Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 188 Promotion

Da da da~

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

A rock ninja ran wildly through the forest, looking back from time to time, his eyes filled with nervousness and uneasiness.

His name is Andino, and he is a chuunin. Today, under the orders of his superiors, he and three teammates came to harass the Konoha ninjas who occupied their village stronghold.

Everything originally went smoothly. After paying the price of one person being slightly injured, they surrounded and annihilated a Konoha Chuunin and a Konoha Genin on the outside of the battlefield.

But just as they were about to clean up the battlefield and leave, a figure suddenly appeared in the field and knocked down the strongest among them with just one look.

Then in the close combat, he was like a ghost, avoiding their attacks one after another, and quickly defeated the two of them.

In the end, he was the only one left and escaped.

Recalling the scene of the battle just now, Andino couldn't help but shudder and said to himself: "Sure enough, there was only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname."

"Ghost Sword Qingming."

Andino gritted his teeth and said these four words, his voice revealing endless hatred and unconcealable fear.

"What? What do you want from me?"

Suddenly, a voice came from above the head, which contained a bit of teasing and teasing.


Andino was startled by the sound. He stopped suddenly and instinctively looked up.

Then, he saw a pair of Sharingan eyes that were as red as blood.


Being hit by an illusion, Andino fell straight to the ground.

Qing Mingshun stepped forward, formed seals with his hands, and used the 'Chakra Scalpel', skillfully cutting off the muscle groups and nerve transmission of the opponent's limbs, abolishing the opponent's ability to escape.

After doing this, Qing Ming said to the back: "Okay, come out!"

As his words fell, two shadow clones appeared in the field, one of them was holding an Iwa Ninja in each hand, while the other was only holding a person in his right hand.

Apparently, these were none other than three of Andino's teammates.

Counting him now, the entire team, four people, is here neatly.

Qing Ming threw Andino to the second shadow clone and said, "You can leave. Be careful on the way so as not to be discovered."


The two shadow clones nodded and left without any unnecessary nonsense.

After they left, Qing Ming glanced at the scene and made sure that no one was watching and no traces were left, and then disappeared from the scene.


It's night.

Within the stronghold.

Qingming left a shadow clone to deal with possible accidents, while the main body carefully avoided the patrolling Konoha ninjas and quietly went to the secret base.


To say it is a secret base is a bit exaggerated.

In fact, it was a hidden cave in the mountains. Qing Ming tidied it up and it was about seventy or eighty square meters.

He didn't intend to enjoy it here anyway, he just had a place to stay.

Arriving at the base, a figure appeared quietly. It looked exactly like Qing Ming, and was clearly his shadow clone.

The two looked at each other, and the shadow clone released the ninjutsu and turned into a ball of chakra, which filled Qing Ming's mind with corresponding memories.

After quickly browsing the other party's memory and making sure there was nothing unusual, Qing Ming walked into the cave.

Looking at the seven unconscious people on the ground, Qing Ming nodded with satisfaction.

This was what he had gained today. A total of seven Iwagakure chuunin could absorb seven to eight thousand points of chakra per day if they were squeezed with all their strength.

Of course, he can't catch all the money he has.

But even taking into account sustainable development and appropriately reducing the pressure on these captives, each person can still extract 5,000 points of chakra per day.

In this way, seven people would have 35,000 points, which was more than half the 21,000 points of chakra he could recover on his own every day.

Although this is not a large amount, it is definitely a lot. If allocated properly, it can significantly speed up the improvement of his strength.

However, let’s not rush the assignment. Ten days have passed since he learned the ‘Palm Technique’ and the ‘Chakra Scalpel’.

Now, his 'Chakra Refining Technique' has reached the edge of promotion. Qing Ming plans to upgrade it to lv5 first, and then distribute the chakra available every day.

Doing what he thought of, Qing Ming came to the training room specially opened for the shadow clone, sat cross-legged, and silently started the 'Chakra Refining Technique'.

As a skill that he has mastered from the beginning, and with subsequent daily practice, he can now operate this technique like an arm and a finger.

Wisps of physical energy were extracted from the cells with his consciousness, and then mixed with spiritual energy in a familiar way, and finally turned into bits and pieces of chakra.

After that, these chakras merged into his meridians, and then circulated in his chakra meridians together with other chakras.

At this time, Qing Ming was like a bystander, watching the process silently, without any distracting thoughts in his mind, just watching.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, making people unable to feel its passage.

At a certain moment, Qing Ming was suddenly shaken, and inexplicably gained a new understanding of the process in front of him.

As soon as he thought about it, the process of mixing physical energy and mental energy to form chakra suddenly accelerated, and the time it took to refine the same chakra was more than doubled.

Qing Ming knew that his 'Chakra Refining Technique' should be advanced.

He interrupted his practice and opened the panel to take a look.

As expected, his 'Chakra Refining Technique' has been upgraded from the previous lv4 (1998/2000) to the current lv5 (1/5000).

Qingming recalled the process of refining chakra just now, and felt that the speed of his active chakra recovery had more than doubled.

If expressed in numerical terms, it would be from 800 chakra points per hour to 2,000 chakra points per hour.

At the same time, the upper limit of chakra that can be increased per hour by running the 'Chakra Absorption Technique' has also increased from 16 points to 32 points.

The only pity is that the lv5 'Chakra Refining Technique' has a heavier burden on the body. If the 'Physical Fitness' and 'Spiritual' attributes are not improved, it can only be maintained for a maximum of six hours a day.

Despite this, his chakra recovery has also increased from 21,000 points per day to 27,000 points, a full 6,000 points.

And the upper limit of chakra has also increased from 144 points per day to 192 points.

According to this calculation, in about one and a half months, he will be able to fully tap his body's potential and make the chakra limit reach the theoretical 35,000 points.

However, this premise is that his potential will no longer increase.

But in the current situation, this is almost impossible. His "physique" attribute will definitely improve within one and a half months.

There is no other reason. After practicing with all his strength in the past week, his "palm fairy technique" and "chakra scalpel" have both been promoted to level 4.

Among them, the proficiency of the former is level 4 (350/2000), and the latter is level 4 (25/2000).

At this time, Qingming can feel a more obvious improvement when he uses the "palm fairy technique" to condense the Yang escape chakra to strengthen the body cells.

Now it depends on when his "physique" attribute will be improved.

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