My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1754: Tomb Keeper of Ghosts!

This man and woman, as the guards of the cemetery of the heroic spirits, is very important and prominent among the forces of the Red Wall court. They also have their own names. It's just that this name has some "characteristics", because it was created by the powerful Fumoshi who had saved them.

The Fumo master is a man of profound Taoism. After saving this man and woman, he said some weird things to the tombkeeper who raised the twins, "Nowadays, the ancient power is reviving, and the three realms and six realms must change in the future. This twin is born When the time is right, if you can walk all the way, you can achieve the status of ghosts and gods, it is the messenger between Yin and Yang, black and white.

With that said, could the ghost and infant twins, a male and a female, become black and white and impermanent? With the advent of the age of true gods, the position of the gods will change. Isn't this ghost-and-infant twins exactly in line with the characteristics of black and white impermanence?

Because of this, the tombkeeper who raised the ghost and infant twins simply named them Black and White and Impermanence. Originally black and white impermanence was the term for black impermanence and white impermanence. However, if it is really called black impermanence and white impermanence, it would be a bit awkward. After all, you still live in the world. If you can, you have to contact others and live the lives of ordinary children. Childhood is indispensable. Otherwise, it is easy to cause personality distortion, especially It's such an extraordinary child. Therefore, the tombkeeper did not take the names of black and white impermanence, but black and white and impermanence. This is called black and white and impermanence, isn't it normal?

The siblings followed their mother's surname Li, so they were called Li Hehui, Li Wuchang. Black and White is the older brother, and Impermanence is the younger sister.

In fact, ordinary Li Black and White and Li Wuchang appear in front of people in human form, and because of their powerful strength, it is difficult for ordinary people to discover their true colors. Even those Volunteers, if they were not strong enough, could not see their true colors. Therefore, most people only know that they are grave guards, and they are indeed very strong, but they don't know that they have such a super strong identity as Ghost Infant.

As for the identity of the ghost infant, Li Wuchang and Li Black and White would also conceal. For those who know their identities, they are generally very hostile, even murderous. Except for those few gracious adults, they would kill such people. Now, as a faceless person, Tang Ye's identity is suspicious. Knowing their identity, they will naturally regard them as enemies, so kill Wuxia!

Li Hehui and Li Wuchang, as the guards of the tomb of the heroic cemetery, actually many people wanted to kill them. Because of killing them, destroying the heroic cemetery is much easier. If the cemetery of the heroes is destroyed, then the country will decline faster and all aspects of power will be reduced. Then it is very simple to destroy the country.

In view of this situation, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang are not only responsible for themselves, but also for the country. Therefore, they will not judge anyone who may be an enemy as an enemy. It is better to kill by mistake than to let it go, so as to avoid hidden dangers. This is the privilege that Li Black and White and Li Wuchang have. Therefore, even some adults from the Red Wall Palace can't break into the cemetery without permission, otherwise they will be killed by Li Black and White and Li Wuchang.

Now that Li Black and White and Li Wuchang judged Tang Ye this faceless man as the enemy, they would naturally take action. They rushed up together, Li Black and White directly used their claws, and the power they emitted formed a sharp claw, attacking with a heart-digging force, which was a fatal trick. But Li Wuchang used a dagger. The dagger was white and sharp, and it was a deadly weapon. It came very quickly, which was also a killer move.

Seeing this, Tang Ye squinted slightly, feeling that these two young men were very murderous. This is not a good thing for them. The ghost infant adds another layer of murderous aura, it is easy to become a ghost. After all, they have the characteristics of ghosts themselves. If they are too heavily influenced by ghosts and hostility, they are very easy to fall into evil spirits.

The speed and strength of Li Black and White and Li Wuchang are very strong, but unfortunately, their opponent is Tang Ye. Tang Ye returned from the Nine Heavens, reaching above the realm of immortality, approaching his body. Comparing the speed of this realm with the speed of Li Black-white and Li Wuchang at this time, the speed of Li Black-white and Li Wuchang is beyond mention. In Tang Ye's eyes, that speed was like slowing down the camera. Therefore, it is very simple for Tang Ye to hide. It is also very simple to kill Li Black and White and Li Wuchang. It only needs one move. This is Tang Ye's strength after returning. Even if the people of Ancestral Land seem to be very strong Li, Black and White and Li Wuchang, it is nothing but an existence that will be killed by Tang Ye.

Naturally, Tang Ye would not kill Li Black and White and Li Wuchang, because he not only felt the ghost aura of Li Black and White and Li Wuchang, and knew that they were ghost infants, but also knew that they had absorbed the power of the heroic graveyard. Heroic spirits are ghosts, but there is a kind of faith-like power lingering here. These powers are absorbed by Li Black-white and Li Wuchang, and they are clearly manifested in Li Black-white and Li Wuchang. Tang Ye felt very clearly.

In addition, this cemetery of heroic spirits also has the power of Tang Ye lingering. His power includes the luck that he dissipated at the beginning, and the people's luck that countless people who miss and respect him have accumulated to him over the years. Therefore, the power absorbed by Li Black and White and Li Wuchang also has his power. Then, he must be familiar with his own power. He also knew that the heroic cemetery would definitely be valued, and the emperor of the Red Wall Palace would definitely not let people absorb these powers casually. So, now that Li Black and White and Li Wuchang have not been driven out, they must have obtained permission from the Red Wall Palace. Such a person must be related to the Red Wall Court, and may be one of the powers of the Red Wall Court.

Tang Ye had already reached these conclusions, so he wouldn't make heavy moves against Li Black and White and Li Wuchang, but wanted to try their strength. In addition, when he was in the first world of the Nine Heavens, he had the inheritance memory of a remnant soul old man. There are many techniques in this inheritance memory. Although the magic of ancestral land is very old there, sometimes it is even more powerful. However, the Nineth Heaven's side was created by some powerful cultivators through exploration. With improvement and perfection, it would have much merit, and it might not be worse than the ancestral land. Therefore, Tang Ye thought of the secret technique of ghost way in inheritance memory.

The old man with remnant soul must know the existence of the ancestral land, and the secret techniques he has accumulated are all the techniques of the ancient ancestral land or the time of the gods and demons, and they were brought by those who went from the ancestral land to the nine heavens.

Secret techniques like the ghost path must be unique to the ancestral land. The Nine Heavens World Wugui Dao, the Three Realms and the Six Paths, are only available in the ancestral land. That was the beginning of the creation of the world, and then gradually developed a world of three realms and six realms, that is, the ancestral land. However, the ancestral land has developed to modern times, and technology is the mainstay. Those magical techniques descriptions have disappeared and it is difficult to reproduce. Then, the inheritance memory of the old man with remnant souls has become particularly important. The ghosts and secret arts in his memory are not available in the ancestral land. If Li Wuchang and Li Black and white cultivate, the power can make their strength even better.

Since you are on your side, there is nothing wrong with becoming stronger.

Tang Ye is very generous now.

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