My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1755: Mainly too strong!

Originally, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang rushed towards Tang Ye from the same place, but suddenly, behind him, Li Wuchang didn’t know what magic technique he used, and suddenly disappeared. When she reappeared, she was already behind Tang Ye. .

In this way, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang formed a front and back attack on Tang Ye. They are so fast, in their thoughts, Tang Ye must be difficult to avoid.

Just now Li Wuchang was able to suddenly disappear and came behind Tang Ye, using the power of Gui Ying. She felt that since Tang Ye knew the true colors of her and her brother, it would be nothing to use Gui Ying's ability.

However, Li Wuchang didn't know, she suddenly disappeared and moved to Tang Ye's behind the action, Tang Ye can see clearly. Tang Ye is a person who can perform space jumps, even in the state of transforming demons, even Li Haoran's space jumps can be cracked. Then for Li Wuchang's spatial transfer, it can be easily cracked.

In fact, even though Tang Ye Huamo was out of control, he almost killed himself, but after he recovered, he got a lot of things. For example, if the demon is out of control to break the space jump, you can clearly feel the traces and actions of a person in another space opened up. Because it is the same body, he has tried that kind of cracking method, so Tang Ye also knows Some. Although he is not in full control, he can definitely learn as long as he goes through exploration.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, the hardest beginning has been tried, and then it only takes time and strength, and it is probably a matter of course.


Li Black-white and Li Wuchang attacked Tang Ye, thinking that this was bound to succeed. They don't care who this faceless person is, since they broke into the cemetery of the heroic spirits without the notice and permission of the red wall palace, they can be killed!

However, when Li Black and White and Li Wuchang thought they could kill Tang Ye, Tang Ye disappeared in place, and they plunged into the air.

Seeing this, the two brothers and sisters of Guiying opened their eyes, and they were able to escape like this, confident and easy to do, it seemed that they had encountered a powerful enemy.

It’s not like Tang Ye’s situation has never been encountered before, so after a brief surprise, they immediately reacted, and each followed the momentum, and then suddenly transformed into a ghost and infant state, turning into nothingness-like posture, gentle He directly twisted his body like boneless, and then quickly approached Tang Ye.

This response speed can be said to be very fast. However, when Tang Ye returned from fighting in the Nine Heavens, these speeds were far behind the Profound Fairyland, so Tang Ye was still not afraid. It's just that Tang Ye didn't want to avoid it anymore, it would be a bit unreasonable if he avoided it again. He didn't want Li Wuchang and Li Black and White to know immediately that he was such a powerful, so powerful person. Therefore, he intends to block Li Wuchang and Li Black and White's pursuit by means of resistance.

Li Black-white and Li Wuchang chased, Li Black-white was faster, and Li Wuchang was a few blinks slower. This little difference had no effect, and it was tantamount to a simultaneous pincer. However, this blink of an eye is a very rich time for Tang Ye, and it is completely possible to slowly separate and resist their attacks.

Facing Li Black and White's claws first, he stretched out his right hand and flicked Li Black and White's claws with one finger.


Li Black and White received a terrible impact and flew out directly, about to hit a tombstone. Li Black and White was shocked, and looked very worried. He didn't immediately surprise that this faceless man would be so strong, but worried that he might break the tombstone. Therefore, he forcibly twisted his body, transformed into a ghost-baby state, avoided the tombstone, and let himself fall to the ground without destroying a little bit of the tombstone.

Tang Ye frowned slightly when he saw Li Black and White's action, feeling relieved. This ghost infant has great respect and love for the heroic cemetery and appreciates him very much.

At this time, Li Wuchang's snow-white dagger attacked Tang Ye. It was originally only a few seconds time gap. The average person resisted one side attack, and there was definitely not enough time to resist another attack. But Tang Ye is not an ordinary person, so Tang Ye reacted quickly, and still used the finger of his right hand to lightly flick Li Wuchang's dagger, and then Li Wuchang flew out like Li Black and White. She didn't crash into the tombstone, but slammed directly into the ground, slid out a certain distance and stabilized her body.

Li Black and White and Li Wuchang were not injured, because Tang Ye controlled their power well. Fortunately, Li Wuchang and Li Black and White are very strong, otherwise Tang Ye might hurt them if he exerts his strength. After all, the power used just now was the smallest power Tang Ye could control.

Now, both Li Black and White and Li Wuchang stopped attacking Tang Ye. Because they are masters, and as masters, they know that there is a big gap between their strength and Tang Ye's strength and they cannot win!

As long as the masters have two tricks like this, they will know each other's strength very well, at least they already know what they show. Being able to block their attacks so easily, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang knew that this faceless person in front of them was no small thing. If it is not necessary, they do not want to use that power.

Li Black and White and Li Wuchang did not make a move, and Tang Ye would not make a move. He jumped onto a stone pillar and said, "Who are you and why can the ghost infant stay in this cemetery?"

Although he had guessed that Li Black and White and Li Wuchang were the power of the Red Wall Palace, Tang Ye still planned to ask them. When Li Black and White and Li Wuchang heard what he said, they both frowned slightly in confusion.

Don't even know the tombkeeper of their ghosts?

They are ghost babies, but no one else knows. However, because they have been living in the cemetery, they are grave guards who have passed on for centuries, and they are called ghosts by others. Probably because he was born in the cemetery, lived in the cemetery, and was called so over time. This is also something unpleasant when Li Black and White and Li Wuchang were young. Although they live outside, they are still known by others that their family guards the cemetery, that is, the previous generation of cemeteries who raised them. Those kids began to preach something bad about them. When I was young, I went to school.

Education can't be left at any time. Even in chaotic times, education and knowledge are very important. Knowledge is power, knowledge is power, and power can fight evil forces.

Li Black and White glanced at Li Wuchang, nodded, telling Li Wuchang not to take action, looked at Tang Ye and said, "Who are you again?"

Since Tang Ye was not in a hurry to attack, they were not in a hurry to make another move, they could explore more information first. Mainly, Tang Ye is too strong, they don't want to be impulsive.

Seeing that Li Hehui and Li Wuchang were so wary, Tang Ye relaxed a little, but remained faceless, saying, "I am not hostile to you for the time being, but I am not your friend either."

Is that neutral?

Li Black and White wrinkled. For him, these people are also very dangerous, because as long as their enemies give him enough benefits, they will become their enemies. This kind of thing had happened before, so they were still very wary of Tang Ye.

"We are the grave guards here." Li Black and White said to Tang Ye.

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