My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1753: The faceless man!

Tang Ye was amazed that someone appeared behind him without noticing it. How is this going? It is reasonable to say that he is now a person who has returned from the Nine Heavens and has reached the strength of the world fairyland. When he arrives in the ancestral land, it is a super strong existence, and the power of those true gods can rival him. Then other powers appearing within their own range will surely know immediately. But I didn't know it.

"Who are you?!" The voice from behind came again.

But Tang Ye didn't turn around. It might be influenced by past habits. He is now back here and doesn't want to be seen right away. If you are seen, it is certainly not difficult to be recognized. Because when he left the ancestral land, the technology of the ancestral world was already very advanced. Many deeds and images about him must be recorded on the Internet. Then, if someone sees it now, and checks it on the Internet, he will be easily exposed. It's not that you can't be exposed, but that the benefits of not being exposed are much greater than being exposed.

Given the current recovery of the various forces of the ancestral land, it is definitely necessary to choose the favorable side.

So is to pretend? The problem is that there are no clothes at all for disguise. If it is a disguise, he is not a master of disguise. After thinking about it, Tang Ye decided to release a wave of power to his face, making him a faceless person. Anyway, he has power. Withered Wood Fengchun is an inexhaustible power-providing "machine", just like disguising as a heavenly clan in Jiuzhongtian, it is easy to circulate a layer of power outside of the body, and it can last forever.

Soon Tang Ye let out a blur of his face, then turned around to see who could approach him without noticing it. Such a person, unless it is stronger than him. However, the strength is stronger than him, if he meets one casually like this, he can't save the ancestral land.

After turning around, Tang Ye saw two people, a man and a woman. It was a male voice just now, so it was the man who spoke. The other woman did not speak, but kept staring at Tang Ye. After seeing Tang Ye, she immediately moved, as if she wanted to attack Tang Ye. Because Tang Ye is a faceless person, this is definitely a monster. But the man stopped the woman, he must be calm in the face of this kind of thing. It is good for him to find out some situations. The man was very calm, but also had a serious face and was very alert, and he was very hostile to Tang Ye. Obviously, Tang Ye has done something to make them directly regarded as enemies.

This is also normal. Not everyone can enter the cemetery of heroic spirits, it is a very sacred place. It's a place where the heroes sleep, but they can't be disturbed. And this man and woman are grave guards!

As a tomb guard, you must protect the cemetery of the heroic spirits, so that no one, or any monsters, or ghosts, will disturb the heroic spirits. And Tang Ye, a faceless person, was very scary at first sight, and was easily considered a "monster", so this man and woman naturally regarded Tang Ye as an enemy.

And the man and the woman looked solemn, that was because Tang Ye was very jealous. Because the heroic cemetery has the power of four generations of emperors to protect it, and it also has the power of the heroic spirits. Under this kind of power, demons and ghosts will be very afraid of here, and even if they are not afraid, it is difficult to break into here. However, Tang Ye came in, so Tang Ye's strength must not be simple.

Tang Ye was disguising just now, and did not answer the man's words. The man frowned when he saw this, but Tang Ye hadn't made an attack yet, so he still chose to watch the changes, and shouted to Tang Ye in a low voice: "Where is the monster, dare to be wild here?!"

"You... are not human." Tang Ye looked at the man and the woman for a while, and said something surprising.

Not a person, is it a ghost?

However, according to Tang Ye's observation, this man and woman might really be ghosts. There is a heavy Yin Qi on them, but it is not a ghost. A heavy yin is not necessarily a ghost, but if there is a ghost, it must be inseparable from the ghost. If it were a human being, Yin Qi could not be that heavy. If it were that heavy, it would not be a living person. Since it is not a human being, and just like a human, it can be guessed that it is a monster. Among the demons and ghosts, the form of the ghost is most suitable for this man and woman.

Looking at the man and the woman again, Tang Ye found that they looked alike, with similar facial features, maybe they were twins. After a short observation, Tang Ye knew a lot of information about this man and woman. And being able to see directly that this man and woman are not people is actually because Tang Ye's strength is very strong, far above these people. If it's an ordinary person, it's definitely not visible.

Therefore, this man and woman were really surprised when they heard Tang Ye's words. Actually knowing his identity, what kind of monster this faceless person is, it seems not easy!

As the guardian of the heroic cemetery, this man and woman are naturally different. Tombkeepers in the cemetery of the heroic spirits must be strong, and they are still unusually strong. Because here is a kind of spiritual sustenance of everyone, there must be no accident, otherwise it will be a blow to many people. So guarding here is a very difficult task. Without sufficient ability, how can you be competent. The emperor would not agree with the incompetent to stay here.

And the peculiarity of this man and woman, as Tang Ye perceives, they are not human, but half human and half ghost!

The existence of half-human and half-ghost, in fact, once appeared, that is, ghost infant. That is, a pregnant woman died when she was about to give birth, but the child in her belly did not die, but she became a ghost baby because she absorbed the ghostly qi produced by her mother's death. The ghost infant is a super scary existence, very powerful.

However, there are two kinds of ghost babies. A kind of inhumanity, purely like to play, the way is to kill, tease, etc. Such ghost infants are usually the targets that Fumoshi focuses on destroying. Another kind of ghost babies is a bit peculiar. They breathe in the ghost of their mothers, but they are not dead, they are still alive, and exist in the form of half human and half ghost. The most important point is that they can grow from babies to adults. It's just that the nutrients they need in the process of growing up are not only needed by humans, but also by ghosts. This is also required by the half-human and half-ghost traits.

The man and woman in front of him are the ghost babies behind. The Ghost Infant itself is very powerful, if there are some special ways to grow, it will be even stronger. And this man and woman were born in the cemetery of the heroic spirits. Their mother is also a hero. After receiving the request of the relevant Fumo master, the emperor agreed to keep them, and they have been growing up in the cemetery of the heroic spirits. As the nutrition of the ghost part, it is the spirit of the heroic spirit in the cemetery of the heroic spirits!

Heroic spirits are actually ghosts in essence. However, the ghost of this heroic cemetery is not a simple thing. That is equivalent to a kind of power. It is equivalent to saying that this man and woman grew up absorbing the ghosts of the heroic graveyard from childhood, so he is very strong. It can be said that he is the top powerhouse.

Tang Ye quickly figured out the nature of this man and woman, and said, "You are ghost babies."

When this man and woman heard Tang Ye's words, they suddenly felt that Tang Ye was unkind. Qi Qi rushed towards Tang Ye and attacked!

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