My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1486: New owner!

The core of Yizhong's will is a small light cyan light, like a cloud, or in other words, like a state of soul. It floated in the air, looking at Tang Ye and those giant ant tribes alive. It's like something immovable, waiting for someone who can enter here to take it down.

Being able to enter the core place is not far from success. Because the previous illusion barriers are the power inside, and being able to overcome those, winning the core will is not a problem.

The problem now is that more than one person arrived here, including Tang Ye and several giant ants. There can only be one master of the world, so Tang Ye and several giant ant tribes have to fight.

It's just that this fight is nothing. Because Tang Ye's strength combined with the power of the overlord halberd fragment was far above a few giant ant tribes, he could easily defeat it.

Several giant ant tribes also knew this kind of thing, so they were quickly thinking of a way to see if they could get rid of Tang Ye and get Yijie's will. In the end, the solution they came up with was just to separate a few people to deal with Tang Ye, and then one to take the next world will.

This is another "feat" of surrendering one's life and devoting oneself to justice. Because the giant ant tribes who were going to hold Tang Ye, I'm afraid they are destined to die. And the giant ant tribe with a will, after becoming the master of the world, there will be a will to protect temporarily, even Tang Ye can't kill him. He can dispel the illusion and return to Sitian City, so Tang Ye's plan to use Yijie's will to control Yizhong will have to fail.

Several giant ant tribes took action, and there was no time for them to delay, and the situation was very serious. When a human race forced them to come here, they no longer wanted to face it with consternation, surprise, and unacceptance. It can only be said that this is a unique human race, a human race related to the dark demons. He borrowed the power of the dark demons in an attempt to dominate the heavens. This wicked and evil conspiracy must be crushed!

Evil is overwhelming!

Several giant ant tribes firmly believe that they are the party of justice. Because they have never recognized that Human Race will be one of them. Human Race has always been prejudiced and isolated. Once Human Race has any abnormal behavior, such as what Tang Ye does now, it is weird, weird, and improper. Conspiracy and so on.

Tang Ye looked at the giant ants rushing towards him with a cold expression. If he is evil and the foreign race is justice, he would think that he will not lose now, because the righteous side does not have a decent protagonist, how can he win?

If you want a decent protagonist, maybe the Saya who is opening the door to the world is considered to be. However, before Saya's arrival, Tang Ye must have won a great deal.

In order to prevent accidents, Tang Ye used the power of the overlord's halberd that was absolutely crushed, and slammed his hand at several giant ant tribes. A golden light impact force sent out and hit several giant ant tribes.

"Ah!" The giant ant tribes felt that their entire bodies were shattered, and they were so numb in pain that they could not control themselves. Then, they flew out and landed on the ground, all vomiting blood, except for a painful grunt, their bodies could no longer move.

With such a shock, their whole bodies were completely abolished. They are not directly smashed into pieces like some other alien races, which shows that the power of their fairyland is good.

Several giant ant tribes were killed in an instant, and they couldn't even delay the effect. The giant ant clan who was going to get the next world's will before they approached, was blocked by the sudden arrival of Tang Ye.

Tang Ye used the ability to jump in space, appeared in front of the giant ant tribe, and shocked him. Immediately he showed a look of horror, even despair.

Several companions were useless to stop Tang Ye. He was left alone. That was completely hopeless... The giant ant tribe's eyes became blurred, watching Tang Ye without anger and resentment, and accepted this kind of lack. Hopelessness, anger and resentment are unnecessary. He just felt very dreamy, so he was driven to a desperate situation by a human race that appeared suddenly, not just his desperate despair, but the desperate despair of the whole heaven.

Why is there such a ridiculous thing?

"Who... who are you?" The giant ant tribe looked at Tang Ye and asked. Asked Tang Ye.

Tang Ye thought for a while, and said, "Probably you want to stop me, and I will kill all of you."


The giant ants want to curse. He didn't think he just wanted to know why Tang Ye is so powerful. It is not normal for Human Race to be so powerful. There must be a reason, but Tang Ye didn't tell him, and even said something that stimulated him. This is a huge humiliation, and he hates Tang Ye right now.

In fact, if he knew why Tang Ye was so strong, he might be able to tell other people about the traces left by the illusion.

He also has a fluke mentality, hoping to get something in the routine. It's a pity that Tang Ye didn't give him any information, the routine was useless.

Tang Ye didn't talk nonsense with this giant ant tribe, stretched out a hand and sent a destructive force at him. Then the giant ant tribe was shocked to pieces and disappeared.

Tang Ye turned around again, looked at Yijie Will, squinted his eyes, and floated towards Yijie Will.

In the Ninth Heaven, it is not a big problem for those who have a little practice to float in the air. But the kind of imperial flying in the fairyland is a more magical flying technique.

Yijie Will knew that Tang Ye was coming, and for Tang Ye's power, it fluttered from side to side a few times, as if it were uneasy. Yes, it is disturbed. It is afraid of Tang Ye's power. Or it should be said that it was afraid of the power of the Overlord Halberd on Tang Ye. Because of this force, a layer of heaven can be destroyed. A heaven can be destroyed, and its will in this world will no longer exist.

So, obeying Tang Ye and accepting Tang Ye as the master of the world is its best choice. Because if Tang Ye became the Lord of the World, he would have the responsibility to protect the Heaven. If an accident occurs in a heavy sky, the lord of his world will follow.

Tang Ye floated in front of the Will of the Realm, and the Will of the Realm was like a pet. It was the first time I saw the owner that he was afraid, and he dared not approach Tang Ye. Tang Ye stretched out his hand and touched the light.

The light of the will of the one world is actually very hot, or it is a self-protection power that the will of the one world already exists. If the strength is not enough, you may not even be able to sustain the burning of this kind of high-temperature power, and that is also unable to obtain the will of the world.

But high temperatures have never been a problem for Tang Ye. He is a guy playing with fire. He easily withstood the high temperature protection from the will of a world, and then held this group of "light" in his hand.

After contacting Tang Ye, I felt Tang Ye's power and knew that Tang Ye didn't mean to destroy it, Yijie gradually stopped being afraid, accepted Tang Ye, and then merged Yizhong's situation with Tang Ye.

Suddenly, everything in Yizhongtian, foreign races, human races, mountains and rivers... all poured into Tang Ye's mind.

It's a bit like when the book of destiny poured into the body of the princess, the princess's mind passed all the information of all creatures!

The process was a bit painful, but Tang Ye endured them one by one. Half an hour later, he opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with a light blue light.

At the same time, the entire alien race and the monster beast's body trembled suddenly.

The subject of their will, the will of a world, has changed!

The Lord of the World has changed hands, and a new Lord of the World is born!

Those alien races are very confused. Is it the giant ant tribe who has become the master of the world, or is it... that human demon?

And, the masters of the upper realm were all shocked. The lord of their world has something to interact with each other, they don’t understand, why did Yizhongtian suddenly change the lord of the world?

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