My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2153: Boundless white tiger!

Jiang Xiaoyu did not expect such a situation to happen, and dozens of tigers suddenly came and were surrounded. Soon a tiger slapped the tree where he was, and then the tree fell, and he had to jump to another tree.

But as soon as he fell on another tree, the tree was interrupted by another tiger slap, for which he had to jump to another tree again. There are dozens of tigers in the ground, no matter which tree he falls on, that tree is immediately interrupted. He had to jump all the time, shuttled among the trees.

There must be no way to deal with dozens of tigers alone, so Jiang Xiaoyu escaped by the way. But dozens of tigers kept chasing him, and the ground was trampled on by the tigers, like a small earthquake.

The Hammers and the others rushed over quickly, they had already noticed the movement of the ground, but they didn't know what caused the ground shaking. This kind of vibration became more violent as they got closer to Jiang Xiaoyu, and they also contacted Jiang Xiaoyu. But because of the rapid movement and the sound of ground shaking, it is impossible to hear each other clearly.

They met directly, Hammer and the others were relieved when they saw Jiang Xiaoyu and saw that Jiang Xiaoyu had not suffered much. However, when Jiang Xiaoyu saw them, he kept waving his hands to make them retreat, and kept shouting, but they didn't hear it. They didn't know what was going on until they saw dozens of white tigers pursuing Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Retreat!" The hammer roared, but don't rush forward anymore, and entered the tiger's mouth, surrounded by dozens of tigers, just waiting to become the white tiger's delicacy.

Others also saw dozens of white tigers. To be honest, it was a spectacular scene aside from the danger. However, they were not in the mood to appreciate this spectacular scene, and they all immediately retreated.

It is really rare for dozens of tigers to gather together. The Hammer immediately thought that these tigers were gathered by a stronger creature, and they obeyed the orders of that powerful creature.

Is it the beast white tiger?

very possible. The hammer whispered in his heart that it was bad, and his luck was too bad. Is it true that the sacred beast, White Tiger, is on the main mother peak of the Western Tibet Plateau?

"Quickly retreat!" The hammer yelled again, asking everyone to withdraw and not fight these white tigers.

With their strength, fighting these dozens of tigers can still be dealt with if the correct method is adopted and the equipment of Shenji Technology is used. However, what the hammer considered was whether there would be a white tiger behind these dozens of tigers. If they encounter the white tiger divine beast, they are afraid that there will be no return.


The hammers and the others retreated, but dozens of tigers were chasing after them. They were so fast and roared that they couldn't get rid of them.

"Smoke bomb!" During the retreat, the hammer gave a low voice.

Lily heard it and took out a smoke bomb from the containment bag between her legs and smashed it back. With a bang, the smoke bomb erupted, and the back became misty, and the line of sight was out of sight. Then, some dozens of tigers hit the trees and knocked themselves out. In this way, there are fewer tigers chasing the hammer and their pressure is reduced.

No bombs are used at this time because it is very close to the ice and snow layer. If it causes an explosion, there may be an avalanche. After retreating a little further and leaving the ice and snow, they can use bombs generously. If these tigers chase again, they will be killed directly.

The Hammers and the others had their own abilities, and they retreated. Although the tiger was behind, it was very dangerous, but the tiger always almost missed it, and it was a surprise.

Rushing down to the foot of the mountain at full speed, and finally far away from the ice and snow, the hammers were not afraid, and they began to throw the magical technology bombs equipped on their bodies. After a few sounds, the tiger behind was seriously injured and killed. A lot. The seriously injured were no longer threatened. There were more than a dozen of them left. They were not afraid of hammering them. It didn't take long for them to jointly kill them. They killed them by the way and then retreated.

The hammer stopped abruptly, and a tiger rushed straight forward. The impact was so strong that he was hit, fearing that his body would be overwhelmed. However, a large impact also means that if you hit a wall or tree, you will be seriously injured. The hammer formed the protective shield he was good at. It was very hard and it was impossible for the tiger to break through. Then, the tiger seemed to hit the steel, and directly smashed his head, and just solved another tiger.

Jiang Xiaoyu's movements were very flexible. He was able to retreat quickly, but suddenly he could grab a branch and throw him back. Then he fell on a tiger, pierced the tiger's neck with a knife, and killed another tiger. One end.

Xia Liangliang was very rough, so he turned around and frozen the tiger that was rushing forward, then set it off, and a tiger barbecue came. Lily's words used poison to paralyze the tiger. The tiger suddenly couldn't move and fell directly to the ground.

More than a dozen tigers, because they had gaps in the hammer, they didn't worry about being chased immediately, so they boldly shot and killed them, and then the tiger chase was resolved. But the hammer did not dare to delay, always felt that things were not that simple, and said to Xia Liangliang and the others: "Retreat immediately, don't stay for long, come back to the following!"

Still worried about the appearance of the white tiger beast, they are far from having the power to compete with the beast. They are very unwilling to this. However, at present, only the mysterious and powerful Void Lord and the holder of the divine power can contend with the divine beasts. Other people, even the Ten Profounds, cannot directly confront it. Thinking about it this way, they are not uncomfortable. Otherwise, as the strongest power directly under the Red Wall Palace, wouldn't it be shameful.

It was almost at the foot of the mountain, Hammer and the others did not see the tiger chasing behind, and there was no other movement, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Now, there shouldn't be any changes anymore.

"Let's go back to the base first, sort out the information, and send it back to the Red Wall." Hammer said, "It is definitely not a coincidence that so many white tigers suddenly appeared, we must be careful."

Jiang Xiaoyu and the others nodded, expressing their understanding, and went back to the base. However, at this moment, the ground shook suddenly, and they were shocked. When they looked back, they saw the dust on the mountain, and a large number of beasts were chasing down!

Then they saw a group of white tigers.

They were all startled by the hammer. There are still so many tigers chasing down. Is this true?

"These white the ones we killed just now!" Jiang Xiaoyu said suddenly.

Everyone was taken aback, looked, and sure enough, they saw that these white tigers had wounds on their bodies. These injuries were the ones they had just hit, and even fatal wounds. Now the white tigers still have these wounds, but they are still alive!

Obviously he was dead, but he was alive again, there must be some power at work!

This is bad. The hammers and their faces became solemn. Surrounded by dozens of fierce tigers, it was already dangerous. These white tigers could come back to life again, which was even more terrifying.

At this moment, on the top of the main mother's peak, the ice and snow crystals shone beautifully, and a huge white tiger was sleeping beside him, and suddenly, the white tiger opened its green eyes.

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