More than ten minutes later.

Qingming rushed to another battlefield.

Before he approached, he found a lone Iwagakure Genin.

Qingming's eyes lit up and he was about to approach, but suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly opened his Sharingan and scanned the surroundings.

However, the expected ambush was not found, and the opponent seemed to be just alone.

"Am I overthinking?"

Qingming was puzzled and decided to observe for a while.

Soon, two minutes passed.

Qingming still found nothing, and the Iwagakure Genin below was still moving forward, apparently intending to catch up with the main force.

After thinking about it, Qingming no longer hesitated, formed a "Wei" seal with his hands, and appeared directly behind the opponent with a "flash body technique".


A hand knife fell, and the opponent fell directly to the ground.

Qingming stood in place, vigilantly scanning the surroundings.

One second, two seconds, three seconds

After a full minute, nothing happened, and Qingming finally confirmed that this was really just a lone rock ninja, not a bait.

"I have been fighting wits and courage with the air."

Shaking his head, Qingming no longer thought about it, grabbed the rock ninja on the ground, jumped into the woods, and came to a more hidden place.


Qingming shot left and right, and soon woke up the rock ninja on the ground.

Then, before he was completely awake, he cast the "Genjutsu Sharingan" to guide him to recall the information he needed.

A few minutes later, Qingming learned the other party's name-Ishiki Ichiro.

The reason why the other party was alone was that he accidentally fell into a cloud ninja's illusion during the previous battle and fell into a corner.

Because his teammates had died long ago and no one cared about him, he didn't wake up until not long ago.

So, he was alone.

After figuring this out, Qingming was speechless.

Sometimes things are so simple, but people think too complicated.

However, Qingming did not feel embarrassed at all.

Even if he encountered this situation again next time, he would still do it. After all, compared with wasting a little time, his own life is more important.

Who can guarantee that this is not a trap next time?

Therefore, when it is time to be cautious, there must be no slackness.


Qingming looked at Ishiki Ichiro who was still immersed in the illusion, and felt that the other party's identity and experience were good, and perhaps he could save him a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this in his heart, Qingming quickly completed the seal with both hands, and then pressed on his head, performing the "Chakra Absorption Technique".

This time he was not like treating those rock ninja wounded, and he had to be careful, for fear that the other party would notice the abnormality.

This time, Qingming directly used all his strength to activate the "Chakra Absorption Technique", and it took less than two seconds to drain the other party's chakra.

After all, he was just a Genin, and there was not much chakra in his body.

However, Qingming did not stop. He continued to extract the opponent's spiritual and physical energy, converting it into chakra and absorbing it into his body.

Two seconds later, Qingming loosened his hand.

At this time, Ishiki Ichiro was dying and could no longer squeeze out any chakra.


Qingming twisted the opponent's neck, then formed a seal and performed the "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique", burning the opponent's body.

Then, he performed the "Transformation Technique" and turned into the opponent's appearance, and continued to walk forward along his original path.

Along the way, he saw a lot of corpses, some of the Cloud Ninja and some of the Rock Ninja, but he didn't see any wounded.

The Cloud Ninja was fine, even if there were wounded, they were either taken away by their companions or killed by the Rock Ninja, and it was basically unlikely that they would stay.

But the Rock Ninja was different. This was their home ground. There was no reason why there were no wounded!

Qingming was confused and stopped walking. He looked at the jungle on one side and his ears moved slightly.

Faintly, he seemed to hear a painful groan. He had heard this sound all day yesterday and it was very familiar.

Without any hesitation, Qingming walked straight towards the direction where the sound came from.

However, before he walked far, a kunai flew over and nailed to the big tree in front of him.

Qingming looked in the direction where the kunai came from, and saw a Rock Hidden Ninja standing on a tree branch, looking down at him.

"Name? Team number? Why are you here?"

The cold voice came out of the other party's mouth, as if he would be sent to the west if he answered one word wrong.

Seeing this, Qingming lowered his head quickly, pretending to be terrified, and replied: "My name is Ishiki Ichiro, and I belong to the E379 team.

Just now in the battle, I accidentally fell into an illusion. When I woke up, there was no one around me. Now I am rushing to the battlefield.

Why are you here?"

Qingming glanced at the other party carefully, and at the same time glanced at several other places with his peripheral vision, and then continued: "I just heard a sound here, so I thought of coming to see."

After listening to his narration, the Iwagakure ninja in front of him did not speak, as if judging the truth of his words.

After a long while, he said coldly: "You have nothing to do here, Ishiki Ichiro, I order you as a ninja to rush to the battlefield immediately without delay, do you hear clearly?"

"Yes, yes!"

Qingming hurriedly responded and turned to leave.

But at this moment, the Iwagakure jonin suddenly called him: "Wait a minute, you."

However, before he finished speaking, Qingming had already opened the three-magatama Sharingan.

Even though the Iwagakure jonin was very alert, he did not expect that Qingming actually had the Sharingan.

So, at the moment of eye contact, he was hypnotized by Qingming.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough for Qingming to attack.

Swish, swish, swish~

Three shurikens flew out of his hand.

Realizing the danger, the Iwagakure jonin broke free from the hypnosis, but he only blocked one shuriken.

The other two, one nailed to his left arm and the other nailed to his right leg, limiting his ability to seal and escape.

Taking this opportunity, Qingming performed the "flash body technique" and approached the opponent at a very fast speed. On the way, he had already held the dagger in his hand.

And the next moment he left, several kunai were inserted into the place where he was standing.

Obviously, the opponent was not the only one.

But it was useless.

Because the strongest one of the opponents was already close to him, as long as he was dealt with, the others would not be a concern.

Qingming had sensed the auras of the other people while talking before, and they were at most at the level of Chunin, and posed no threat to him at all.

Even the strongest Rock Ninja in front of him was probably just a special Jonin. Generally speaking, the risk was controllable, so he took action.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and the level 5 "swordsmanship" was displayed by him, and combined with the three-magatama Sharingan, he once again showed the effect of appearing and disappearing like a ghost.

In just a blink of an eye, Qingming left a deep scar on the disabled Rock Ninja Jonin.

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