My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3290: It's easy!

Tang Ye didn't want to spend so much time dealing with Antianhou now. Now he felt that the blow to the new human race was enough, and everyone knew about the problems within the new human race and his usual style. He believes that, in fact, many people don't say it, but in fact they are also dissatisfied with the new human race. After all, the new human race's external behavior is mostly violent and cruel. If it hadn't been for their strength, they would have been solved long ago.

Therefore, now that Tang Ye wants to solve the new human race, not many people will sympathize with the new human race. Those who came to watch today are just witnessing a fact. In fact, things like this kind of race's survival have long been taken off by them. Because in this world, with great strength, it is common to want to launch a battle against a race and destroy that race.

Since there is no need to bother to create other atmospheres, Tang Ye no longer consumes Antianhou slowly. At this time, facing An Tianhou's angry attack, he no longer retained his strength, and used enough strength to kill An Tianhou, no longer a burning flame erupting all over his body, but releasing the power of the dead. The power of the necromancer was extremely strong. Although it was not a flaming flame, it was also like a burning flame, but it turned black.

"Okay, Antianhou, I won't play with you slowly. Now I let you know that the power of my real cultivation is the power of the dead. Now, I will use my real power to kill you. "After Tang Ye released the power of the dead spirits from his body, his aura completely changed. There was a kind of mystery and darkness, and a kind of weirdness and fear. In this way, he became unique and terrifying, like the king of darkness, not these people right now. , Even if it is safe weather, it can be compared.

At this time, Tang Ye gave people the feeling that he was at least a character like Emperor Xinghe and Emperor Void.

"You..." An Tianhou was rushing towards Tang Ye at this time. After Tang Ye released these terrifying dark powers, he was suddenly surprised and stopped rushing to attack Tang Ye. Because he felt that Tang Ye at this time was too scary, he felt that he couldn't deal with it in his heart.

But he didn't understand why Tang Ye would be like this. This necromantic power is the real power of Tang Ye's cultivation? However, the flame power that Tang Ye released just now was also very powerful, comparable to his power, and even stronger than his power. As a result, this flame power was not the power that Tang Ye cultivated? So, since you are not practicing the power of flame elements, why can you emit such terrible flame power? This is too unreasonable!

Who the **** is this guy!

An Tianhou felt that Tang Ye was abnormal and unreasonable. Otherwise, how could such a thing be possible?

It is not easy for a cultivator to cultivate one power to a strong level, and he wants to cultivate a second power to such a strong level. No such person has ever existed! Of course, it can be said that there is such a person now, it is Tang Ye. But of course An Tianhou didn't want to admit it. Otherwise, he felt that even if he possessed two natural abilities, he was far worse than Tang Ye?

"I don't believe it!" An Tianhou didn't want to believe the power Tang Ye showed at this time, and didn't want to admit it. He drank out loud and quickly rushed in front of Tang Ye, blasting Tang Ye with a punch. And his punch is different from other attacks. Because he was sent out together with space power, which is very terrifying!

Because an attack that combines space power, if it is hit, it is like a space squeeze, and the power is extremely terrifying, as if it may only touch a little body, a large part of the body will be twisted and twisted. broken!

And using the power of two abilities at the same time is a huge drain for An Tianhou, and it may not take long for him to run out of power. However, he didn't care, because now he only wanted to kill Tang Ye, killing Tang Ye quickly. Only by killing Tang Ye would he be relieved.

However, he couldn't kill Tang Ye. Because Tang Ye's strength is not something he can shake. Even if his attack at this time is a combination of space power, Tang Ye's strength is much stronger than him. In the face of the absolute strength gap, skills such as these become meaningless. Therefore, when An Tianhou's fist hit Tang Ye, the necromantic power around Tang Ye's body helped offset it. The power of the strangulation in that space did play a role, but the impact of the strangulation force was offset by those flame-like necromantic powers, and it could not hurt Tang Ye at all.

"Wh, what?" An Tianhou did not expect that his power, which was almost the ultimate means, would become so unbearable when it hit Tang Ye, as if it had become limp, offset by Tang Ye's little external force. Now, this is too ridiculous!

An Tianhou didn't believe in such a thing, and continued to attack Tang Ye, punch after punch. Every punch has the power to strangle it, just like the space where the fist hits. If you can’t stop this twisting force, it will definitely be shredded by the distortion of the space, whether it’s the flesh or bones, the force of space strangulation is extremely terrifying, even the strong steel will be directly Will be crushed.

However, no matter how many punches An Tianhou punched against Tang Ye, they were all offset by the power of the dead spirits around Tang Ye's body. The power of the space strangulation did have an effect, but it had an effect on the power of the dead. It can be seen that some of the power of the undead had been distorted to other dimensions and lost from Tang Ye.

In fact, such an attack is also very useful from another perspective. That is, constantly distorting these powers and sending them to other dimensions to achieve the effect of weakening Tang Ye's power. In this way, Tang Ye became weak, and it would be easy for him to kill Tang Ye again.

However, such a method could not be used on Tang Ye. Because An Tianhou's use of the current attack method is a huge consumption of strength for himself. And Tang Ye's necromantic power is so strong, if An Tianhou has been using such attacks to weaken Tang Ye's power, I am afraid that in the end, he has not weakened Tang Ye how much power, and his own power will be almost used.

Therefore, this method of consumption is not applicable to Antianhou. It should be said that if you want to deal with Tang Ye like this, it won't apply. Tang Ye had never lost because of the war of attrition.

At this time, after An Tianhou continued to attack Tang Ye, Tang Ye was completely safe, then stretched out his hand, very easily grasped a fist of Power An Tianhou, and sent out the power of the necromancer to wrap around, and at the same time penetrate into Antianhou's body. The power of the necromancer itself is a terrible poison, once it is corroded, it will continue to erode the vitality and power, and finally die.

Tang Ye sneered at An Tianhou and said, "Killing you is easy."

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