My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2409: Unfinished!

Among the gods of the heavens, there is indeed no death and underworld. After the death **** was sanctioned, the status of the death **** tribe plummeted and was expelled to the realm. However, the original death **** was deprived of the power to control the dead, and a **** was formed. The underworld, or the **** world, does not refer to the earth world.

The whole land is so vast, and the earth is as big as the sky. He usually sees the underworld, but it is a place that concentrates on the affairs of the undead, not the entire territory. Originally, the entire land was the place of the Death Tribe, but after the Death Tribe was sanctioned and exiled, it disappeared.

It is said that the Grim Reaper tribe was severely injured after being sanctioned and wanted to rest and rejuvenate, so it looked for a place that was extremely dangerous and terrifying in the world, and other gods could not find it, let alone attack them. In the past thousands of years, there has been no news of the Death Tribe. Therefore, the death tribe is not in the heavens.

There is also a tribe of Underworld. There are very few people in the Underworld tribe, and the birth of the Underworld is said to be a mistake. The Underworld is even more unwelcome. He can't go up to the heavens or down to the earth. He can only survive in the gap between the human and the earth. In such a place, there are very few living creatures, so even if the goddess wants to develop his own tribe, it is very difficult, so the number of people is naturally very small.

However, although there are few people in the Underworld tribe, any member is very powerful. They survive in the cracks, all abilities are required to be extremely powerful, otherwise they can't survive at all, just like the dark demons in the purgatory world. There have been rumors that a **** who went to the earth and encountered people from the Underworld tribe, and was killed by a man from the Underworld tribe. If this rumor is true, then there is a possibility that an ordinary member of the Underworld tribe can kill the lower-level gods in seconds. Then the entire Underworld tribe, even if there are not many people, is extremely terrifying.

Diba didn't expect Tang Ye to mention the two tribes of Death God and Underworld God, and these two tribes were also hostile to their gods. The gods of death and the gods of the underworld are both shameless and disgusted by the gods. From the initial rejection to the later hatred, they have long become incompatible forces.

Tang Ye mentioned the Death God and the Underworld Tribes, and Diba couldn't help but think, does Tang Ye want to unite the Death God and the Underworld Tribes against their Gods?

If this is the case, it has to be taken seriously. Because if there were more Death Gods and Undergoing Gods on the Human Race, they would not necessarily be weaker than the Heaven Gods.

Tang Ye knew what Diba was thinking of, but he didn't have any clue about the union between the Death God and the Underworld, because he didn't know how to get into the Death God and the Underworld tribe. What he is doing now is just flicking with a mouth. After all, because of his own experience, that particularity, when he fudged people, he looked very real.

Tang Ye looked at Diba and jokingly said: "The Death God and the Underworld God tribe are not in the heavens. Since they are not in the heavens, can I find them? I think they must be very interested in the heavens."

"You..." Diba had seen too many extraordinary things about Tang Ye, so he couldn't help but believe that Tang Ye could unite the Death God and the Underworld tribe. He was very angry and warned Tang Ye: "The horror of the Death God and the Underworld God tribe is not something you can control as a human. Joining forces with them is extremely dangerous to your human race itself!"

Tang Ye sneered and looked at Diba and said, "Is it not dangerous to be driven to death by your gods?"

He was speechless for a while. Indeed, there can be anything more dangerous than being killed. Since the gods want to kill the human race, it is not too much for the human race to do anything to survive.

But Diba still felt that it would be a big bad thing for either party if the death **** and the underworld tribe were allowed to appear. He said to Tang Ye: "The Grim Reaper and the Dark God tribe have a great resentment. Once it comes out, it will be a great disaster, and your human tribe can't handle it at all!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can help us deal with your gods." Tang Ye looked at and squinted, "Since your gods want to do so absolutely, you can't blame me. Since the gods of death and the gods are not in the heavens, And the human world is not there, then I will go to the earth world to find them out."

"You can't find it." Diba snorted, as if a little anxious, and said: "The earth is more terrifying than the heavens. The **** of death is directly punished by the power of the **** of Pangu. Without the permission of the **** of pangu, who can liberate the **** of death? Without the leadership of the Death God, the Death God tribe would not be able to get up. As for the God God tribe, it is located in the gap between the earth and the human world, a distorted space. Finding it is one thing, breaking it is another. Do you think Can you do it?"

Tang Ye shrugged and said to Diba: "It's my business if I can't do it. Now, at least I know that Death and Underworld are the same thing. Haha."

Tang Ye smiled meaningfully. Diba didn't know why, and after responding, he was taken aback, only to realize whether he had been misled by Tang Ye or something, and then he stared at Tang Ye and went crazy. But when he wanted to struggle frantically, Tang Ye suddenly squeezed his neck and fainted with a click.

Regarding the Death God and Underworld God, Tang Ye also inherited it from the memory of the remnant soul old man in Jiuzhongtian. In fact, the vision pattern of the old man with remnant soul was already placed in the sky. The crisis described by the Old Man of Remnant Soul comes from outside the sky. The ancestral land is just a heaven and earth in the sky. It is spied by other heavens and earth, and may even invade.

What is certain is that the old man with remnant soul is a powerful figure who has explored the sky and space. He comes from the ancestral land, of course, for the sake of ancestral land. But every world has its own situation. All kinds of disputes never stop. And some people will never have the gaze and pattern outside the sky and space for a lifetime, so they will not consider this level at all, just busy with their own struggle.

Tang Ye knew that he was not strong enough to deal with the gods, so he always looked for various ways to provide assistance. At the same time, he is also trying to break through his common life. The Common People's Avenue contains everything, like a melting pot, everything can be understood and integrated. And in this world, there are also various creatures, including humans, gods, demons, demons, and so on. To complete the avenue, you must have an understanding of these.

Therefore, entering the demon world, going to the underworld, and going to the death world will all be trials that Tang Ye needs to go through. Now he understands the things of death and underworld, which is very helpful.

At this time, Li Xiang's affair with the spirit of the dragon in the place where the dragon raised his head had ended, but there were still some arrangements that were continuing, such as Xu Wuming, who was forced to the Red Wall court.

Xu Wuming originally acted to contain Wang Jiuxiao, but now that Li Xiang has failed, his containment is useless. At this time, he was no longer in the Red Wall Court.

In a certain wilderness, I saw Xu Wuming had taken the seriously injured Li Xiang out. It turned out that when the gods and demons came to stop Tang Ye before, Xu Wuming took advantage of the chaos and brought the seriously injured Li Xiang out.

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