My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1487: trump card!

The replacement of the Lord of the Heaven Realm is a major event!

Becoming the master of the world, you can have the abilities brought by the master of the world, such as influencing the world more widely and improving your strength in the world.

Most importantly, this is a proof of authority.

For the nine heavens ruled by alien races, the authority must be their people. How can a human race be the one?

Therefore, the realm master of Erzhongtian immediately found Tang Ye through the connection between the realm masters to confirm who this new high-ranking realm master was.

Tang Ye stayed in an illusion of will, just about to leave, suddenly a spatial vortex floated in front of his eyes. After watching for a while, he knew through the power and information brought by the Lord of the World that it was a way of contacting the Lord of the World.

Tang Ye felt that he didn't have to refuse, and reached out his hand and clicked the spatial vortex.

The connection between the masters of the world is connected, and the space vortex turns into a screen-like picture, which shows a foreign race with a nose like a **** horn, which is the giant rhino family. Giant rhino, giant rhino. That is the realm master of the double heaven.

Looking at this vortex, Tang Ye could easily understand this contact method, the kind of video chat in the ancestral world.

Seeing Tang Ye in the giant rhinoceros in Erzhongtian, he was taken aback. Actually a human race? !

"Who...who are you?!" Ju Xi yelled fiercely, staring at Tang Ye very angry.

Probably from the moment he saw that Tang Ye was a personal race, he felt that the authority of the Lord of the World had been deeply trampled and insulted. How can the human race become the lord of the world? Why become the lord of the world?

Tang Ye glanced at the giant rhinoceros coldly, and said, "Who am I? Who can talk to you among the world masters, who do you say I am?"

"You..." Ju Xi became even more angry. Tang Ye is a human race, even if he is so arrogant and rude to him. When the world master of the first heaven saw his master of the second heaven, he first had to bow and salute, but Tang Ye even counseled him directly, which made him very excited!

"How can you be the Lord of the World?! You are a human race, it is impossible to become the Lord of the World! How could Yizhongtian's will recognize you!" Ju Xi shouted angrily at Tang Ye.

Tang Ye still stared coldly, looked at Juxi with some boredom, and said, "Can you not talk about these nonsense? I have already spoken to you as the master of the world. What you said is what has happened, then Don't say anything about me. I will ask you, what do you want to do with me?"

Tang Ye was just not so polite to Juxi, and he didn't have any hatred. Now he is in the first heaven, the giant rhinoceros is in the second heaven, and he lives in two different worlds, so there is no need to worry about the second heaven so quickly. There was a black snake blocking the world gate, and the power of the second heaven could not affect him temporarily.

Ju Xi was even more angry with Tang Ye, but he already knew that Tang Ye was the human demon who had pushed the sky into desperation. He shouted to Tang Ye in a low voice: "You human demon, don't be proud! I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!"

"You just want to express this?" Tang Ye looked at Juxi with a sneer.

Ju Xi glared at Tang Ye and didn't speak any more. He meant that. After knowing that the world lord that Yizhong changed was Tang Ye, this human race, he had nothing else to do. The only thing he had to do was to get rid of Tang Ye, retake the lord of the heavens, and wash away the shame.

Tang Ye stared silently, and said, "Waste my expression."



Ju Xi still wanted to scold Tang Ye for coming, but Tang Ye closed the contact directly and no longer wasted his expression and time. Become the master of the world, he wants to implement the previous plan. Now he was worried that those alien leaders began to slaughter the human race. He immediately withdrew from the illusion of will and returned to the sky above Sitian City.

Around, there are many alien leaders, and those giant ant tribes who came here, including the patriarch of giant ant tribe. When they saw Tang Ye coming out, their hearts sank suddenly. This is over, it is Tang Ye who has become the lord of the world!

"Kill him! Let others execute that plan immediately!" An alien leader knew the consequences of Tang Ye becoming the Lord of the World, shouted angrily, and rushed towards Tang Ye to launch an attack.

The situation has not improved in any way, and has even become more severe. If you want to redeem your dignity, you must do that, otherwise the human demons will take action, and their alien race will be the lamb to be slaughtered.

The leaders of other foreign races agreed to do this, and they rushed to deal with Tang Ye, and at the same time sent a message that people in other cities began to kill those human races.

The giant ants originally wanted to borrow the power of the world lord to see if there was a way to restrain Tang Ye. But now, the Lord of the World had become Tang Ye, and they had nothing to do. They could do nothing except one life left to fight. Therefore, the patriarch took the other giant ant races, all rushed to attack Tang Ye.

Tang Ye glanced at them with a cold and disdainful expression. Holding the remnant of the Overlord's Halberd in his hand, he mobilized the power of Overlord's Halberd to form a gleaming golden Overlord's Halberd, which set off Tang Ye's whole person so mighty.

He was floating in the air, just poking down with the Overlord Halberd, as if, under his floating feet, there was a piece of ground that could stand on, making a sonorous and powerful sound. Then it seemed that the calm water surface was broken by a huge boulder, and a huge wave was set off, rushing to the surroundings, sweeping the alien leaders and giant ant tribe.

The giant ant tribe and the leaders of the alien race tried their best to defend, but they still couldn't resist it and were beaten back. The giant ant tribe is quite powerful, only vomiting blood and getting injured after going backwards, some can still float in the air. The leaders of the alien races were very miserable. They vomited blood and were seriously injured during the upside-down flight. Then they fell to the ground and fell seriously injured. And those with weak strength have been directly shattered and their bodies are upright.

Such a powerful strength will only make them desperate. So for a time, no matter it was the giant ant tribe or the leaders of the alien races, they no longer shot Tang Ye.

This kind of thing has long attracted the attention of the alien people in Sitian City. When they saw such a thing, the alien people did not come to watch. Even the city lord's grand emcee was killed, they were too late to escape, there was no way to watch the excitement. Seeing that the leaders of the foreign races were beaten down, they were even more panicked and felt that the end of the world was coming.

But unlike the alien people, the alien soldiers. In the panicked crowd, foreign soldiers grabbed the human race and rushed to the center of the city, where Tang Ye floated in the sky. There were other human races who fled and were hunted down by soldiers.

This kind of situation against the human race not only happened in Sitian City, but also happened in all the human race cities in the first layer.

Soon a group of alien soldiers grabbed several human races to the center of the city. After seeing the alien leaders, they nodded in praise to several soldiers. Then an alien leader grabbed a person and put a weapon on that person's neck. The alien leader looked at Tang Ye and shouted, "Tang Ye, if you do anything arbitrarily, everyone will die!"

Worried about not being able to deter Tang Ye, the alien leader shouted: "Not only Sitian City, all cities in the first heaven are arresting human races. If you don't listen to us, we will kill all races immediately!

Tang Ye frowned slightly, looking down at the alien leader.

The alien leader thought this was a trump card, and sneered: "Why, don't you want to ignore so many human races?"

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