Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 187 Back to the old business

Inside the Iwagakure stronghold.

Qingming was treating the injuries of his ninjas when he suddenly heard an explosion, followed by the second and third explosions.

Qingming was very familiar with this sound, which was the sound of the detonating tag being detonated.

"It's coming again."

Qingming finished the treatment slowly and walked out of the ward.

Looking down from the window, he saw dozens of Konoha ninjas appearing from various buildings and running towards the direction of the explosion.

Needless to say, they must have gone to support.

As for the enemy,

they were naturally the ninjas of the Iwagakure Village.

Today was the seventh day they had been stationed in this stronghold, and in the past seven days, the Iwagakure ninjas had not stopped harassing them.

Not to mention those sporadic battles, there were four large melees with more than a hundred people.

Although this brought Qingming enough materials to practice medical ninjutsu, it also overwhelmed their team and they could only barely maintain it now.

However, the Iwagakure ninjas on the other side were also not feeling well. After several battles, their losses were not much worse than those of Konoha.

In fact, because their average combat power was not as good as that of Konoha ninjas, they lost more ninjas in terms of the number of ninjas they lost.

Therefore, it is difficult for Iwagakure ninjas to organize large-scale battles like the previous few days. Now they mainly rely on harassment battles of small units.

In general, the two sides are deadlocked here.

You ask why Iwagakure doesn't dispatch more ninjas?

It's very simple, there are not so many people.

This time, it's not just their team that launched the attack, but the Konoha ninjas on the entire front line are counterattacking.

Now, Iwagakure faces Konoha's first-line strongholds, and nearly two-thirds of them have been captured by Konoha, and these teams are still advancing and attacking the second line of defense.

Compared with them, these places undoubtedly need more manpower.

If it were just that, it would be fine. There are many ninjas in Iwagakure ninjas, and if they squeeze in, they can still spare some manpower.

But the key is that Konoha's sudden counterattack gave Sand Village and Cloud Village an opportunity and made them ready to move.

The former was in the same battlefield of Rain Country as them and was trying to attack the neighboring Iwagakure stronghold.

As for the latter, although there was some internal chaos due to the death of the Third Raikage, don't forget that the Third Raikage died at the hands of Iwagakure, and their will for revenge was very consistent.

Therefore, the Cloud Shinobi troops were already attacking the border troops of Iwagakure.

In this way, with three fronts fighting, Iwagakure naturally could not draw out extra manpower to deal with them.

Even Han, the strongest, was transferred away.

It can be said that they have stabilized their position and no longer need to consider retreating.


It can be foreseen that they will stay here for a long time.

So Qingming plans to go back to his old business and do his old business.

What is it, you ask?

Of course, it is to secretly capture hostile ninjas and use them as "chakra batteries". 21,000 chakra points a day are not enough for him to practice.

Only with enough external chakra can his strength maintain a high growth rate.

Therefore, it is imperative to capture prisoners.

Qingming looked at the battlefield in the distance and thought that today might be a good opportunity.

As for the location of hiding these prisoners.

He has already found it in the past few days, and now only the personnel are in place.

Thinking of this in his heart, Qingming left the temporary hospital and rushed to the battlefield quietly.


In the dense forest.

On the edge of the battlefield.

Two Iwagakure Chunin worked together to kill a Konoha Chunin, and were about to take a rest and deal with their injuries.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from not far away.

"Who is it?"

One of the Iwagakure Chunin was startled and looked up in the direction of the sound.

However, the next moment, he froze in place and stopped moving.

Seeing this, his companion hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

While speaking, he also looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Qingming at a glance.

The iconic Sharingan, the short sword on his waist, and the small age made him recognize Qingming's identity at the first time, and he screamed, "Ghost Sword Qingming!"

After saying that, he immediately looked away, and at the same time, he was fully aware of his surroundings, especially the blind spots of his vision, which he paid special attention to.

Obviously, as Qingming's number of attacks increased, the Hidden Rock Village had already studied him, and told the ninjas below about his fighting style and fighting habits.

It was for this reason that he inexplicably got the title of "Ghost Sword".

Qingming did not comment on this.

If his tactics were so easy to defend, so many jonin would not have suffered.

Looking at the vigilant Hidden Rock Chunin in front of him, Qingming did not choose to throw kunai or perform ninjutsu, or draw his sword, but directly came in front of him with a 'flash body technique'.

Then, he quickly formed the seven seals of ‘Xin-Chou-Yin-Zi-Wu-Shen-Wei’ with his hands, and performed the ninjutsu – Chakra Scalpel.

The next moment, a faint chakra attached to his right hand, and as he swung his palm, it invaded the opponent’s body.

Although Qingming’s palm did not touch the opponent, it made his right arm lose control.

This is one of the functions of the ‘Chakra Scalpel’, which is to cut off the opponent’s muscles and chakra meridians, causing them to lose control of part of their body.

“Ah! What did you do?”

The Iwagakure Chunin screamed when he found that he could not control his right arm.

However, Qingming completely ignored him, just dodged and came to the other side of his body, and then swung another hand knife.

The Iwagakure Chunin dodged in time and did not let Qingming touch him, but it was useless.

As those chakras invaded his body, part of his body lost control again.

Then, the defensive action also became deformed.

Taking this opportunity, Qingming came in front of him, and at the moment of looking at each other, a hypnotic spell was released, which directly made him fall into a sleeping state.

So far, both Iwagakure Chunin have been knocked down by him.

This is Qingming’s current strength. He has not reached the level of Jonin, and he is not even qualified to be taken seriously.

It is difficult for an ordinary Chunin to make ten moves in his hands.

Unless they were Chunin who were expected to be promoted to Jonin, they would be easily knocked down by him like the two Chunin in front of him.

Qingming glanced at the two and knocked them out with two physical blows.

Then, he used the ‘Chakra Scalpel’ to cut off the muscles and nerve transmission of their limbs, making them completely lose the hope of escape.

After doing this, he formed a seal again and performed the ‘Shadow Clone Technique’ to create a shadow clone.

After ordering him to take the two away, he looked for a new target.

That’s right, he had no intention of stopping here. Now it’s not like before. He can take the opportunity to capture more prisoners.

In this way, he can practice with peace of mind for a period of time.

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