soon."

"Next, everyone should pay close attention to the enemy's movements and make sure they are always under our surveillance."

"Yes, Captain!"

Several Konoha ninjas immediately responded upon hearing this.

Then, they started to do their own things.


A few minutes later.

Go into the base.

A piercing alarm suddenly sounded.

In the room, Qingming's shadow clone suddenly opened his eyes and thought to himself that it was not good.

Soon, a messenger Chunin found him and asked him to rush to the meeting room immediately.

The shadow clone did not dare to neglect it and rushed to the meeting room as soon as possible.

Not only him, but all the jonin in the base rushed over quickly.

The ninja who presided over the meeting was an Uchiha jonin. He did not say a word and conveyed the news of the upcoming attack of the Mist Ninja to everyone at the fastest speed.

Then, without discussing with everyone, he started to arrange tasks directly.

And this opening mentioned Qingming's name.



The shadow clone stood up immediately after hearing this.

Then the Uchiha jonin said, "You will lead the first and second teams to set off immediately and rush to the No. 3 sentry tower as quickly as possible. This is the mission requirement."

As he said that, he threw a scroll to him.

The shadow clone immediately took it, opened it, and after quickly scanning it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he closed the scroll and replied, "Yes, Captain!"


The Uchiha jonin nodded and said, "Okay, you go down and prepare!"


Qingming responded at last and left the meeting room in a hurry.

In the meeting room, the voice of the Uchiha jonin continued.

One by one, the jonins were assigned tasks and then walked out, with either secret joy or seriousness on their faces.

However, these had little to do with Qingming.

Because he had already set off with the first and second teams.

The so-called No. 3 sentry tower is actually the reef sentry tower guarded by Kanda Yinghe, and it is also the sentry tower closest to the Mist Ninja warship.

Uchiha Jonin arranged him to go here, and he brought the most elite first and second teams, which shows his recognition of his strength.

However, the shadow clone did not want to get this recognition at all.

After all, he is not the original body, how can he have such strength?

But in the meeting room, he could not say it clearly, so he could only bite the bullet and take it.

Fortunately, his mission is not to confront the assault force of the Hidden Mist Village.

Uchiha Jonin gave him two mission requirements.

First, if the Mist Ninja discovered the No. 3 sentry tower and launched an attack, then their mission is to delay the opponent and buy at least ten minutes of defense time for the base.

Second, if the Mist Ninja did not find them, or found them but ignored them, then their mission is to wait for the Mist Ninja and the base to fight, and then launch a surprise attack from the rear, so as to attack the opponent together with the base.

According to the information sent back by Kanda Yinghe, the direction of the four warships of the Hidden Mist Village is obviously more inclined to attack the forward base.

In other words, the possibility of them delaying time is relatively small.

And this has a relatively large operating space.

As the saying goes, eat as much as you can without a diamond drill.

Although he has little affection for his subordinates, these ninjas, he will not deliberately take them to die.

It is precisely because there is room for turning around that he will take on this task.

Otherwise, even if it will arouse some suspicion, he will not take on this task.

In addition, he has another confidence in accepting this task, that is, according to the time calculation, the main body should be almost back.

As long as the war does not end quickly, as long as it lasts a little longer, it should be possible to wait for the main body to return.

By then, even if there are any problems, it can be solved as a guarantee.


In a flash, twenty minutes passed.

Qingming brought two teams, a total of 35 people, to the reef sentry tower and met Kanda Yinghe.

As soon as the other party saw him, they also became excited.

After all, the name of Qingming Ghost Sword has been slowly spreading these days.

Although he was not given the opportunity to show his strength because of the retreat strategy of the Hidden Mist Village these days.

However, the news that he encountered an ambush by the elite troops of the Hidden Mist Village on the way to support and killed several of the other side's jonin has spread.

Especially, there are two members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in it, which makes everyone admire him even more.

Of course, the news can spread so quickly because the Uchiha clan is building momentum for him.

As a wealthy family in Konoha, what the Uchiha clan needs is reputation.

Coincidentally, Qingming's actions are in line with the current needs, and the Uchiha clan will naturally not hesitate to invest corresponding resources.

As for these things, Qingming probably knows something, but he ignored it.

Reputation is sometimes a burden, but at the same time, if used well, it is also a sharp weapon that can save him a lot of trouble.

Look, Kanda Yinghe saw him and immediately regarded him as the backbone, and the handover of command was not delayed at all.

As for being targeted by ninjas from other countries.

With his current strength and record, won't the enemy target him if he doesn't publicize it?

Just kidding!

Not only will they not relax their targeting, they will even intensify it.

After all, it is the consensus of the five major ninja villages to kill the geniuses of other ninja villages.

War is not just about fighting on the front battlefield, but also about calculating in secret.

If the enemy ninja village can be made weak, even if they lose this war, they will have a chance to fight back in the next war.

So, to some extent, this matter is as important as fighting on the front battlefield.

In this case, it is simply a dream to expect that the enemy will let you go if you keep a low profile.

Moreover, he has become famous, so he can't keep a low profile anymore.

That's why he didn't stop the Uchiha clan's propaganda.

In this case, only by making himself stronger can he resist the repeated temptations and targeting from the outside world.

The only thing to be thankful for is that he had quietly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan when he was not famous, and had the ability to overturn the table.

In this case, it's just a little fame, he doesn't care at all.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Qingming cast his eyes on Kanda Yinghe in front of him.

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