My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1461: Such an operation!

With only the strength of the superior Sanxian, it has accomplished something that can only be done with the Celestial level strength of space jump. With such a show operation, it is too **** annoying, no wonder it can be so confident!

Several giant ant tribesmen saw Tang Ye jumping in front of them and stretched a distance, while the corpse eater behind them rushed towards them. They were very angry, but they became temperless. Male tribes can do this, and it seems that the seven members of their own tribe were killed for no reason.

"Kill him, you must kill him!" Several giant ant tribes drink out at the same time. Such human tribes must not be kept, because they may threaten the queen. If the adult’s weapon fragments were taken away, and this human race could use it again, then they would have no peaceful days.

However, to live a peaceful life, the premise is that they are still alive. Obviously they will not let them live again, so they don't need to worry about things like future life. At this time, Tang Ye, who ran to the front, emitted flame power, once again blocking several giant ant tribes.

Blocked again and slowed down, several giant ant tribes were finally pounced on by the corpse eater. A few corpse-eating spiders landed on their feet, first bit them, paralyzed them with venom, and slowed their movements.

"Ah, **** it!"


Several giant ant tribes drank lowly at the same time, angry and panicked, but they were poisoned after being bitten by the corpse eater, everything was late, and the corpse spiders swarmed in like black waves behind them, and they were all over the place. they.

In the cover of the corpse spider, we can still hear a few wailing and begging for mercy, but it is useless. The corpse spider continues to cover up, like a hill, pressing several giant ant tribes underneath, and gnawing. food.

Tang Ye ran ahead and saw that several giant ant tribes were covered by corpse-eating spiders, and he sighed with relief. This way, one third of the giant ant tribes had been resolved. However, as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, the corpse spiders looked at him. What are a few giant ant tribes? With so many corpse spiders, a hundred giant ant tribes can barely eat enough. Therefore, these corpse spiders did not let go of any food, and ran towards Tang Ye!

Tang Ye rolled his eyes and cursed uncomfortably, "It's really a beast. I brought you a high-quality meal. If you don't thank you, you have to eat me."

Tang Ye hadn't talked to anyone for a long time, so she just said to herself. A guy like him who tends to talk to himself has to talk to himself after holding back for a long time, and what others don't know is thought to be insane. Facing the rushing of the corpse spider, he remained unmoved. Those corpse spiders are not polite, they are about to come to him. However, at this moment, a huge mandala snake suddenly appeared behind Tang Ye. The mandala snake opened its big mouth, stretched it out, and directly swallowed the bunch of corpse eating spiders that were rushing towards Tang Ye.

When the other corpse spiders saw such a big mandolin, they stopped and galloped, and hesitated to see if they wanted to attack. The few corpse spiders in charge discussed it, and if they think there is only one mandala, then continue to attack!

So the corpse spider group continued to surge. However, at this moment, the sound of the corpse-eating spiders is very familiar, and it is their deadly enemy, it is the mandala snake group!

Soon, behind Tang Ye, and around, crawled out one after another, and then turned into piles of mandala snakes. Compared with the group of corpse spiders, it was not bad at all. The most important thing is that there is a huge mandala snake boss beside Tang Ye, not the corpse spider.

Seeing this, the corpse spider stopped advancing close to Tang Ye, several of their commanders discussed again, and then chose to retreat.

For the sake of a human race, there is no nutrition, and I wrestle with the mandala snake group. There is also a very high-level cultivation in the manduo snake group. They will definitely suffer, so they decided to give up Tang Ye's meal of "green vegetables", or rotten vegetables. !

The corpse spider retreated, and Tang Ye was no longer threatened. However, Tang Ye didn't just want this result. He asked the mandala snakes to drive away the corpse spiders. He couldn't let the corpse spiders eat the giant ant tribes too clean, because he wanted to preserve the spiritual core.

The corpse spiders were very angry. These mandala snakes deceived people too much, but under the deterrence of the giant mandala snakes, they also gave up a few giant ant tribes, and they almost ate them anyway. As for the spiritual core, they know this stuff, but they don't pay much attention to the spiritual core. All things are eaten directly, and the spiritual core gnawing away can have little effect. Sometimes they feel hard and unpalatable. Because there is no taste, it is the crystallization of power, used for absorption, not for food.

The corpse spider gave up a few giant ant tribesmen, all retreated, turned around and left, and soon disappeared into the misty swamp. Tang Ye went over to check a few giant ant tribes whose bodies were mutilated after being eaten by a corpse spider, but fortunately the spirit core was still there. So he took away the six giant ant tribe's spiritual cores one by one, which were heavy and of good weight. He was very happy and decided to return to the small hill and digest the six earth fairy cores before continuing his action.

After absorbing six more earth fairy cores, it is probably closer to the earth fairy realm. Sure enough, after spending a day absorbing six earth fairy cores, Tang Ye had completely filled the "grid" and touched the earth fairy realm. He estimated that five more earth fairy cores would be enough to break through.

Having just absorbed so much power, Tang Ye was full of energy, feeling unstoppable. So he greeted the mandala snake and started to deal with other giant ants.

At this time, in the misty swamp, a group of giant ant tribes found the group of tribesmen who were destroyed by the corpse eater. Looking at the six mutilated corpses, the giant ant tribes were very sad and angry.

"Damn it, I actually encountered a large corpse spider group!" These giant ant tribes could see that the dead tribe had been eaten by the corpse spider. They could only say that they had bad luck. After all, they encountered the large corpse spider. Group, even if they are the strength of the earth fairy level, it is useless.

But the giant ant clan leader among them did not speak. He knelt down and looked at the corpses of the six clansmen, silent, frowning and thinking.

"Don't you think they died strangely?" The leading giant ant tribe said in a deep voice after thinking.

The other giant ant tribe didn’t know why, and wondered: "What's weird?"

The leading giant ant race looked back at his companions, with a sharp expression, and said, "They all have no spiritual core."

Several giant ants looked at the corpses, one of them thought it was nothing strange, and said, "It was eaten by a corpse eater."

The leading giant ant clan looked more gloomy, and said: "Their corpses were not eaten cleanly, but the spiritual core was eaten cleanly. This is what a corpse spider would do? Corpse spiders are not attractive, but this meat is their favorite to eat. They will put aside the meat and not eat it, and eat the hard spirit core first?"

When the leader said so, the other giant ant tribes looked at the corpse of that tribe again and suddenly realized. This is indeed the case. It is not the habit of corpse spiders to eat spiritual cores without eating meat.

The leading giant ant tribe coldly snorted: "There...someone has interfered!"

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