"How is the situation now?"

Qing Ming asked Kanda Yinghe.

Hearing this, Kanda Yinghe immediately handed over the monocular telescope in his hand and said: "The four warships are still advancing. It seems that they are planning to attack the advancing base."

This answer did not exceed Qing Ming's expectations. He nodded, took the telescope from Kanda Yinghe, and looked straight in the direction the other party pointed.

The moon was particularly bright tonight, and Qing Ming could easily see the four warships in Kirigakure Village.

At this time, they were closer to the reef sentry tower, but they did not come this way. Instead, they formed an angle with this direction and ran towards the direction of the advance base of the Kingdom of Waves.

Indeed, as Kanda Yinghe said, the opponent is most likely going to attack the base.

In this case, his task is to wait for the battle to break out and then launch a surprise attack from behind.

In this way, he can delay for a while.

At this point in time, every minute of delay increases the possibility of his body returning.

Therefore, naturally it can be delayed as long as it can.

However, just as he was thinking this, he suddenly saw several black figures jumping off the boat.

"This is."

Qing Ming suddenly took away the single-channel telescope and opened the Sharingan.

Although the Sharingan's far-reaching ability is average, he can still see some things with the help of powerful insight.

"It's indeed the Mist Ninja!"

Qing Ming's heart moved and she thought secretly: "Is this coming this way?"

That's right, those fog ninjas who jumped off the boat were stepping on the sea and running straight towards them.

Behind them, on the other three ships, there were also Mist Ninjas jumping off the ship.

In the end, a team of nearly fifty people came towards them.

This made Qing Ming look very unhappy.

Seeing his appearance, others asked: "Captain, what's wrong?"

"The enemy found this place"

Qing Mingyan replied concisely and concisely.


Hearing this, other people looked over there, either anxiously or calmly.

With the help of the bright moonlight, they could roughly see that there were some dark figures running towards them.

Qing Ming picked up the telescope again and carefully observed the movements of the ships. After seeing that they were still heading towards the Kingdom of Waves, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The fact that the ships did not turn around meant that although the enemy had discovered them, they did not pay them much attention.

But a mere fifty enemies were still within the acceptable range.

As soon as he thought this, Qing Ming immediately ordered: "Everyone, prepare to fight!"

"Yes, Captain!"

When others hear this, they should immediately claim it is.

However, before they could leave, Qing Ming spoke again: "Pay attention, after the battle begins, delay as much time as possible first, wait until those ships are far away, and then use all your strength to annihilate this enemy."

The reason why Qing Ming made this arrangement was, firstly, to prevent the Mist Ninja from being defeated and calling for support, and secondly, it was really to delay time.

The other Konoha ninjas obviously understood his first meaning and quickly said: "I know, Captain!"


Qing Ming nodded and asked them to go down and get ready.

As for being unable to support the frontal battlefield in time, Qing Ming didn't really care.

They have already held back an enemy that exceeds their numbers, what else should they do?

You can't leave the battle to them!

Therefore, Qing Ming is not worried about subsequent difficulties.

Now, he just hopes that the main body will come back as soon as possible.


Time goes back a few minutes.

other side.

After several hours of long journey, Qing Ming finally crossed the strait and arrived at the Country of Waves.

After that, he ran all the way and came to the vicinity of the advance base.

However, before he got close, he realized something was wrong.

Late at night, the base that should have been silent was now in full swing.

Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be building a line of defense.

In just a moment, Qing Ming understood that the enemy was coming.

Because the situation of the shadow clone was unclear at the moment, he did not show up rashly, but used the 'Transformation Technique' to change his identity.

Then, relying on his familiarity with the base and his clever method of controlling the aura, he sneaked into the base and returned to his residence.

Opening the secret compartment under the bed, Qing Ming took out a piece of paper, and saw the shadow clone's mission and various plans written on it in Chinese characters.

This was a back-up plan he had prepared a long time ago to prevent such a situation from happening.

Now it seems that this preparation was not in vain.

"Watch Tower Three. Are you delaying?"

Qing Ming murmured, and a ball of Fire Chakra gathered in his palm, burning the paper in his hand to ashes.

Then, without any pause, he sneaked out of the base again, found a deserted place, and jumped into the sea.

After swimming in the sea for a while, he finally surfaced, then walked on the waves and ran towards the No. 3 sentry tower from the other direction.

About twenty minutes later.

Qing Ming arrived near the No. 3 sentry tower.

Before he even got close, he heard the sound of fighting.

Waves of chakra fluctuations came, indicating that the battle there was quite intense.

Qing Ming was worried that the shadow clone wouldn't be able to hold on, so he immediately speeded up.

However, the next moment, a memory suddenly flooded into his mind.

Qing Ming quickly stopped and quickly browsed through these memories.

Without any surprise, these memories were sent by the shadow clone.

Qingming only roughly scanned the memories of the previous three days, and then began to focus on browsing all the memories of the other party tonight, especially the memories before death.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and muttered: "It's her!"


At the same time.

On the other side.

Terumi Mei looked at Qingming who suddenly turned into chakra smoke and dissipated, and was shocked, thinking: "It's a shadow clone!"

Then, she looked around vigilantly, as if she was afraid that Qingming's real body would come out from somewhere.

However, what confused her was that Qingming's real body never appeared.

That's right, it was Terumi Mei who killed Qingming's shadow clone.

Originally, after three days of consumption, the shadow clone had little chakra.

As a result, she encountered a master like Terumi Mei, who was indeed a little unstoppable.

Although Terumi Mei is still a little immature and has average combat experience, she has two bloodline limits and huge chakra.

Thus, under the long-range and wide-range attack, the weakness of the shadow clone's weak ability to withstand injuries was exposed at once.

Although the shadow clone struggled hard, trying to play to its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, approaching the opponent, and using swordsmanship to restrict the performance of its ninjutsu, it was never successful.

Yes, Mei Terumi's combat experience was very ordinary, but knowing that the opponent was known as the "ghost sword", it was impossible for her to let the opponent get close to her.

So, the shadow clone was exhausted to death by the opponent.

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