My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1488: just started!

There used to be a city where the city owner wanted to threaten Tang Ye by killing the human race. As a result, the city was firmly held by Tang Ye, and he did not dare to hum.

What those alien leaders are doing now is the so-called plan of extermination of the human race, how similar it is. This trick was very effective. It caused all the cities in One Heaven to destroy the Murder Clan at the same time, even if Tang Ye could do it again, he would have no skill.

When Tang Ye dealt with that city, he used a lot of spiritual cores to refine the green spirit fire, and controlled the city through the green spirit fire. Faced with the threat of the entire First Heaven, it was just that the Azure Spirit Fire could not cover the entire First World. But he was not without help, so he became the lord of the world.

Now, facing the threats from the leaders of the alien race, Tang Ye looked down at them, not too worried. Become the master of the world, with a vision and pattern that can be farther and master more things. He originally thought that even if he became the master of the world, it would be very difficult to control all the creatures in a world. But when you really reach that height, you will find that the originally thought difficulty becomes extremely small, and you can hold it tightly with one hand.

Perhaps that is to be Ling Juding, looking at the small power and heroic mood of the mountains.

In Yizhongtian, the master of the world, the will of the world, is probably the top of the mountain, and now Tang Ye is already standing on it.

He looked down at the leaders of the alien races and the human races who had been captured. Facing the call of the alien leader, he did not respond, and directly stretched out a hand to use the ability of "domain control". After becoming the master of the world, the scope of the domain has become larger. Then he faced the alien leaders and alien soldiers who were holding the human race, through the air current of the domain, all grasped them, and then squeezed with force.

Pop, pop, pop!

As if several balloons were pierced by thin needles at the same time, they made a neat and orderly popping sound with a strong sense of regular rhythm. Along with the splash of blood, the body broke. So in front of other alien leaders, giant ant tribe, and some alien people, there was a gorgeous killing performance.

Seeing this scene, the leaders and people of the alien race were dumbfounded, unable to speak a word. Not only was she frightened by Tang Ye's terrifying power, she was also afraid of it, but she was also shocked by the stimulating scene of blood bursting out of her body. It is like the birth of a kind of art. Although it is very cruel, it really seems to have such a little beauty?

It's just that the so-called art and beauty are caused by killing. So beauty only bursts in an instant. After an instant, there is endless blood and terror. What this brings is panic and screaming.

The leaders of the alien races were better, but they turned pale with shock and barely held back. And those alien people are not so relaxed, they just lost their souls, as if they saw the most terrible thing, running around and screaming like a headless fly.

They all firmly believed that Tang Ye was a demon, a demon that was so powerful that it could not be resisted, and would bring them destruction, apocalyptic destruction!

The giant ant tribe had come into contact with Tang Ye's power. Although they couldn't fight it, they felt that after the number was added, they could fight Tang Ye. But now it seems impossible. That is Tang Ye's current terrifying strength, becoming the master of the world, adding wings like a tiger. This heavy sky has been shrouded in shadow by him!


An alien leader fell between madness and sobriety. He hugged his head and screamed a few times, then raised his head to look at Tang Ye, hahaha laughed, and pointed at Tang Ye and shouted angrily: "Do you think we are scared like this? You Do you think this will save the poor lives of your human race? Do you think this is over?!"

"No! Absolutely not, let me tell you, now all the soldiers in the city are killing the human race, can you stop this Sitian city, can you stop other cities?! Hahaha... It is destined, it is destined to lose. !"

The leader of the alien race kept shouting at Tang Ye, and then raised his hand to cast a magical secret technique to release the situation of each city within a day, just like the edited video. In that picture, one city after another was shown, where the human race was hunted by foreign soldiers, and some of the human race who resisted were directly killed, and the obedient were sent to the center of the city, but they were still killed.

The human races in the various cities of Yizhongtian are facing a threat of extinction. A lot of them have been killed, and the ground is stained with blood. And those foreign soldiers, or leaders, or city lord who were responsible for killing, the more they killed, the more vigorous they were. They felt that this was an exciting and enjoyable thing.

The alien leader who showed this to Tang Ye saw this, he laughed happily and wildly, and then shouted to Tang Ye: "Well, even if you kill all the people here, you will still lose!"

Tang Ye looked at the alien leader coldly, but still did not speak. In fact, even if the human race was killed, as long as he finally controlled Jiuzhongtian in his hands, he could not lose. His ultimate goal is to protect the safety of the ancestral land. However, since we are here, we must do our best to save anyone who can be saved.

Tang Ye had already made psychological preparations for what the alien leader showed that the human race was killed. This is inevitable now. What he can do is to immediately take control of the alien race in the heavens and stop the killing of the human race.

Therefore, Tang Ye closed his eyes and used the power of the world lord and the help of the will of the world to absorb a large amount of spiritual power from the heavens, and then used the dead wood to turn the power of the spring endlessly to refine countless greens at once. Spirit fire.

The green spirit fire hovered densely around Tang Ye, layer after layer, and finally spread over the entire Sitian city.

"This, what is this...?" When the aliens below saw it, they panicked.

At the same time, Sitian City, covered by the green spirit fire, rose sharply, as if it had become a stove. Some dry things burn directly. Suddenly, there was a mess in Sitian City.

The sky is covered with cyan flames, and underground fireworks are everywhere. Isn't this what the end is?

The screams of horror spread throughout Sitian City, making people panic. And those alien leaders, looking up at the sky, didn't know what Tang Ye was going to do. Because I didn't know, I was even more afraid.

After Tang Ye gathered enough green spirit fire, he used the power of the world lord to launch the blue spirit fire, flying to various places in the first layer, and then blending into each alien body.

Originally, because of his limited strength in that city, Qing Linghuo couldn't integrate into that city lord's defense. But now, his strength has surpassed everyone in the first layer, and it is much stronger, plus the power of the Overlord Halberd, no foreign race can defend.

The horrified alien races under Sitian City didn't know what Tang Ye was going to do, but when Qing Linghuo melted into their bodies, they vaguely guessed.

The truly terrible thing has just begun!

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