My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2410: Not to save you!

When Green Weasel and Di pull to deal with Tang Ye, Tang Ye wants to integrate the power of the Dragon Ancestor, and has no time to take care of the seriously injured Li Xiang. And Wang Cangcang and the others, trying to deal with the invading monsters and demons, did not notice Li Xiang. Unexpectedly, in this gap, Xu Wuming took the opportunity to take Li Xiang away.

Li Xiang was already seriously injured, as long as he was given the final fatal blow, he would die. But Tang Ye didn't do this, but was negligent. Now Li Xiang was taken away by Xu Wuming, even if he was seriously injured, but because of the power of the blood demon, as long as he cultivated quietly and absorbed the blood, he would get better again.

Xu Wuming originally pinned Wang Jiuxiao from the palace of the Red Wall in order to win the jade seal of the ancient country. But after sensing the defeat of Lee Sang, he immediately evacuated. After all, he was an old monster who had lived for thousands of years, and he knew the power of the ancient jade seal and the limitations of those with royal power, so even if Wang Jiuxiao tried to keep him, he failed.

Wang Jiuxiao was very surprised. He originally thought that with the authority of the king and the arrangement of the red wall palace, Xu Wuming could be left behind. Tang Ye defeated Li Xiang over there, and Wang Jiuxiao also felt it. So as long as Xu Wuming is held back, even if he can't help Xu Wuming, he will definitely be able to get rid of Xu Wuming when Tang Ye comes. However, he never expected that Xu Wuming was also very familiar with Wang's power, and soon left.

It is not difficult for Xu Wuming to do this. Not to mention that Xu Wuming is a man who has lived for thousands of years. Judging from his experience, he used to serve the emperor. Moreover, the emperor he served was the first orthodox emperor. The first generation of emperors who were able to unify the world had much more power than the emperors in the future. Many things are difficult at the beginning, and the one that can begin is always more powerful. Therefore, Xu Wuming knows the way of the emperor and the power of the king.

Wang Jiuxiao felt a pity that Xu Wuming had left. However, the current incident that Li Xiang has caused, including the remaining immortal disciples, has not been completely resolved, and he must deal with it. The first thing he did was to rush to the heroic cemetery to see how it was going. In addition, now that the spirit of Shenlong has disappeared, and the power of the dragon ancestor is gone, it will definitely affect the dragon veins. The strength of the dragon veins weakened, and many demons who were suppressed had a chance to break through. These problems must be resolved in time.

At this time, Xu Wuming returned to the cave where he placed Princess Yinman with Li Xiang, who was seriously injured. Li Xiang woke up from a coma and saw Xu Wuming rescued him. Once so arrogant, he felt that he was just a chess piece even to Xu Wuming, but at this time he was grateful to Xu Wuming.

"You saved me?" Li said to Xu Wuming.

Xu Wuming turned his back to Li Xiang, holding a sharp short blade in his hand, and a yellow paper talisman beside him. He seemed to be casting a spell on the blade. Hearing Li Xiang speaking, he turned around, looked at Li Xiang, and squinted his eyes.

After being silent for a while, Xu Wuming said to Li Xiang, "Yes, I saved you."

"Then I owe you a kindness, and I will pay it back." Li Xiang said firmly. He is still very principled, and both gratitude and enmity will be reported.

But Xu Wuming waved his hand and said, "Why do you think I saved you?"

"Huh?" Li Xiang looked at Xu Wuming and raised his brow slightly.

Xu Wuming expressionlessly said, "You have failed. Not only did you fail, you also made Tang Ye break through. This is all right, I can't deal with Tang Ye even more. This kind of thing has a great impact on me."

Li also felt powerless about this matter. He knew Xu Wuming would be angry. If he was still in his heyday, he would not care if Xu Wuming was not angry, the strong would not need to take care of the weak. But now, he was seriously injured, and he couldn't even beat Xu Wuming, and he even had to rely on Xu Wuming's help to recover. So he knows how to bow his head, even if not sincerely.

He said to Xu Wuming: "I did lose, and I won't make excuses for myself. But I think you can feel it too. It was not Tang Ye that stopped me, but a terrifying force that suddenly appeared. That power is still easy to do. I think that power is stronger than Tang Ye's strength. What do you think?"

This means that no matter who it is, even if it is Xu Wuming, he will lose, and he will lose faster. Li Xiang was pinned down because of Tang Jiujiu's strength. A sharp arrow that flew from a distance, its power far surpassed the **** level. Even if Xu Wuming is not there, he will feel it. When Li Xiang said that, Xu Wuming couldn't refute it. The power gap is not enough to win, and even careful planning is futile.

Xu Wuming did feel the power of Tang Jiujiu's arrow. However, he didn't know that it was Tang Jiujiu. Because of that sharp arrow, Tang Jiujiu sent out the power of the twelve demon branches. When Tang Jiujiu was a child, even when he was still in Sima Yupu's stomach, when Xu Wuming dealt with their mother and daughter, Tang Jiujiu used the power of the Earth Store Heart Sutra for protection. That's not the evil spirit demon branch, so Xu Wuming didn't know.

If Xu Wuming knew that the sharp arrow was issued by Tang Ye's daughter Tang Jiujiu, then he didn't know how horrified he would be, or even run for his life. After all, he shot Sima Yupu back then, if Tang Jiujiu found his trace, Tang Jiujiu would definitely kill him.

The power of that sharp arrow was terrible, but this was not something Xu Wuming had to consider now. The appearance of that power only made Xu Wuming further realize that there were even more powerful people behind Tang Ye. Therefore, don't move Tang Ye lightly, otherwise you might not know how you died. Xu Wuming also deeply realized that he could no longer fight Tang Ye. Although not reconciled, but had to admit. Therefore, now he no longer thought of going against Tang Ye, he just wanted to save Princess Yinman, and nothing else.

Originally, according to the plan agreed upon with Li Sang, he restrained Wang Jiuxiao’s power, and then after Li Sang succeeded in capturing the power of Long Zu, he went to obtain Murong Huansha's blood, and rescued by using Murong Huansha's zombie blood Ying Yinman who lives is also a zombie. However, Li Xiang failed and did not get Murong Huansha's zombie blood. Xu Wuming couldn't accept the failure of this kind of thing, he looked forward to the day when Ying Yinman would wake up for too long. Therefore, after Li Xiang failed, he had an idea, that is, he could not use Murong Huansha's blood, what about using Li Xiang's blood?

Li Xiang's blood has the power of blood demon and is very powerful. Maybe Ying Yinman will wake up after drinking it?

Xu Wuming can't control so much. If Ying Yinman can't be awakened again later, as Tang Ye grows stronger, if Tang Ye discovers him, he will be killed. What will Ying Yinman do then? So before that, Xu Wuming must save Ying Yinman, no matter what means!

Now, he brought Li Xiang back to the cave, not to save Li Xiang, but to obtain Li Xiang's blood, and then to save Ying Yinman.

Seeing the short blade in Xu Wuming's hand, Li Xiang suddenly seemed to understand something.

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