Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 142 Great Harvest

"team leader!"

Seeing that Iwagakure Jonin was almost pierced through the heart by Qingming's sword, several Iwagakure Chuunin immediately screamed and jumped out to prepare to join forces to deal with Qingming.

However, Qingming knocked down the Iwagakure chuunin who jumped out first with just one look.

Then, before he could wake up from the hypnosis, a shuriken flew past.

The shuriken drew a graceful arc in the air, and was finally accurately inserted into his lower abdomen, causing him to lose his fighting power without losing his life.

At this time, the other two Iwagakure chuunin were shocked and stopped in their tracks.

"Be careful not to look at him!"

At this time, the Iwagakure jounin spoke.


Hearing this, Qing Ming chuckled twice and launched another attack.

Ding Dang Dang~

The crisp sound of metal collision sounded one after another.

Qing Ming fought one against three, not losing at all.

No, to be more precise, he was completely suppressing the three of them.

Just two ordinary chuunin, plus a special jounin who was seriously injured, really couldn't make Qingming feel any pressure.

If it wasn't necessary to avoid vital points and save their lives, Qing Ming would have ended the battle long ago.

However, it's time to end.

Qing Ming glanced deeper into the jungle from the corner of his eye.

There, you could vaguely see some bandaged figures approaching, and behind them, there were more figures struggling to get up.

Obviously, the moans he heard before were caused by these wounded people.

The Iwagakure jounin in front of him and the three Iwagakure chunin were all bodyguards.

In order to avoid accidents, Qing Ming decided to reveal a trump card and end the battle as soon as possible.


Another exchange of kunai and daggers.

Qingming looked at the Iwagakure jounin who was very close, and suddenly raised his left hand. In his shocked eyes, he completed the seal with one hand.

‘Fire Release·Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique~’

Qing Ming opened his mouth and spit out dozens of flames that looked like impatiens seeds.

The distance was too close. Even if Iwagakure Jonin realized something was wrong and stepped back, he still could not completely avoid it.

Two balls of flame hit his legs accurately, and the scorching heat hit him, causing him to lose his ability to move instantly.

Not only him, but the other two Iwagakure chunin also did not escape, being forced into a dead corner by Qingming's control of dozens of flames.

Phew~ Phew~

Two shurikens flew out and were accurately inserted into their lower abdomens. They also did not kill them, but they made them lose their fighting power.

At this time, the footsteps of the wounded in the forest were getting closer.

Qing Ming didn't hesitate at all, immediately crossed his hands and performed the 'Shadow Clone Technique', and his figure instantly transformed into six.

Qing Ming looked at the latest four shadow clones and said, "Leave it to you."


The shadow clones nodded and rushed towards the forest.

With their strength, it was more than enough to deal with the wounded.


Ten minutes later.

The battle is over.

All the prisoners were knocked unconscious and gathered together.

Qing Ming looked at the rock ninja lying on the ground, and the joy on his face could no longer be concealed.

"Sure enough, we've come to the right place."

With a murmur, Qing Ming began to count the number of people.

After taking stock, the joy on his face became even brighter.

Without him, there were a total of thirty-four prisoners in the field, which was the most he had captured in a single time.

Among these thirty-four people, there was one jounin, twenty-seven chunin, and only six genin.

According to his past experience, if he squeezes the opponent regardless of his life, a genin can allow him to obtain about 3,000 points of chakra, a chunin can get about 6,000 to 10,000 points, and a jounin can generally get more than 15,000 points.

Although most of these people are wounded and their bodies are certainly not particularly full of chakra, the sum total is not a small number.

Qing Ming did a little calculation and found that if these thirty-four people were drained, he could get about 200,000 points of chakra.

If all this chakra is used in the practice of the 'Reflecting Heart Technique', he can gain one thousand two hundred and fifty points of proficiency.

Correspondingly, the Sharingan's evolution level will also increase by one thousand two hundred and fifty points.

There is no doubt that this is a huge improvement.

However, Qing Ming could not do this.

Without him, there is not enough time.

After casting the 'Reflecting Heart Technique' once, the effect will last for about a minute. Only after the special chakra in his brain disappears can he cast it a second time.

One thousand two hundred and fifty times, that is a full twenty hours. It is obviously impossible for him to stay here for twenty hours.

As for how long we can stay?

Qingming went straight to the Iwagakure jounin who had fought with him not long ago.

Bang bang~

Two slaps woke it up.

Then, he used the 'genjutsu Sharingan' to guide him to recall relevant information.

Qing Ming got the answer very quickly, within three hours at most.

In three hours, someone would come to pick up the wounded, and he had to leave before then.

In other words, he only has three hours at most to practice the 'Art of Reflecting the Heart'.

And this can only digest less than 30,000 points of chakra.

Of course, Qing Ming also thought about using shadow clones to speed up.

But it didn't work at all.

The 'Reflecting Heart Technique' directly stimulates the brain to create a special chakra, thereby promoting the evolution of the Sharingan.

Although the shadow clone is a physical clone, it cannot complete this step, so it is useless to cast it.

At this moment, Qingming regretted that he had not learned a sealing technique similar to the 'Yin Seal' that can store chakra!

However, regret is useless, and now he can only make do with it.

Although the shadow clones cannot assist him in practicing the 'Reflection of the Heart Technique', other ninjutsu are still possible, but the efficiency is a little low.

Proficiency is ultimately the understanding of ninjutsu. These shadow clones do not have the blessing of the proficiency panel. Although they will encounter bottlenecks during the practice, they can still summarize experience.

As long as he summarizes these experiences in time and turns them into proficiency, and then uses the shadow clones to refresh, he can ignore the existence of bottlenecks to a certain extent.

This is the solution he came up with after discovering that the shadow clones did not have a proficiency panel.

However, there was no need to do this before because chakra was not abundant.

Now, the situation is special, and he can just try it out.

Qingming summoned four shadow clones and asked them to divide into two groups to practice the 'Genjutsu Sharingan' and the 'Rasengan' respectively.

And he himself practiced the 'Reflection of the Heart Technique'.

As for the last shadow clone, his mission is to be on guard.

Although Qingming has dug out information from the head of the Iwagakure jonin, the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and no one knows what will happen in the next second. What if the Iwagakure jonin responsible for picking up the wounded has already arrived?

He can't be completely unprepared, right?

Therefore, it is still necessary to be on guard.

Everything is ready, Qingming no longer wastes time, and immediately performs the "Chakra Absorption Technique" to extract chakra from the body of the Iwagakure jonin in front of him.

After the chakra is replenished, he quickly enters the state of practice.

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