My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 560: Pack up your things and run away

Chapter 560: Pack your things and run away

“Well, brother, can you open the door now?”

“Of course, but what are you doing out now?”

“It was Pei Yichen who found Nurse Zhang who took care of grandma, so I have to rush back to find out the truth.”

“Grandma’s condition worsened because of Hanshi Powder. Although the amount is very small, since it is found to be abnormal, I won’t just let it go!”

If she caught the real culprit who hurt her grandma, she would have to torture that person and then send him to prison for reform!

 Ye Weiwei nodded while thinking, obviously not letting go of this matter.

She revealed her thoughts, but did not see Ye Xichen's slightly changed expression.

Ye Xichen held her shoulder with one hand and said in a deep voice: "Your feet are not healed yet, so you shouldn't walk around."

Ye Weiwei shook his head indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I always take a car when I go out. Walking slowly is not the same as rushing. What's more, the pain in my foot no longer hurts. I think it will be better soon."

But Ye Xichen refused to give in, "Let's heal my foot injury at home before going back."

Ye Weiwei glared at him delicately, "Brother, you're here again!"

He began to make arrogant decisions about her affairs again, without giving anyone a chance to discuss them properly.

If it wasn't about grandma's death, she would really obey. she must go back.

 The eyes met each other, Ye only did not avoid it.

 She sighed, "The sooner we find out the truth, the more worthy of grandma's spirit is in heaven. Brother, you said you would understand me."

From her bright eyes, Ye Xichen saw the determination.

 Finally, he relaxed and said, "Okay."

He knew how much risk he was involved in when he agreed, but he could not refuse.

But Ye Xichen is not someone who just sits there and waits to die.

 He turned around and contacted Madam Ye, stating his attitude directly, "Mom, I am going back to City S soon, and I don't want to see Li Mo'er at Yejia Villa."

Ever since they had a disagreement when they left Su Hui's child behind, Madam Ye certainly wanted to reconcile with her son as soon as possible. After hearing that he said he didn't want to see Li Mo'er in Ye's villa, Madam Ye did not hesitate to ask Li Mo'er to pack up his things and go back to Li's house to stay for a while. .

Li Moer was terrified.

 But she also quickly received a call from Ye Xichen.

 In just a few minutes, Li Moer had already changed his attitude, quickly packed up his things and said goodbye to Madam Ye.

 Ye Weiwei returned to S City and went straight to where Pei Yichen was.

Pei Yichen was already ready to wait for her return, but he saw a middle-aged woman standing next to him with her head bent and her head down, shivering.

“Is this the nurse Zhang you mentioned?”


 “Where did you find it?”

"After my wife passed away, I have been arranging for people to stay near her home. Although it took a lot of time and energy, the emperor paid off and finally allowed me to wait for her!"

 After understanding the general idea, Ye Weiwei nodded towards Pei Yichen.

 She turned to face Nurse Zhang. Seeing her scared look, she did not rush to question her directly.

Slowly walking up to Nurse Zhang, Ye Weiyi gave her a gentle smile, "Hello, my name is Qiao Li. I don't know if you still have an influence on me. We met in the hospital."

 “Qiao, hello, Miss Qiao!”

 “Don’t be so serious, you have left the hospital now, we are all equal.”

Ye’s only voice is soft, which makes people feel comfortable in their ears.

 Nurse Zhang slowly raised her head.

 (End of this chapter)

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