My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3234: betray!

An Han was originally an opponent of An Tianhou. One of the biggest is to let her mother as a gestation tool. She absolutely cannot tolerate such a thing. For so many years, she has been trying to correct this matter, but this matter has been recognized by most people in the clan. She felt that this was simply a distortion of the entire tribe. Therefore, at this time, even if many members of the tribe were killed by Tang Ye, she didn't feel anything.

Even thinking about the past crimes of those people, she felt that the fate of these people was deserved. But now, she very much agrees with what Tang Ye said, the human race shouldn't distinguish between the old human race and the new human race. Human race is human race, a complete and united tribe. She hopes to go back to that time, no matter the old or new, the human race will get along harmoniously.

But if you want to do such a thing, you must defeat An Tianhou. Because An Tianhou is very paranoid, as long as he is alive, he will not allow such things to happen. The current distortion in the tribe is largely due to An Tianhou. Although she is An Tianhou's younger sister, she and An Tianhou have no sibling relationship at all.

It should be said that few people in the new human race can have such feelings. Because under Antianhou's policy of pregnancy, there is no complete family. Men and women will not stay together steadily. In order to get a better blood, to breed more people, it is usually reused and used according to the best. A woman may conceive several men. All in all, in this regard, the entire new human race has become very distorted.

Therefore, An Han couldn't bear it. She felt that the blue star under the rule of the new human race was simply a place that twisted evil. As a woman, she didn't even want to stay here for a moment. However, in order to correct and change the situation in the new human race, she has been lurking and working hard. It is a pity that even though she secretly organized a group of people, she still wants to deal with An Tianhou and them too far.

However, now, this kind of thing may be done through Tang Ye!

After getting in touch with Tang Ye, An Han's initial thoughts were just that Tang Ye was a force that could be wooed. Regardless of Tang Ye's strength, as long as he can become a partner. At that time, she had never thought about how powerful Tang Ye an old human race could be. But she never expected that Tang Ye had the strongest strength.

Until before, Tang Ye brought the old human race here, and An Han didn't completely believe in Tang Ye. This is not to blame her, because as long as it is any reasonable person, I am afraid that Tang Ye will not be the opponent of the new human race. Therefore, at that time, An Han was even a little angry that Tang Ye did this and disrupted her plan. However, after the strength Tang Ye showed just now, she was convinced that Tang Ye would win.

For this she determined what she would do next. That is to start resisting An Tianhou and correct the mistakes of the new human race. Of course, she wanted to resist An Tianhou, not the idea she had at this time. She had been thinking just now, looking for a chance to rescue Tang Ye, if Tang Ye fell into a dangerous situation. Because she felt that Tang Ye's current strength would be her great helper, and she didn't want Tang Ye to die in vain. Of course, he didn't stand up with Tang Ye at first. Now that Tang Ye showed strong enough power, she stood up, a little bit as if she was trying to gain momentum. However, at this time, her best course is to stand up. She is not afraid of what others say about her, because she has only one purpose, which is to correct the mistakes of the new human race.

"An Han, what do you mean?!" Now An Tianhou is going to block Tang Ye, the masters of other new human races want to take advantage of this time to kill those old human races. Because Tang Ye killed a lot of new human races, An Tianhou wanted to retaliate severely. However, he never expected that at this time, An Han, who is also one of the top ten masters of the new human race, would come out and stop them.

An Han looked at the new Terran master in front of him and snorted coldly: "It's nothing, it's just to prevent you from killing the old Terran... No, it is to prevent you from killing the Terran and your own people. They have not committed any crimes. , Why kill them? So, I don’t allow this."

"You, what did you say?" A new human master who was blocked didn't understand what An Han meant. Tribe? Does she regard the old human race as her own tribe?

One of the top ten masters of the new human race who had a good relationship with Lowe was very angry at An Han's behavior and shouted sharply, "An Han, are you betraying our new human race?"

An Han never felt that this was a betrayal. Even if it was, she thought it was right to do so, and said coldly to the new human race: "Do you think it is a betrayal? I don't think so. The current new human race is deformed. No. It should be said that the moment when the new human race decided to kill the old human race to ensure the so-called pure bloodline, it was deformed."

As he said, An Han looked at the other new human races, scanned them again, and said coldly: "You all calm down and think about what the new human race has done over the years, is it correct? Huh, how many things the new human race has done? Don’t you know? Do you think this is for the power of the tribe? To pass on the power of the tribe? Funny! If any tribe does that, it will be regarded as evil. If it weren’t for the great struggle between Emperor Galaxy and Emperor Void over the years No one cares about these things. Do you think that what you do can stand up?"

"You..." The new human race who murmured at An Han's anger, unexpectedly An Han would accuse them so. You know, An Han is the sister of the bloodline closest to the patriarch An Tianhou. Because, although only one of An Han’s ability has been discovered, some people have slowly realized it. An Han can vaguely emit another ability, and this ability is very similar to that of An Tianhou. That is space power!

They thought that a person so close to An Tianhou must have strongly supported their actions. But now, An Han is opposed to them.

An Tianhou, who was fighting with Tang Ye on the other side, became more and more strenuous, and finally separated from Tang Ye. When he wanted to find a chance to stop Tang Ye again, he noticed that An Han was blocking their new human race on the other side. Go and kill those old people. Then he heard An Han's words, and he was furious, wishing to kill An Han.

Betrayed at this time? Or the sister you think is the closest?

An Tianhou's betrayal of this kind, or the betrayal of such a close blood, is especially intolerable. He looked at An Han and shouted sharply, "An Han, you betrayed me? Betrayed our tribe? You are looking for death!"

At this time An Tianhou was extremely angry. No matter what An Han had to do with him, he couldn't tolerate this kind of thing now, so he rushed over to kill An Han.

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