Looking at Kakuzu's body, Qingming thought to himself: "I'm afraid no one would know that right here, in this unknown corner, a ninja who ranks among the best in the entire ninja world died quietly like this."

'I don't know if one day in the future, I will die in a corner like him and be unknown'

Inexplicably, Qingming felt a sense of panic in his heart.

But then he suppressed it. He wanted to transcend this world and live forever. How could he die like this?

Concentrating his mind, Qingming stopped thinking and looked around.

Without Kakuzu's chakra supply, the sea of ​​fire created by the 'Compound Ninjutsu·Flame Wind Wave' was rapidly receding.


There were jungles nearby, and many trees had been ignited during this period, so it was not realistic to want all these flames to disappear immediately.

Fortunately, this was deep in the jungle, with high humidity, and the fire could not spread at all. Even when it reached a certain level, it would bring heavy rain.

By then, the flames would naturally go out.

So, he didn't have to worry about anything.

It just so happened that the noise here was already big enough, and Qingming didn't want to stay any longer.

So, he found a place where the fire was the most intense, threw Kakuzu's body there, and then left on his own.


In a flash, time came to the evening of the next day.

At this time, Qingming had returned to the coast.

Next, just cross the strait in front of you to reach the Land of Waves and then return to the forward base.

However, Qingming was not in a hurry to leave. The next step was a physical job. He had been running for more than ten hours, and it was time to take a break.

Standing on the treetops, looking at the sunset on the sea in the distance, Qingming's thoughts gradually drifted away.

By the way, after killing Kakuzu, his luck seemed to have improved a lot.

Originally, he thought he would be harassed by other bounty ninjas again. After all, 17 million taels is not a small amount.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. Such a high bounty is enough for many ninjas to ignore the risks.

But what he didn't expect was that he had a smooth journey. Not to mention other bounty ninjas, not even a single accident happened.

However, think about it. Everyone who had seen him this time had been killed by him. How could there be other bounty ninjas in a short period of time?

As for why it was a short period of time, not forever?

Let alone his bounty was hanging there. Sooner or later, someone would find him because of the bounty. Just this matter alone could not be concealed for too long.

Although he did it very covertly and the people who should be killed had been killed, there was one thing that could not be hidden no matter what.

That was the Kusanagi sword he had taken from the leader of the Takumi Village.

As long as he continued to use this sword in the future, as his fame increased, he would naturally be noticed.

By then, the black market, which had been monitoring the leader of the Takumi Village for a long time, would be able to guess the answer with a little association.

In this way, they would definitely not mind secretly pushing those bounty ninjas when they accepted the task.

After all, he had offended the black market this time.

They would definitely not give up.

At that time, there would definitely be many people who would attack him.

Of course, he could also choose to hide the long sword in his hand.

In this way, it would definitely save a lot of trouble.

But he spent so much effort to get such a sharp weapon. If he didn't use it, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

A mere black market and a few bounty ninjas couldn't make him so afraid.

As the saying goes, when the enemy comes, the general will stop him, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it.

What happened next, I'll talk about it later!

With this thought, Qingming jumped off the treetop, sat on a branch, put the long sword on his knees, and then began to close his eyes and rest.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In a blink of an eye, the sun fell below the sea level, and night gradually fell.

At a certain moment, Qingming opened his eyes, and then stopped lingering. After restraining his own breath, he immediately dived towards the coast.

After dodging several waves of Konoha patrols and coming to the sea, he determined the direction and then walked on the waves to the location of the forward base of the Land of Waves.

However, unlike when he came here, the coastline of the Land of Fire is long, so there is no need to pay too much attention to the direction. As long as you don't deviate too much, you can go ashore.

The territory of the Land of Waves is much smaller, so when you go back, you need to pay attention to the direction at all times, otherwise it is easy to go in the wrong direction.

What Qingming didn't know was that when he was rushing to the forward base, on the other side, there were also several large ships on the sea heading there.

From the water flow marks on those ships, it can be known that they are the warships of the Hidden Mist Village.

At this time, those ships were full of Hidden Mist Village ninjas.

Obviously, after more than ten days of silence, the Mist Ninja started to move again, and once they took action, they planned to make a big move - directly raiding Konoha's forward base in the Land of Waves.


A few hours later.

East of the Land of Waves, about ten kilometers away from the forward base.

In a sentry tower built on a reef, a Konoha ninja suddenly changed his expression and blew the whistle on his chest.

Suddenly, the shrill whistle resounded throughout the sentry tower.

A chaotic sound of footsteps came, and a special ninja came to the top of the sentry tower.

As soon as he appeared, he asked, "Quartz, what happened?"

Hearing his inquiry, the Chunin who had just blown the whistle immediately replied: "It's the warships of the Hidden Mist Village, they are coming!"

"How many?"

The special Jonin was still calm and immediately asked the key question.


The Chunin named Quartz replied.

Hearing this, the special Jonin breathed a sigh of relief.

According to past experience, the four warships of the Hidden Mist Village can transport about 200 to 300 ninjas.

Although this number is not small, it is equivalent to the number of ninjas deployed by Konoha at the forward base.

If so many Mist Ninjas suddenly launched an attack and caught Konoha off guard, it might really make them suffer a big loss.

But now

Since the other party has been discovered in advance, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking of this, Kanda Yinghe asked again: "Where is the direction?"

"This way!"

Quartz pointed to the southeast.

Seeing this, Kanda Yinghe took the monocular telescope in Quartz's hand and looked over there.

With the help of moonlight, he was at the sea level and saw four large ships as expected.

Those ships were pitch black, sailing on the sea, like ghost ships.

Kanda Yinghe knew that they were not ghost ships, but Kirigakure deliberately turned off the lights on the ships to reduce the probability of being discovered.

Unfortunately, they were unlucky. This reef sentry tower was built by Konoha not long ago while Kirigakure was quiet, and it was not included in Kirigakurere's intelligence.

So, before they could get close, their whereabouts were discovered.

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