My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1460: Can this be done!

A few giant ant people thought it was incredible. How could it be a human race?

But soon, they saw the dense cluster of corpse-eating spiders behind Tang Ye, like a swept ocean wave.

"Oh, damn..." The giant ant tribes suddenly turned pale, so many corpse spiders, are they the nest that alarmed the corpse spiders?

At this time, several giant ant tribes didn't care about Tang Ye this human tribe anymore. Faced with so many corpse spiders, they have to flee, otherwise their lives will be hard to save!

The corpse-eating spiders saw six or seven giant ant tribes, and they were immediately ecstatic. A human race can't eat anything, but there are six or seven giant ant races that can barely eat something. Moreover, the giant ant tribe is the strength of the earth immortals, and its food value is very high. Although the giant ant tribe generally has the strength of the earth fairy level, the corpse spider is not afraid. They were meant to play quantitative wars, even if they faced high-powered players, they would dare to move out. Because as long as they win in the end, even if they lose heavily, they can reproduce in a short time.

The three major poisonous groups in the misty swamp, the mandala snake, the black-tailed scorpion, and the corpse spider, the biggest feature is actually not huge poison, but rapid reproduction. It is precisely because of the rapid reproduction that they can have so many monsters, so many monsters in the entire misty swamp are afraid.

The corpse spider felt that it had not been chasing that nasty human in vain, and actually encountered several giant ant tribes. They all wanted to eat giant ants before, but giant ants live on the back of the stagnant lake and they can’t go. The giant ants are also very cunning, they can't eat it if they don't go deep into the misty swamp.

In fact, the giant ant tribe of the earth fairy level is the target of many poisons. Not only corpse spiders, black-tailed scorpions and mandala snakes, they all like to eat giant ants. High realm strength, then rich nutrition!

For the corpse spider, the dead body is usually green vegetables, and the giant ant tribe is meat. Usually few people come to the Misty Swamp. After eating vegetables for a long time, now there is meat. Not only is the corpse spider not afraid of the giant ant tribe's earth fairy strength, it is crazy about it, and the speed of the influx is even faster.

Tang Ye was speechless. He thought that the corpse spider would be jealous, but he didn't expect the result to be like this. The poisons in the misty swamp were all lunatics. But this is very good and will benefit his plan.

"Run!" Seeing that the speed of the corpse spider had more than doubled, the giant ant tribe was shocked, and one of them let his companion escape with a low cry.

Tang Ye also ran behind them, but the group of corpse-eating spiders combined had greater power. Don’t look at people only about the size of a fist, but I don’t know what kind of cooperation they were superimposed on. The speed was horribly fast. The ants are getting closer. On the contrary, Tang Ye and the giant ants race slower and slower. Because the environment in front has become bad, and it may even be a sinking ground, they have to jump over, which greatly affects their speed.

"Damn, the corpse-eating spider was chasing that human race! Did that human race deliberately?!" While running, one of the giant ant race people drank very angrily. There was a human race behind, but they couldn't move. The important thing was that the Corpse Eater came with this human race just now, so he suspected that Tang Ye had done it deliberately.

If Tang Ye did it deliberately, it would indeed be very annoying. For this reason, can it be suspected that this human race is the human race reported by the previous tribe?

So, this human race is still alive, but his seven companions have no voices, was it killed by this human race?

This is very funny. How did this human race do it? Looking back at the corpse-eating spider that rushed forward, he probably understood that if there was such a thing, it was that this human race was very cunning and used the poisonous corpse-eating spiders to kill his companions in the misty swamp!

Human heads are always so smart, cunning, and unpredictable. These alien races, or the spiritual races that monsters evolved into, are recognized as one thing, human races have good brains.

So there will be something terrible, that is, some aliens like to eat human brains. Isn’t this very similar to the ancestral world, some superstitious guys say they are missing something, and then they are not smart enough to eat pig’s brain, and then... there is also a cow-b whip?

That being said, it seems that it can be extended to a very high level of problem. That is, is it right or wrong for such a lowly human race as Jiuzhongtian? Just like the great world of ancestors, people eat animals, is it evil?

It is difficult to explain this issue clearly, so just identify your own position and beliefs. In Jiuzhongtian, as a human race, being bullied like this, I want to resist. If you can, resist! Similarly, in the ancestral world, if those animals are capable, they can resist humans, kill humans, and be the masters of their own affairs!

"Damn human beings, did you attract the corpse spiders? Did you kill our people?!" Several giant ant tribes had guesses about Tang Ye, and they wanted to understand this, otherwise I was so flustered that I could not follow a human race behind him, but only knew to escape. And this escape is tantamount to clearing the way for that human race!

Tang Ye squinted, sneered suddenly, and said, "Yes, it's me. All seven of your people were killed by me, and I dug up their spiritual cores for cultivation."

"You..." Hearing Tang Ye's words, several giant ant tribes were so angry that they almost resisted running away to kill Tang Ye.

It doesn't count if you kill, but also to dig out the spiritual core. This is a cruel method, just like a dead body.

It really is that human race!

"Damn you!" a giant ant clan shouted angrily, slowing down a bit, but the corpse spider behind him was less than two meters away, and he quickly used his full strength to continue to escape.

Tang Ye felt that they were running too fast, and continued to stimulate: "You should have guessed, yes, the corpse eater behind me was deliberately attracted by me to kill you. You'd better run faster. ."



This really makes several giant ants so popular that they don't know what to say. Sure enough, it was intentional, but if this human race did this, wouldn't it also make itself very dangerous? This corpse spider swept over, and before killing them, also killed this human race first!

The giant ant tribes really didn't know what Tang Ye thought. However, they paid a little attention, knowing that Tang Ye turned out to be the strength of the superior Sanxian, which was very amazing. How long has it been since such a powerful human race has appeared?

Perhaps, this human race is really not easy, otherwise it would be impossible to make the grand emcee so annoyed, and also ask the adults of Erzhongtian for help.

Several giant ant races looked at each other and made a decision to be cautious of this human race, and then kill the corpse spider immediately after getting rid of the corpse spider!

However, it was difficult for them to get rid of the corpse spider, because at this time Tang Ye hit a ball of fire and caught them off guard. But they were still defensive, but their speed slowed down and they were chased by the corpse spider.

"Damn! Are you an idiot?! Before we die, you also died!" a giant ant race cursed.

Tang Ye sneered and said, "That's just what you think."

Having said that, Tang Ye used a space jump, passed the giant ant tribe, ran a short distance before the giant ant tribe.

"Wh, what?!" The eyes of several giant ant tribes widened. This human race... can do this kind of thing?

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