My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2154: Death and demonization!

Suddenly there was a roar on the top of the main mother's peak, and the foot of the mountain thousands of meters down could still be heard clearly. Such a roar is absolutely extraordinary. The snow and ice world on the top of the mountain, the reflection of ice crystals, is extremely gorgeous. The ice crystals are like forming a throne, and the green-eyed white tiger sleeping on it is the king here.

On the Western Tibet Plateau, a piece of land that is as tall as a ladder to the east, it is a unique day, this white tiger is the king here.

The beast white tiger!

After the white tiger roared out and reached the foot of the mountain, the dozens of tigers who had come back from the dead launched an attack at the hammer and the others. These tigers have been strengthened in terms of speed and strength, and they immediately flew in front of the hammer. At this moment, they couldn't retreat and evade, they could only meet. The hammer reacted quickly, stepped forward, stepped on the ground, and performed the golden bell jar secret technique to protect Lily Xia Liangliang and Jiang Xiaoyu.

Two tigers rushed up, but unfortunately they hit the golden bell, their heads blossomed, and they flew out and died. Then the other tigers pounced. Seeing these fierce tigers hit so fiercely, the hammer simply let Jiang Xiaoyu and the others stay in the golden bell, letting these fierce tigers kill themselves.

This trick really worked, one after another, the tigers rushed up, slamming their heads. The dead tigers piled up on the ground, thicker and thicker, and only a few tigers remained. The hammer lifted the golden bell, and then the four of them shot, three or two to solve the tiger.

Dozens of tigers have been dealt with, but they dare not relax their vigilance. Because these tigers have all died once, if they are resurrected, they have to be resolved. The most important thing is to come up with a thorough solution.


Suddenly there was another roar from the top of the mountain, and then I saw that the dozens of tigers that had been killed started to act again, and the heads that had been smashed recovered. Although not perfect, it was just like a bit of flesh wounds. . Then, these dozens of tigers once again attacked the hammers, and then discovered that the speed and strength of these tigers had increased again than before!

What else is this hitting? Did he become stronger after he died? In this way, it will die and be resurrected, and the resurrection will become stronger again. What should we do? Although it was not difficult to deal with these tigers on his own side, his physical strength and strength were being consumed. These fierce tigers are like undead. If you can't kill them completely and make them unable to resurrect, you will eventually be killed because your physical strength and power are exhausted!

The problem is, to prevent these tigers from resurrecting, I am afraid that they have to go to the top of the main mother peak to deal with the roaring tiger. That tiger is the one that casts the resurrection technique!

However, the main mother peak is several thousand meters above sea level, and when it reaches the position of the snow and ice world, it is already extremely dangerous, let alone go up to the top of the mountain. That is the place where the white tiger sacred beast slept, protected by a powerful force, and couldn't get close at all.

So just can't kill these tigers?

The Hammers realized the seriousness of this matter, even if it was just a normal tiger, it would be very difficult for them, even fatal, if it could resurrect indefinitely.

Although aware of this problem, they had to deal with the resurgent Tigers first, and then think of a solution. It was another round of kills, dozens of tigers did not hurt them, but they knew that their strength had been consumed. Not long after, dozens of tigers came back to life and attacked them again.

This will definitely not work. The hammer thought for a while, and said, "Blow them to pieces!"

If the fried minced meat can be resurrected, then they don't know what to do. They killed dozens of tigers again, then piled them together before resurrecting the tigers, and then bombed them to pieces.

The blood in the sky fell, like a rain of blood. Then the flesh of the tiger fell, and the scene was **** and brutal. Under such a situation, Hammer felt that these tigers should not be able to resurrect. If this can be resurrected, doesn't it mean that these tigers can't handle it?

However, just when the Hammers thought that these tigers could no longer be resurrected, the blood and mud moved and gathered, and once again formed a tiger, which severely slapped them in the face and hit their hearts.

These fierce tigers will still resurrect, and become more powerful, with a hideous face, extremely cruel and terrifying. In this way, I am afraid that there is no way to deal with it.

"Let's retreat first." There is no better way for the hammer, but to retreat first.

"The problem is that we can't retreat." Jiang Xiaoyu said.

Sure enough, when they turned to retreat, a fierce tiger flashed around, and it appeared in front of them and attacked them.

"How is it possible?" The hammer was shocked, and the speed of the tiger became so fast?

Upon closer inspection, these tigers seem to have mutated. After being shattered to pieces, they recondensed, and their bodies have changed. They seem to be condensed from blood, **** and cruel, like dripping blood, and their bodies are like nothingness, becoming a monster, such a fierce tiger. , Is no longer the tiger like just now!

It's terrible. If you die too much, you will become like a monster when you resurrect. What kind of secret technique is this?

The tiger who suddenly changed in front of them shot sharp claws. The hammer reacted quickly and immediately released the shield to block the tiger's attack. However, the attack power of this tiger was obviously greater than before, and the hammer's shield was cracked!


A tiger has such power, how can dozens of such tigers be dealt with?

"Disperse!" After blocking a tiger, the hammer gave a low voice, and then Jiang Xiaoyu and the others jumped away and used their own methods to deal with these tigers.

Jiang Xiaoyu landed on a tiger's back and immediately pierced the tiger's neck with a sharp dagger. Then, when the knife went down, the stabbing was pierced, but the tiger no longer splashed blood and fell without a sound. Then the tiger turned his neck back, glanced at Jiang Xiaoyu, and suddenly seemed to grin, very ironically and provocatively.


Then, the tiger roared, ignoring Jiang Xiaoyu's piercing into its neck, and bit Jiang Xiaoyu. If it wasn't for the restriction of head twisting, Jiang Xiaoyu was afraid that he would be bitten.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaoyu quickly jumped away from the tiger's back and onto a big tree, surprised and terrified.

These tigers are no longer living creatures, and ordinary physical attacks are useless!

Jiang Xiaoyu looked towards Xia Liangliang, and saw that Xia Liangliang used his freezing ability to freeze several tigers, which had some effect. However, when other tigers rushed towards her and she wanted to avoid, the frozen tiger was rescued by other tigers, and Xia Liangliang fell into a bitter battle!

The tiger has been demonized, this is simply a demon!

Everyone is aware of this, they are very afraid and aware of the danger. The powerful existence on the top of the mountain can destroy them just by manipulating these fierce tigers. This kind of power is probably really a white tiger beast!

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