My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3289: Split inside!

An Tianhou couldn't tolerate anyone's betrayal. Now An Han's betrayal is like the betrayal of a close relative to him. This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate. Therefore, he stopped dealing with Tang Ye, and went straight to kill An Han.

This can be said to be an unexpected attack. An Tianhou was originally trying his best to deal with Tang Ye, but after learning of An Han's incident, he had a killing intent on An Han before saying a few words, and then he went directly to attack An Han. Such an attack was rapid, and he never expected that An Tianhou would have murderous intentions on his sister who claimed to be a close relative so soon.

At this time An Han was originally blocking the other new human races, but he didn't expect An Tianhou to come over to kill her suddenly, which was really shocked. However, she also responded in time. In terms of self-protection, An Han has a great advantage, and that is her powerful ability-Frozen.

However, An Tianhou's strength was much stronger than that of their new ten masters, so An Han didn't dare to neglect, and directly used the strongest strength. She immediately released the ice, causing the area to freeze, and it still formed very thick ice. This freezing spread, everything in the range was affected, and the speed was greatly reduced. Even if they are not strong enough to break into this frozen area, they will be restrained and cannot move at all.

Seeing An Han using his freezing power to stop him, An Tianhou gave a cold snort, disdainfully, and said, "An Han, do you want to stop me with your strength?"

At this time, An Tianhou intends to kill An Han directly, even if he can't kill An Han, he will seriously treat An Han. It was like, he had eaten too much in Tang Ye, so he wanted to get everything back from An Han. He won't let himself be so wretched. He was the strongest person himself, and people who were only under the strength of Emperor Void and Emperor Galaxy should be easy to deal with everyone, but in Tang Ye's place, he was crippled and embarrassed, and indeed looked very embarrassed. He really couldn't bear such a thing, so at this time, for the betrayal An Han, he just wanted to kill him directly, so that people could see his strength, otherwise he would think he was a weak person, of course he was not like that!

However, what An Tianhou never expected was that after he entered An Han's freezing range, he found that his speed dropped significantly. And this situation is enough for An Han to retreat and avoid. Then, the attack he swept past would not kill An Han, or even severely wound him.

An Tianhou does not believe in such a thing! He felt that with his own strength, in the face of An Han's strength, how could he be stopped by a strength that could not even enter the top five in the top ten hands of the new human race? He suddenly exerted his force to break through An Han's freezing limit. As a result, although his speed has increased, it is still greatly restricted, not as fast as imagined.

"This, what's going on?" An Tianhou believed in his own strength, things shouldn't be like this. Although he suffered some injuries in the battle with Tang Ye just now, it still did not affect his performance of strength. So, now he is so limited by An Han's freezing, there is only one reason, and he has already noticed that, that is An Han's strength, which is stronger than they knew!

An Tianhou immediately felt it and found that, sure enough, An Han's power was much stronger than usual. According to this strength, An Han can be ranked in the top three of the top ten masters, or even first. This kind of strength is indeed very terrifying under freezing with full force. Even safe weather will be affected. Just like when Lowe launched the invincible state, Antianhou couldn't help it.

"An Han, have you been hiding your strength all the time?!" An Tianhou discovered An Han's true strength, and watched An Han scream out. He was even more angry. He didn't expect An Han to cheat them all the time. It seemed that An Han had betrayed a long time ago.

An Han has retreated to a safe position, looked at An Tianhou coldly, and said: "If it weren't, how could I secretly help so many people from the suffering tribe? Be the number one, you won't be ignored."

"You..." An Tianhou was even more angry with An Han, and shouted in a low voice: "It seems that you have betrayed, **** it, I didn't find it. Did you join forces with Tang Ye in the morning? You damned traitor!"

An Han didn’t regret his choice, and snorted coldly, “If you think I’m betrayal, so be it. I don’t want to explain it anymore. In any case, my determination will not change. Now the newcomer you lead Clan is deformed and distorted. I will prevent such things!"

"Just rely on you?" An Tianhou thought An Han was ridiculous. Even if he was stronger, it would not be easy to stop him.

An Han followed with a sneer and said, "I don't have to be so clear because I don't need to be so clear. With the current situation, do you think I have no chance of success?"

"You..." An Tianhou looked back at Tang Ye, furious. He knew that An Han meant that Tang Ye was now taking action. And he couldn't deal with Tang Ye, on this point, An Han could indeed succeed.

"What are you doing coldly, kill her for me!" An Tianhou looked at the other new human races and drank angrily. He thinks that he is like a joke now, or that the new human race is a joke now. They prided themselves on being powerful, but they lost to Tang Ye, an old human race. They are small in number and pride themselves on being united, but now a powerful and high-ranking person like An Han has betrayed. Not only that, An Han also secretly contacted many new human races, and they were all involved in the betrayal.

It can not be said that he participated in the betrayal, but did not agree with An Tianhou and the behavior of the new human races, and wanted a normal living environment.

Under An Tianhou's low drink, those new human races who were going to kill the old human race started to act again and attacked An Han in the past. At this time, An Han was no longer alone. Many new human races stood behind An Han, saying that they supported An Han, and they were with An Han.

Therefore, at this time, the new human race had not yet resolved the old human race, and internal fighting broke out on his side. This situation is really shocking to other people watching the excitement. The number of new humans was originally small, and it was not difficult to manage, but when such a situation happened, it must be said that there were many problems.

As a result, An Tianhou, as the patriarch, was naturally very embarrassed. At this time, his face was so angry that he became pig liver.

And at this time, Tang Ye came over and watched An Tianhou jokingly and said, "Actually, you don’t have to be angry or feel bad about your face. You don’t have to worry about it, because today you will die. Since you are about to die, why bother? I care so much."

"You...Tang Ye, okay, today I will die with you!" An Tianhou drank viciously, finally got rid of An Han's freezing range, and rushed to attack Tang Ye.

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