Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 189 Allocation and Planning

Withdrawing his thoughts, Qing Ming began to distribute chakra.

Now, the seven prisoners plus himself can use 62,000 chakra points every day.

Qing Ming thought for a while and decided to use 30,000 points to practice the 'Palm Immortal Technique', so that he could gain 200 points of proficiency every day.

As the main means to improve the 'physical' attribute in the future, Qing Ming will naturally not be stingy about investing in chakra.

The remaining thirty-two thousand chakra points.

Qing Ming planned to spend 15,000 points and distribute them evenly among the 'Fire Release: The Great Fireball Technique', the 'Fire Release: The Dragon Fire Technique', and the 'Wind Release: The Great Breakthrough'.

The former two are to bring them to full level as soon as possible to enhance their actual combat capabilities, while the latter is to take the opportunity to master the changes in the shape and nature of wind attribute chakra.

In this way, whether you are practicing ‘Wind Release: Wind Blade’, developing ‘Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken’, or trying to create ‘Snap Sword Technique’, you will have a good foundation.

Thinking of 'Instant Sword Technique', Qing Ming couldn't help but think of two other sword techniques - 'Shadow Sword Technique' and 'Illusion Sword Technique'.

There are no conditions for the ‘Shadow Sword Technique’ yet, but the ‘Illusion Sword Technique’ is almost there.

Qingming opened the panel and glanced at it. His proficiency in the 'Genjutsu Sharingan' was already over halfway.

In this way, as long as he invests 12,000 chakra points in it every day, he can bring it to the perfect state of lv7 (0/0) within a month.

At that time, he can try to combine it with 'swordsmanship' to create 'phantom swordsmanship'.

"Well, let's do it!"

Qing Ming made up his mind instantly.

In this way, there are only 5,000 chakra points left at his disposal.

Qing meditated for a while and decided to allocate 500 points for the practice of 'swordsmanship' and another 1,500 points for the practice of 'shadow clone technique'.

The former is to cooperate with the creation of 'phantom swordsmanship'.

If by then his proficiency in 'Genjutsu Sharingan' is sufficient but his 'Swordsmanship' level is not enough, then the joke will be too big.

Therefore, the level of ‘swordsmanship’ must be improved.

The latter is laying the foundation for the creation of 'Shadow Sword Art'.

However, when practicing the 'Shadow Clone Technique', you need to pay special attention to the amount of chakra in the body. You can only practice when there is not much chakra in the body, otherwise the loss will be too great.

As for the remaining three thousand points of chakra.

Qingming decided to devote all his energy to the practice of 'Rasengan'. This technique is related to the development of S-level ninjutsu - 'Wind Release: Rasen Shuriken' and cannot be ignored.

At this point, all 62,000 points of chakra have been distributed every day.

Next is the timing.

He couldn't stay here to practice all the time, just use a shadow clone to fool him at the stronghold.

You know, this stronghold is the territory of Iwagakure Village.

Even if the other party has no support for the time being, it is impossible for them to stay here with peace of mind, so there is a high probability that they will harass them as frequently as in the past week.

As a jounin, he must participate in the battle.

Now that he has gained a certain reputation, the enemy will definitely not let some miscellaneous fish deal with him, and the one who takes action will definitely be a Jonin.

In this way, if you use the shadow clone to fight, you will most likely be exposed.

Qing Ming didn't want to be questioned by the village afterwards, so he had no choice but to appear in person.

In addition, he also wanted to use the enemy's hands to hone his 'sword skills', so he couldn't miss it.

In this way, you need to plan carefully when to practice which skills.

Time passes minute by minute.

Qing Ming sat cross-legged and carefully thought about the next practice plan.

After a long time, he finally came to his senses and already had a plan in his mind.

First of all, Qingming decided to put the 'Genjutsu Sharingan' and 'Rasengan', as well as the 'Shadow Clone Technique', these three skills that will not cause too much noise and do not take too much time, in a secret base Practice here.

As for the more dynamic ninjutsu, such as 'Fire Release: Go Fireball Jutsu' and 'Fire Release: Dragon Fire Jutsu', as well as 'Wind Release: Great Breakthrough', he planned to practice at the stronghold.

Anyway, these three skills only consume a total of fifteen thousand points of chakra. The chakra he has recovered is only enough to support him, so there is no need to worry about insufficient chakra.

As for ‘swordsmanship’.

This is a skill that takes a lot of time to practice, and it is also very noisy, so it can only be practiced at the stronghold or on the battlefield.

Fortunately, it doesn't require much chakra, and there is no problem whether it absorbs the chakra from those captives or supplies it by itself.

So, don’t think too much about it.

The only thing that is more troublesome is the 'Palm Immortal Technique'.

Although this technique won't cause any big noise when practiced, it consumes too much chakra and requires a lot of time.

Of course, if he were just to improve his proficiency in the 'Palm Immortal Technique', it would definitely not take long. He could complete it in the secret base.

But the problem is that Qing Ming needs to use the Yang Escape Chakra it condenses to strengthen his body, and it will definitely not be released just after it is used.

According to previous experience, each strengthening session takes about three minutes.

Two hundred times, that's six hundred minutes, a full ten hours.

In this way, including the time spent practicing other skills, the time spent in the secret base is definitely not enough.

This means that he can only practice this technique at the stronghold.

However, practicing this technique requires a large amount of chakra, and the 27,000 points of chakra he recovers every day is definitely not enough.

But at the same time, he couldn't go to the secret base from time to time to replenish chakra.

This would inevitably increase the risk of the secret base being exposed.

This was something Qingming could never accept.

In this way, this practice could only be divided into two parts, one of which was carried out in the secret base.

During this period, Qingming needed to compress his sleep time as much as possible.

Only in this way could he have enough time to practice.

As for the other part, it was naturally practiced at the base.

At present, the amount of chakra he could recover every day was 27,000 points.

In addition to the chakra used in the 'Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique' and 'Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique', as well as the 'Wind Style: Great Breakthrough' and 'Swordsmanship', there were still more than 11,000 points left.

And this was enough to share some of the pressure for him.

In this way, the practice time of the 'Palm Immortal Technique' could be divided into two parts, one at the secret base and the other at the base.


Qingming let out a long breath, reviewed the practice plan, and after confirming that there was no problem, he began to practice according to the plan.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

That evening, Qingming led the team to complete the routine patrol and returned to the base.

After confirming that he had nothing to do, he separated a shadow clone to stay behind, and he went to the secret base.

In the past week, he took the opportunity to secretly capture two Iwagakure Chunin, who could provide him with an additional 10,000 chakra points.

All these chakras were put into the practice of "Palm Immortal Technique", and the sleep time in the secret base was compressed again.

In the end, he successfully completed the promotion more than a day in advance.

Now, his proficiency has risen from lv4 (350/2000) to lv5 (20/5000).

At this time, Qingming can clearly feel the evolution of his physique when he uses this technique to condense Yang escape chakra to strengthen his body.

Qingming estimates that in about half a month, his physique should usher in a transformation.

At that time, both the chakra upper limit and the chakra recovery speed will be improved simultaneously.

Qingming was looking forward to the arrival of this day. He walked into the base and checked the status of the nine prisoners. After confirming that there was no problem, he began to practice step by step.

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