My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Self-study

In the top office, Yang Jinxia was sitting at the tea table, holding a wooden tweezers in her hand, holding a tea cup sideways on top of another tea cup filled with hot water, dipping the edge of the cup In hot water.

She turned the cup gently, washed her hands, clamped the cup and put it back on the tray.

On the opposite wall, I do not know when a large 60-inch TV was added. An interview is playing. Her eyes looked at the TV.

"First of all, congratulations, Xinge has successfully reached the top of several major music platforms."

"Thank you."

"We noticed that the songwriter of this song is you. Can you share with us, your inspiration?"

"This song comes from a dream of mine ..."

When Yang Jinxia saw this, she suddenly asked the assistant next to her, "Shanshan, do you think men have a star complex?"

Standing next to it was a woman in her thirties who had short hair and was smart and capable. She smiled and said, "It is normal for men and women to have fantasies about stars."

"Yeah, taking the lover of countless men's dreams as your own, this sense of accomplishment. It must be unparalleled." Yang Jinxia's face seemed to smile.

Shanshan on the side can't help but have many associations. Recently, President Yang has paid too much attention to Bai Jinxuan, plus what he said now.

During this time, she faintly heard some rumors. President Yang was in a relationship. According to her judgment, it should be true. Now hearing the words of President Yang, she couldn't help guessing, did President Yang and Bai Jinxuan become love rivals?

This is really a big news.

However, these thoughts were hidden in her heart, and she didn't show it on her face, and she didn't talk much.

At this time, Yang Jinxia's cell phone that never left rang.

Shanshan's heart moved, she never heard it ring, this was the first time. She didn't even know the number of this phone. She guessed that this should be the mobile phone that Yang used to contact Qinglang.

Yang Jinxia put down her hand, took out her mobile phone, read the information, and quickly typed back to the past.

Then she stood up and said, "Shanshan, you go out with me."

"Yes, President Yang."

Shanshan had some doubts in her heart, but didn't ask, she just guessed that it should be related to her work.

Previously, she had been the chief financial officer of an IT company, supervising that company's finances on behalf of Fairview Investment. Last month, Fairview Investment sold all the company's shares, and she also resigned as the chief financial officer and returned to Fairview Investment.

Until now, Mr. Yang has not arranged her new job. Just keep her by her side.

They drove to a café a few streets away and took a corner to sit down.

After ordering two cups of coffee, Yang Jinxia said, "You have been in that company for four or five years."

"Four years and nine months," Shanshan replied.

After graduating, she invested in Fairview Investment. With her excellent work ability, she quickly gained appreciation. In two years, she became one of Yang Jinxia's assistants, and soon got the opportunity to go out to the IT company Be the chief financial officer. Regardless of position or salary, they are proud of their classmates.

Moreover, she also married a senior executive of another more well-known IT company, which can be said to be a bumper harvest of career love.

Yang Jinxia continued to ask, "What are you going to do next?"

"I obey the company's arrangements."

Yang Jinxia said, "General Manager Huang has mentioned to me several times and wants you to stay in his company. From this point, you can see that you have done a good job in the past few years. In this case, you still do IT . "

Shanshan nodded, indicating no objection.

"However, there is a new company over there with only 20 million startup capital. Everything has to start from scratch. Of course, you don't have to worry about salary, Fairview Investment will be responsible for it."

Yang Jinxia said, glanced at the time, "You have eight minutes to consider, you can also call your husband and discuss. If you do not want to, I will arrange for you separately."

Shanshan realized that this might be a turning point in his career. She couldn't help but carelessly. This time, instead of obeying what the company arranged, she lowered her head and thought carefully.

Time passed in minutes and seconds, and in less than eight minutes, Yang Jinxia saw Chen Xu's figure appearing at the door and asked, "How are you thinking?"

Shanshan looked up, apparently having made a decision, saying, "I believe in your vision."

"it is good."

Yang Jinxia nodded. At this time, Chen Xu had seen them and came over here.

"Let me introduce you, Chen Xu, Liu Shanshan."

"Hello." Chen Xu reached out and shook the smart-looking woman in front of her. Some wonder why Yang Jinxia brought her here.

Yang Jinxia said, "Shan Shan previously worked for an IT company and has a better understanding of the industry. Later, she will help you."

Chen Xu came to understand this, but she didn't resist. Since she asked her to invest, she expected that she would get involved in the company's affairs.

He said to Liu Shanshan, "In the future, I would like to ask you more attention."

Liu Shanshan laughed. "You are my boss. I should ask you to take care of me."

Yang Jinxia asked, "You already think about it?"

"Yes," said Chen Xu, took out a document from the briefcase, and passed it over. "This is my entrepreneurial plan. Look at it."

Yang Jinxia took it, and turned it around with interest. "Well prepared enough. Tell me, what project are you going to do?"

Chen Xu said, "In the early days, I plan to do input method, the main focus is voice input."

Yang Jinxia glanced at Liu Shanshan next to him.

Liu Shanshan then said, "Now, there are many input methods on the market, and the technology is quite mature. One of them has done a good job of voice input. If you want to start from this aspect, competition may be fierce. How do you plan to promote your product? "

Chen Xu certainly knew this, but this was also a choice. In the second dream world, the programs recorded in the host are all practical types, such as system software, database, office software, various tool software and the like.

Either it is not suitable for promotion, or it is too high on hardware.

In the end, he picked it up and down, and it was the most appropriate for voice input.

In the dream, he and Yang Jinxia communicated with 2003 and S01 through direct dialogue. Even in 2003, there were no obstacles to communicate with him. You can see how great its language module is.

Chen Xu simply extracted this part of speech recognition from the robot's language module as the first project.

He also knows that it is not easy to get rid of the siege among many input software.

"Spending money." He summarized his promotion method in two words. "I already have a mature product, and I can use the money to promote it. I believe that with the outstanding features of the product, it will soon Can capture a portion of the market. "

This simple and rude method made Liu Shanshan couldn't help looking at Yang Jinxia, ​​who was the great master.

Yang Jinxia said, "Twenty million yuan is the first investment, and there is an additional one million yuan later."

At 120 million, deducting the company's operating costs will be enough for a while.

Liu Shanshan asked again, "Then, what way do you plan to make profits in the future?"

"Promoting the input method is my first step. I don't plan to rely on this project to make a profit. After the input method is launched, I will launch a second product and translate it online."

Chen Xu also did not hide them. "In addition to the most mainstream Chinese-English translations, there are also neon, Nanban, Southeast Asian countries, European countries, all of them."

When Liu Shanshan heard that, he could not help wrinkling his head until he finished speaking, and said, "General Manager Chen, you should know, what a great project it is to develop such software?"

Chen Xu smiled slightly and said, "Without concealing you, I have already done this translation module. It only takes ten days to complete it. At that time, you can try it for yourself."

Liu Shanshan looked at him with a thought in his heart. Is this man a real genius or a liar?

At this time, Chen Xu took out a mobile phone ~ ~ and said, "I have already done the voice input. This phone has this input software installed. You can try it."

Liu Shanshan looked at Yang Jinxia and saw that she didn't mean to accept it. She took it over, opened a document software, and the input method software appeared. The interface was similar to the mainstream input methods on the market, and it seemed more plain.

She pressed the voice input button and spoke a few words into the phone. The recognition rate is high.

Then, she tried some written words that she did n’t use often. At the beginning, there were typos. As she finished speaking, the previous errors were automatically corrected, and there were still no typos.

She was a bit surprised. She also used the voice input of other input methods. The daily language is okay. Once written language is used, the accuracy cannot be read.

She got interested all of a sudden, sitting there and trying it for nearly ten minutes, and the more she tried, the more she was shocked. Except that the name was most likely to be wrong, and shorter sentences would be wrong. The longer the sentence, the higher the accuracy rate, and even some rare words can be recognized.

"This is indeed a very good product." She exclaimed, looking at Chen Xu's gaze, has completely changed, "Did you make it alone?"

"Yes." At this time, Chen Xu couldn't be humble.

Liu Shanshan remembered in his heart whether there was a technology master in this city called Chen Xu, but he was completely unimpressed, "I don't know which school Chen always graduated from?"

"XX Vocational and Technical College."

Liu Shanshan was a little bit embarrassed when he heard it, and he never heard it, and this way of naming ...

"It's a college." Chen Xu said with a smile, "I rely on self-study."

In fact, he couldn't find a master, so he had to bite the bullet and blow.

"Self-study ..." Liu Shanshan was even more shocked.

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