My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1462: Quite frustrated!

Hearing what the chief said, the other giant ant tribes were shocked. Someone interfered, so the people of several races died. Doesn't it mean that the opponent can face six masters of the earth immortals, and is not afraid of corpse spiders?

Will it be the human race in the report?

If it were that human race, it would be terrible, because it showed that the human race in the report was more terrifying than they thought. Even with how contemptuous it was before, now this human race has killed more than a dozen of their tribesmen, they are all in the realm of earth immortals, and he must not be underestimated!

Several giant ants in the team thought that this might be the work of the human demon, and probably admitted that this was indeed the work of that human.

"But, maybe it's another race?" A giant ant race felt that the atmosphere was too depressing. After all, it was very painful and humiliating to admit that the human race could do such a shocking thing, and then wanted to deny it, so that the mood would be better.

The other giant ant tribes didn't speak, because it was difficult to deny the matter until they found out, but they did die more than a dozen tribesmen. Based on this, the situation is not optimistic anyway.

The leading giant ant said: "First figure out what's going on, and then take countermeasures. In addition, call the other team back and join together. It is better to stay together until the situation is clear. We retreat and approach the campsite. The person who killed our tribesmen digs out our spiritual cores, so it can be guessed that he needs spiritual cores. In addition to the purpose of cultivation, I can’t think of anything else. It can also be more certain to speculate..."

As the leader of the giant ants said, his expression became extremely gloomy and angry, and he shouted, "It is Humans who kill our people! Only Humans can do things like digging out spiritual cores. Only Humans can be so cruel!"

Different races generally kill people of the same race or other tribes, and will not do things like digging out spiritual cores. This is cruel. And if the spiritual core doesn't leave the corpse in time, it will melt by itself and return to nature like aura. If you want the spiritual core, you must dig it away in time after killing it. For the aliens, this world is theirs. Even if it is not poached, the power of the spiritual core will return to nature, which is beneficial to them. Because when you practice, you will learn something. The richer the spiritual power in this world, the more beneficial it is to their cultivation.

However, although alien races will not do things like digging out spiritual cores, it is not that alien races do this. Those evil alien races, in order to cultivate quickly, were also poached their spiritual cores and absorbed the power inside. It's just that this alien race will be regarded as a public enemy. Since there is also such a thing as rule and management on the alien side, it is equivalent to having laws and the like.

The words of the leading giant ant tribe made the giant ant tribe of the whole team affirm that the man behind who killed more than a dozen of their tribe members was Tang Ye, a human demon. Suddenly they had a huge hatred of the human race and felt that the human race should be killed. It's probably because they haven't been provoked and humiliated for too long. It's really unacceptable to be countered by the guy who has been stepping on them!

"Let's go back first, so as not to be calculated by this cunning human demon. This human demon is stronger than we thought!" said the leading giant ant tribe.

The other giant ant tribe nodded. Since the human demon can kill more than a dozen of their tribesmen, they can also kill them. They don't want to die in the hands of a human tribe, so this group of giant ant tribes retreated first and returned to the camp. On the way to retreat, several giant ant tribes did not speak, bowed their heads in silence. In fact, this retreat was because of fear of the human demon, which was a huge humiliation to them.

Chi Chi!

Suddenly, there was a voice in the silent atmosphere, not made by the giant ant tribe, and several giant ant tribes suddenly became alert. The leading giant ant race took the lead to stop, staring at the ground with a calm face and looking around. The sound came from the ground, he knew this very well. And the sound coming from the ground is mostly crawling poison!

"Everyone, be careful!" The three most daunting poisons in the misty swamp are crawling, black-tailed scorpions, mandala snakes, and corpse spiders.

Chi Chi!

The sound coming from the ground became more and more urgent, louder and more and more complicated. The expressions of several giant ant tribes became serious, and they had a guess that they had encountered a poison group!

The group, wouldn't it be the kind of corpse-eating spider group that killed a small group, it was so huge that even a few masters in the fairyland could not resist at all.

Chi Chi Chi, rustling.

The sound coming from all around has become orderly from the original mess, not weakened, getting louder and louder in order, and there is a certain rhythm.

"It's a snake!" the leading giant ant clan shouted in a low voice. Hearing that chick sound, he guessed that it was the sound of a snake vomiting a letter.

"The group of snakes may be the group of mandala snakes!" The leading giant ant tribe added.

The nerves of several giant ant tribes are tense, encountering poison swarms is one of the most dangerous things in the misty swamp, they dare not neglect. And they just guessed about the human demons, they couldn't help but wonder if it would be the human demons. Some people specially design conspiracies, the risk factor will be much higher, they have to be afraid.

They were also very puzzled and shocked about one thing, could that human demon order poison?

This can't be done!

But soon, they knew it could be done, but they didn't know how Tang Ye did it. At this time, they could see the mandala snake, one after another, the mandala appeared, surrounding them from all around. The number of mandala snakes is a lot more than the previous corpse spiders, densely packed, like a layer of ground, I really don't know if the snakes piled on the ground will suffocate to death.

In terms of quantity, several giant ant tribes feel very scary. Even if they have the strength of the Earth Wonderland, they can't always resist so many mandala snakes.

"Team, Captain..." When several giant ant tribes were seriously defending the mandala snake group, one giant ant tribe looked forward and saw the situation in front of him. He was stunned and called their boss, as if Ask the boss what to do next.

The other giant ants were reminded by his voice and looked forward. Suddenly several giant ant tribes saw it, and in front appeared a mandala snake that was dozens of times larger than those on the ground. This is the mandala snake king! To be able to evolve to that size, I don't know how many years it has lived, and it must be dozens of times that of ordinary mandala snakes in terms of toxicity and attack ability.

This is pretty scary!

But what surprised the giant ant tribes most was that there was a human tribe standing beside the mandala snake king!

A human race who sneered, and seemed to be playing provocatively!

That human demon!

A few giant ant tribes didn't doubt, they were immediately sure, that is, the human demons who entered the misty swamp to survive and killed more than a dozen of their tribes!

It's really a human race!

Although I was sure before, but I didn't see it with my own eyes, I always had a fluke, and I thought maybe it wasn't, so there would be no need to slap her face like that. Now that it is indeed Human Race, I always feel quite frustrated.

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