My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2408: what you want to say?

The heavenly enchantment shook, frightening Zhuang Die and Jiang Xian in the heavenly palace into a panic. If the Heavenly Palace barrier couldn't stop Tang Ye, then their lighthouse plan would fail. In this way, it will take longer for other gods to descend to the ancestral land. They couldn't let this happen, and then immediately went to the center of the palace to guide the eyes of the magic circle where the divine power of the heavens fell, and protect the enchantment by pulling the divine power.

Bang bang bang!

Tang Ye violently hit the Tiangong enchantment with his Overlord Halberd, and the collision produced a huge noise. Tang Ye's aura seemed omnipotent, and the Heavenly Palace barrier trembled, as if it would really be broken. Unfortunately, after fighting for a while, although the Heavenly Palace barrier trembled, there was no sign of destruction.

The Heavenly Palace barrier has not been broken. The divine power from the heavens is very strong. In addition, Zhuang Die and Jiang Xian guided the divine power to protect it, and Tang Ye, who was only in the realm of the higher heaven gods, even if he used the Overlord Halberd, was actually extremely fierce and still failed to break the heavenly barrier.

Tang Ye knew that it couldn't be broken, and finally gave up. Take back the Overlord Halberd and look up at the suspended heavenly palace. This celestial palace is formed by a high mountain below the ground, floating up to become a floating island. At this time, there was a huge hole under the ground, which was caused by the high mountains rising from the ground. Being able to accomplish such a thing is itself a terrible force. The secret skills the gods have mastered, once they are given the opportunity to display them, they don't know what it will be like. Therefore, for the gods, all enemies should be eliminated immediately.

Tang Ye didn't want to take risks anymore, and sometimes he could only use force to solve it, then the process would become a lot easier, killing and being killed.

Since the Heavenly Palace barrier cannot be broken now, I can only think of other ways to break it. Tang Ye didn't need to verify that the formation of this heavenly palace was closely related to the rewards of other heavenly gods. If this heavenly palace is not broken for one day, it will be dangerous for a day. Maybe other gods will soon descend from the chaotic space into this heavenly palace.

If it comes down to the ancient gods, or even the true gods, then there is no fun. Even if Tang Ye is very special, when he encounters an ancient **** or true **** at this time, he must be just being abused obediently.

Temporarily unable to break the Heavenly Palace barrier, there is no other way. Tang Ye could only give up. He glanced at Diba. Diba is still alive. If it doesn't hurt the soul, Diba can still live well. Tang Ye wondered if he could know something from Diba. Then he went down and took Diba away to a hill, intending to ask Diba about the situation of Tiangong.

But Diba is not a fool. Through Tang Ye's expression, he knew what Tang Ye wanted to ask. He snorted directly: "You want to know information about Tiangong from me? Funny, do you think I will tell you?!"

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, feeling a little headache. After all, the gods are not simple figures, even if they are just a lower-level god, they have gone through a lot of training to reach this level. For this reason, Tang Ye felt that it was really not easy to ask what information from Diba, or even impossible.

"So, it's easier for me to kill you directly?" Tang Ye said to Diba.

Diba just rolled his head and gave a cold snort, without speaking. He is not afraid of death. Since he is not afraid of death, it is difficult to threaten. As for the painful torture, maybe you can give it a try. However, Tang Ye also felt unnecessary to do so. Judging from Diba's unswerving manner, it is impossible to imagine how Diba would beg for mercy because of pain. Therefore, if you do that, you may not only have no results, but will accumulate your own hostility and cause emotional damage.

Tang Ye looked at Diba, then looked at the floating Tiangong, her tone became calm, and said, "You gods, you want to kill us humans that way? Don’t you think that the more you are like this, the more proof we humans are. Important, proves that our status is extremely high. Are we high-level creatures in this world?"

Diba laughed ironically, and said to Tang Ye: "Arrogant and arrogant, you humans are weak ants. Doesn't it feel ridiculous to say that?"

"How do I think you are a little more ridiculous?" Tang Ye squinted and said: "How do I think you are more ridiculous. I'm very surprised, are you robots and don't think at all? If we humans It is a weak ant, so if our human race kills you and exiles you, then what are you, more unbearable than the weak ant?"

Diba glared at Tang Ye. He couldn't refute this fact before his eyes. If you reflect, you really cannot underestimate human beings. Human beings are actually quite powerful.

Tang Ye took a look at Diba, knowing that it would be impossible to threaten and torture such a character if he wanted to impress him, and it was impossible to lure him into favor. This is a **** of faith, but he has already achieved death consciousness. Regarding this, Tang Ye didn't hold any hope, and simply said something he knew about the gods, to see if he could let go.

He said to Diba: "Actually I know a lot about your gods. Jiuzhongtian is not your celestial realm. At first I thought that Jiuzhongtian is celestial realm, but in fact, Jiuzhongtian is another small world independent of our heaven and earth. Although it is a small world, but if you want to go to the outer sky, the nine-layer sky is the place where the creatures of our world must pass."

Diba glanced at Tang Ye, wondering what Tang Ye wanted to express. He was not very surprised about what Tang Ye mentioned, but he was also a little surprised. Because in the activities of the heavens, exploring the outer sky is a very important part. The ability to explore outside must be the strength above the peak of the ancient gods. Even the strength of the true **** level, it is said that it is not dominant outside.

Therefore, it is not that one who has cultivated to the level of the gods can freely be a happy **** in the eyes of the lower realms in the heavens. If you want to see a wider world, you want to make continuous progress, and you want to know the vastness and greatness of the entire universe, you must continue to work hard, and the degree of effort is greater than when you become a god.

Diba is far from reaching the point where he can explore outside, he is just a lower-level god. However, he still heard about exploring the firmament of the outer universe from the legend of the heavens or the history of the heavens. Now he heard Tang Ye talk about this, he was surprised at how Tang Ye knew. But he was not so surprised, he had also heard about it, Tang Ye had been to Jiuzhongtian. This is really amazing.

A human race actually skipped the heavens and went straight to the Nine Heavens, which was far more powerful than the heavens.

"What do you want to say?" Diba glanced at Tang Ye and frowned.

Tang Ye raised his head and said, "I just want to tell you that I know a lot about the gods, including among your gods, there is no death or underworld."

Diba suddenly squinted, staring at Tang Ye with an ominous premonition.

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