My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 562: She has a heart disease!

Chapter 562 She has a heart disease!

“Miss Qiao, please spare me. Someone paid me to do it.”

"who is it?"

"Yes Yes…"

 Nurse Zhang was so scared that her heart suddenly accelerated and she fainted directly in front of Ye Weiwei.

Although Ye Weiwei said he wanted to repay her just now, the change in tone and those deliberate words later made it impossible for even a fool to hear it!

What's more, Nurse Zhang had something wrong in her heart, and she couldn't hide it, so she knelt down.

 What a pity, fainted?

 “Get a doctor to see you.”

 She didn’t know the specific situation yet, so she didn’t want to send the person to the hospital rashly, so she contacted the doctor to come to her home.

 The provisional diagnosis results are not very convincing, but the doctor mentioned, "This lady seems to have a heart problem."

 “Heart problems…”

Ye Weiyi thought about it for a moment and saw the handbag on the table.

That black handbag is obviously a women's item and cannot belong to Pei Yichen.

Ye Weiwei asked him a few questions to confirm that it belonged to Nurse Zhang.

 Ye Weiwei picked up the black handbag.

Although it’s not good to go through people’s things, she might be able to confirm some things inside the bag.

  Opening Nurse Zhang's bag, she pulled it open to both sides and found a white medicine bottle in the handbag. The text printed on it was related to heart disease.

 The doctor’s diagnosis is correct.

 At this time, Nurse Zhang had to be sent to the hospital.

 Nurse Zhang was pushed in for examination. Ye Weiwei and Pei Yichen were waiting outside, both of them looking solemn.

“Miss, it seems that it was Nurse Zhang who was undoubtedly responsible, but unfortunately, she fainted at the most critical moment.”

 “I was too anxious, and I didn’t expect that she had heart disease.”

 People with heart disease need to stabilize their mood, and it is best to control their mentality and emotions, otherwise they are prone to disease.

Hearing that Ye Weiyi blamed herself, Pei Yichen hurriedly tried to persuade her.

“Miss, you don’t have to blame yourself for not finding out everything about her in advance.”

“Forget it, this kind of thing is unexpected. We have the same purpose, so let’s stop trying to take the responsibility on ourselves.”

“Yes, everything is up to the lady’s arrangement.”

 While waiting, Ye Weiwei received a greeting from Ye Xichen.

But an unexpected illness prevents her from finding the truth.

“Nurse Zhang has admitted that she was the one who did it, but just when she was about to reveal who was behind it, she fainted due to a heart attack and is still in the hospital for examination and has not woken up.”

 “I’m coming to find you.”

“No, no, Assistant Pei is with me, so don’t worry about my affairs.”

 “Pei Yichen? Huh.”

He was alone with Pei Yichen, and he couldn't let it go!

That Pei Yichen is quite old and still doesn’t have a girlfriend. He follows his baby every day, which makes people have to be on guard.

Especially, that Pei Yichen is the blocker!

 After the call with Ye Xichen ended, Ye Weiwei's mood improved significantly.

Although she is still worried about Nurse Zhang, her demeanor has become more relaxed.

Pei Yichen took in all of Ye Weiyi's performance and sighed helplessly.

 Originally I followed Mrs. Qiao, but now I am following this young ancestor. He wants to repay the favor, so he has no complaints at all.

 Especially after getting to know Ye Youwei in depth, I felt even more heartbroken for what this little girl had suffered in her childhood.

 At this time, Nurse Zhang had been pushed into the general ward after being examined.

“The patient has woken up and family members can go in and visit.”

  Thanks to "Xia Xinchen, I am hard to coax, Yi Ge Xiaoxi" for the reward~



 (End of this chapter)

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