Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 140 Split into Two


Another loud shout came from the cloud ninja.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third courses

It was seen that the Kumo ninja did not stop after the Third Raikage rushed out, and immediately followed the Iwa ninja who rushed forward.

For a moment, the sound of killing was loud in the field.

Qing Ming looked at these people, thought for a while, and leaned forward.

It's not that he wants to do anything, but it makes it easier for him to adapt to changes.

However, before he had gone far, he saw an equally sneaky figure, wearing a black robe and a mask, who was obviously an ANBU ninja.


Qing Ming glanced at the other person's mask. There was no mark on it. He didn't know whether he was a spy of that force?

And just when Qing Ming was observing the other party, he seemed to notice something. He suddenly turned his head and looked towards him, and then stopped in his steps.

Obviously, he also discovered Qing Ming.

Just when Qing Ming was thinking about whether to open his Sharingan and use his hypnotic ability to keep the other party, he saw him perform a 'Blinking Body Technique' and disappear from where he was.

Seeing the opponent's figure retreating rapidly, Qing Ming did not choose to pursue him, although he should be able to catch up with him if he used all his strength.

But in that case, his whereabouts will inevitably be exposed. Compared with the many Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja in front, just one person is not worth his risk.

After a short pause, Qing Ming continued to move forward. When he came to a place not far or near, he hid again.


In a flash, two hours passed.

This time, even though the Third Raikage was still charging forward, the other Kumo ninjas tried their best to resist, but they were unable to tear apart the Iwa ninja's formation a second time.

After two full hours, the cloud ninjas had only advanced less than one kilometer.

At this time, they were still surrounded by Yun Ninja.

Moreover, as time goes by, more and more Iwa ninjas gather here, and their pressure becomes increasing.

The Third Raikage instantly fought off several Iwagakure Jonin, jumped into the air, and looked around.

He saw that the densely packed rock ninjas were constantly coming here like a tide, while the cloud ninjas around him were like a dam, being continuously washed away and in danger of capsizing at any time.

The Third Raikage understood that he lost this confrontation.


The Third Raikage glanced at his subordinates who were fighting desperately, and said secretly: "These people must not all die here!"

You must know that these people are the elites of Yunyin Village. Once they are all captured, Yunyin Village will definitely be severely damaged.

After only hesitating for a few seconds, the Third Raikage made up his mind, and then his eyes changed, and he instantly activated the 'Thunder Chakra Mode' to its limit.

Along with a crackling sound, substantial thunder and lightning appeared on his body surface, like a thick armor, giving him all-round protection.

The Third Raikage didn't waste any time, and immediately jumped out of the Kumo ninja's team for the second time, rushed into the dense Iwa ninja army, and started a crazy killing spree.

In a short period of time, dozens of Iwa ninja died under his hands.

As a last resort, Iwa Ninja could only mobilize more men to besiege the Third Raikage.

Correspondingly, the pressure on the large Kumo ninja force was much less.

Then, they began to move slowly towards the border.

On the contrary, the Third Raikage had no intention of breaking out. He was just killing like crazy, attracting more and more Iwa Ninjas to come and besiege them.

So, within a short time, the battlefield was divided into two parts.

One part is where the Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja forces battle, while the other part is where the Third Raikage and a group of Iwa Ninja fight.

As time passed by, the distance between the two battlefields became farther and farther.

Because the Third Raikage attracted a large number of Iwa ninjas, the Kumo ninja army was almost on the verge of breaking through the encirclement.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded in the mind of the Third Raikage: "Sir, Third Generation, it's enough, you can break out."

However, upon hearing this, the Third Raikage did not obey.

He first glanced at his subordinates from a distance, then glanced at the many rock ninjas surrounding him, and then replied in his heart: "Heath, let's go!"

"What? Mr. Third, what do you mean?"

Heath's anxious voice echoed in the mind of the Third Raikage.


The Third Raikage shouted, stopped Heath's words, then sighed softly and said: "Heath, we lost!"

"I know, my lord, but we can start over," Heath replied.


The Third Raikage interrupted her and whispered: "If we lose, we have to pay the price, either you or me."


Heath was silent.

"Haven't you seen it yet?"

The Third Raikage continued: "Once I also break through, Iwagakure Village will immediately mobilize all its people to surround you. This is what I don't want to see."


"Nothing but."

Heath wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by the Third Raikage.

"Heath, you are the future of Yunyin Village. Protect yourselves and don't let my sacrifice become worthless."

The Third Raikage said these last words, and expelled a ray of Heath's mental power from the body.

Qing Ming saw with his own eyes that there was a slight pause on the side of the Yun Ninja army, but they soon continued to break through and advance faster and faster.

At this point, Qing Ming is basically certain that the 'plot' will develop roughly as he remembered it in his previous life.

Although he didn't know what the Third Raikage and his subordinates had discussed, there was no doubt that they were planning to leave alone.

No, leaving alone was not quite accurate.

After all, he was alone, and even if he was very strong, it would be difficult for him to stop thousands of Rock Ninjas.

If the Rock Village hadn't chosen to leave him between him and the Cloud Ninjas, he wouldn't have had the chance to leave alone.

So, rather than leaving alone, it was better to say that he was exchanging lives for lives - the Third Raikage, with the tacit consent of the Rock Village, used his life to exchange for the chance for other Cloud Ninjas to escape.

Of course, the Rock Village would not let those Cloud Ninjas go easily, and would definitely send out some of their men to chase them down.

And Qingming now had to consider whether to stay here or keep up with the Cloud Ninjas.

After just half a second of thinking, Qingming made a decision. He crossed his hands and performed the 'Shadow Clone Technique' to create a shadow clone.

Qingming looked at the shadow clone. Although he knew that the other party had understood what he wanted him to do, he still habitually asked: "I'll leave this to you next."


The shadow clone simply responded, indicating that he understood.

With the shadow clone to finish the mission, Qingming did not waste any more time and immediately chased in the direction where the Cloud Ninja fled.

Yes, he finally chose another battlefield.

On the one hand, it was more chaotic over there, leaving him more opportunities to fish in troubled waters.

On the other hand, he was afraid that if he continued to stay here, he would be picked up by the Hidden Rock Village and killed along the way.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, in order to prevent the Third Raikage from breaking through, the Hidden Rock Village will definitely try to seal this place.

By then, spies like them who are not willing to see the light will also be trapped.

So, for his own safety, he chose to leave.

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