My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 561: Kneel down and beg for mercy

Chapter 561 Kneel down and beg for mercy

 Seeing Ye Weiwei's face, Nurse Zhang felt panicked.

“Qiao, Miss Qiao, why did you come to see me?”

"Nurse Zhang, don't be afraid. When grandma was in the hospital, you took care of me. Grandma once specifically mentioned you to me. But at that time, I was busy with my studies and did not look for you in time. When grandma passed away, I was still thinking about you, so I think it is necessary. Find Nurse Zhang.”

When Ye Weiyi spoke to her, his tone was soft, with a slight smile on his lips.

 Nurse Zhang was confused after hearing Ye Weiwei's words, which she didn't know were true or false.

He raised his head and glanced at Ye Weiwei in fear, and saw that she was applying for kindness, but he still didn't get any peace in his heart.

 Because she had done something bad by accepting bribes, she did not dare to face Mrs. Qiao’s granddaughter openly.

The only time Ye has to disguise herself is that her excess emotions won’t show even a bit.

Ye Weiwei said that her granddaughter passed away at that time, and she, as a granddaughter, did not accompany the old man in time, so she had to recall what the old man said and what he wanted to do before his death, and then tried her best to complete it, as a way to make up for the regrets of the old man's life.

The performance that was both real and fake made Nurse Zhang confused.

“Miss Qiao, did Mrs. Qiao really say that?”

"Yeah, even though grandma couldn't speak at that time, her meaning was very clear. We will definitely not understand her wrongly. She was kind-hearted when she was alive. If others treat her well, she will definitely remember it and return it twice as much. ”


 This word has many meanings.

But Ye Weiwei's words were touching, and Nurse Zhang gradually let down her guard.

Nurse Zhang did not dare to say anything, so she could only follow Ye Weiwei's words, "Those are all my duties as a nurse, and I really can't bear the old lady's concern."

“Nurse Zhang, don’t be too humble. In your opinion, taking care of the patients is your duty after receiving a salary, but for us family members, it is the top priority.”

 “It’s a pity that grandma...sigh.”

Ye Weiwei hesitated to speak, and could only sigh deeply at the end.

 Nurse Zhang quickly answered, "I'm really grateful to Miss Qiao and the old lady. You think so highly of me. I, a nurse who resigned halfway, am really ashamed."

"Yes, Nurse Zhang, you don't know that grandma has been ill since you resigned. I was thinking about how those people treated grandma! If I find out that the doctors did not do their best or used the wrong medicine If my grandma’s condition gets worse, I will definitely find those people and punish them!”

  At the end of the sentence, Ye Weiwei's expression suddenly turned serious, and even the tone of his voice was deliberately accentuated.

"Ah..." Those words hit Nurse Zhang's heart like a heavy weight, making her feel guilty.

Ye’s only anger seemed to be out of control.

“Those quack doctors can’t cure my grandma, so I’m going to report them all and make it difficult for them to survive in the hospital!”

 “Oh my God…” Nurse Zhang covered her mouth in disbelief.

I didn’t expect that the gentle-looking little girl could be so cruel.

"However, some people are smart and come to me to admit their mistakes. I want to let him go because he has tried his best, and I also recommend him to the dean for promotion."

“I think it’s forgivable to correct a mistake after you realize it. What do you think, Nurse Zhang?”

 “I, I...Miss Qiao is right.”

 “Think about it again, how would you like me to thank you?”

 When Nurse Zhang heard this, she knelt down directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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