My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2155: The power of gluttony!

In the eyes of Hammer, these dozens of tigers were demonized. Because they show all kinds of things, only monsters can have. Hammer, they thought, this was controlled by the White Tiger Divine Beast. However, when you think about it carefully, the white tiger, as a beast, shouldn't have magical powers!

Isn't it a white tiger beast?

This is a very scary problem, but in the current situation, there is not much time for them to think about a solution to the problem, and they can only deal with it.


Dozens of tigers roared through the mountains and forests. The other birds and beasts were afraid and fled. This is the anger of the king, they do not want to be affected.

During this period of time, a large number of birds and beasts have left, since the first roar of the white tiger came from the top of the mountain. Because these creatures knew that it was the king of Xitian who was furious, if the distance was far enough, otherwise the king's roar could kill them.

No one, no creature can shake the king on the ice and snow world, this is the unwavering idea of ​​the birds and beasts living here. However, there are now some people who do not know the so-called offense. They are simply stupid and inexcusable. This is seeking death and destroying the peace of one's life. Therefore, birds and beasts, human beings here are very unwelcome, especially those like hammers!

Fortunately, these are dying. To challenge the White Tiger King, how can he not die?

I also hope that they will die soon and let the White Tiger King calm down their anger, so that they can quickly resume their past peaceful lives.

"Go!" At this moment, the hammer yelled loudly, causing Jiang Xiaoyu, Lily and Xia Liangliang to escape, because after fighting dozens of tigers, they couldn't hold it, and they had to leave to survive.

These tigers have been demonized, without the power to subdue demons and demons, they can't kill them at all. They can contain it, but the time of control is not long. With the consumption of physical strength and strength, they can't stop it after all. At this time, there are already many places on their bodies, and they will continue to fight with the demonized tiger, fearing that they will become the tiger's delicacy.

After the hammer came and broke, it blocked the many demonized tigers that flew to buy time for Xia Liangliang and the others to escape. However, more than a dozen tigers pounced all at once, even he could not stop it. He was thrown down, and Xia Liangliang saw them, how could they look at him and go back to rescue him, eventually leaving you surrounded by tigers.

"You..." The Hammer was very angry. If you could escape one, you had to get one. If you could escape three, it would be a big profit. But now, none of them can go!

"It's life or death, let's all be together, Captain!" Jiang Xiaoyu and the others are not afraid of death. It doesn't matter if they say it is emotional, anyway, if they watch the hammer die, they definitely can't do it.

The Hammer has never been hypocritical, accepting the current situation, and said: "Then fight to the death. You can't die too ugly."

"War!" Several people shouted in a low voice, with a decisive expression, they wanted to fight to the end with dozens of demonized tigers that had been besieged.

However, their behavior is stupid in the eyes of the white tiger beast on the top of the mountain. At this time, in front of the Ice Crystal Throne on the top of the mountain, the Tiger looked at a crystal mirror in front, and what was reflected in the mirror was exactly what happened to the Hammers at this time.

"Fight to the death? It's ridiculous." Bai Hu looked a little lazy, looked at the reflection in the mirror, and said: "You are not a fight at all, but just my children's playthings."

"Yes, I'm tired of playing, let's go to death." The White Tiger Divine Beast snorted briefly, then turned off the reflection of the crystal mirror, and put his head on the ice crystal floor, as if he was going to rest.

Then his mouth moved again, and he said to himself: "Suzaku and Xuanwu are dead, it's useless. However, it's no wonder you, that human beings are not simple. Who is this human? It seems to be familiar a feeling of."

"Don't be in a hurry, isn't he going to kill me? Then I'll just wait. I thought that with the power of Suzaku and Xuanwu, I could kill me? Huh...stupid." Bai Hu sneered again and again, then He dropped his head and continued to fall asleep without worrying at all.

At the foot of the mountain, dozens of tigers pounced on the hammers together, and the four were back to back together, without worrying about back problems, they beat the tigers back one after another. However, after all, they could not be perfectly blocked. They would always be caught the last time, then the second time, and the third time. After the accumulation, they were already badly injured and their blood stained their clothes.

Their stamina and strength were also consumed tremendously, becoming more and more unstoppable, and they began to be beaten deeply by the tigers. In the end, the four of them fell to the ground, gasping for breath, and they had no strength to go with these infinite strength, and died. The resurrected tigers fight again.

"Ha... I didn't expect to be so embarrassed..." Hammer sneered, feeling very unwilling, but there was nothing to do. In the face of divine power, are mortals like yourself really so vulnerable?

These are nothing more than tiger soldiers controlled by the white tiger beast. If you encounter a real white tiger, can you stop it?


"It would be great if it could be as strong as the Void Lord..." Hammer and others probably have this idea. They had seen it when Tang Ye played against Xuanwu. That kind of power, that kind of shock and grandeur of fighting against the beasts, and domineering, really exciting.

Power is a good thing, but not everyone can have a good thing.

The demonized tiger faintly emits a dark and evil spirit, and its eyes are green, and step by step, it walks towards the fallen hammer and them, like a hungry wolf, with its mouth open, wanting to share this delicious meal.

Hammer they are dying.

"Da, damn..." Xia Liangliang snorted unwillingly, as if ever since the emergence of supernatural power, their lion team had been unsuccessful and always failed, which was a curse.

The meeting against the fire spirit was defeated and almost died. Two foxes, Qiuya and Qiuyao, could not be beaten, and they were teased, so they could only watch each other leave. Now deal with these tigers, these tigers are just puppet soldiers, they still lose!

Really angry, anything that has never failed is a lie. It's just that they haven't encountered a truly powerful opponent!


A few demonized tigers completely turned into hungry wolves, rushing towards them with hammers, opened their mouths, dripping saliva and showing sharp teeth. When they pounced, it was when they were bitten by the hammer and when they died. At this time, they had no strength to resist.

"It's going to die..." Jiang Xiaoyu was also a little hard to accept. He remembered the advice of his grandfather Jiang Xiaobai, to do things for the Red Wall, wholeheartedly. Because Tang Sheng is kind to them and wants to repay. He knew that Grandpa Zeng knew Tang Sheng at that meeting, and he also had some friendships. Grandpa Zeng often brags.

Lily's reaction was nothing, but she was calm, as if she had seen through life and death. However, the expression seemed to be remembering something.

Several tigers rushed down.


However, several tigers were exploded by some force, turned into nothingness, and disappeared.

"These demonized tigers actually have gluttonous power?" Not far away, the faceless man in black volleyed down in the air, humming in surprise.

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