My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 260: 100000000

Yang Jinxia looked at Chen Xu's bragging, and obviously felt that his skin had thickened. Not only that, he also has something different in his temperament than before.

It seems that Luo Xiyun's departure still brought him a lot of changes.

She closed the plan, and Liu Shanshan stopped talking and looked at her.

She said, "The plan is well written, but several of them need to be changed."

Chen Xu is very calm and has no emotional fluctuations. When he talked about her business and asked her to invest, he was ready to ask, "Which ones?"

Yang Jinxia looked at Liu Shanshan and said, "You go back to the company first and prepare to hand over the work at hand."

"Okay, President Yang, goodbye, President Chen." Liu Shanshan stood up and left.

After she left, Yang Jinxia said, "Let's talk in the car."

The two got into Yang Jinxia's car, the same business car that they last took.

After the car slowly drove out, Yang Jinxia said, "It is not fair for you to exchange 20 million shares for 30% of your equity."

Chen Xu was silent for a while, shook his head, and said, "Now is the age when capital is king. If I go to find other investors, I must accept more stringent conditions. Twenty million for 30%, I I feel like I have taken advantage of you. "

"Since this year, I have been pursuing transformation. The main goal is the direction of artificial intelligence." Yang Jinxia suddenly said something irrelevant. "In order to complete the layout, how much did I spend? Five billion, this is just In order to get the upfront investment in the entry ticket. It is far from real if we really want to produce results. "

"Do you still think your company is worth more than 60 million?"

For a while, Chen Xu didn't know what to say, but she was shocked by the numbers she said. Five billion, just completed the preliminary layout.

The company he plans to start now, input methods and online translation are just appetizers. In the future, artificial intelligence will definitely be launched.

"Twenty million, it's only the first financing. When you occupy a certain market, the speed of burning money will be faster and faster. At that time, it will be the second and third financing until it goes public. To grow, you must introduce other investors. Your equity will be diluted to a dangerous level. Even if I help you, the situation will be stabilized and it will be a blow to your prestige. "

Yang Jinxia's tone has not fluctuated and has been very calm. "In the business world, you can't use emotions like this. You must know that love is the most unreliable thing in the world. Maybe one day, we will become enemies. Maybe I kicked you out myself. "

Chen Xu listened harshly and said, "You won't."

"I'm just making an analogy." Yang Jinxia's tone became helpless. "If one day you meet Luo Zhenghai in the business, because of Xi Yun's relationship, he will give in to him. He will probably be killed by him."

Chen Xu said, "You don't have to worry about this. What Luo Zhenghai thinks of me is very clear in my heart. I definitely won't give him such a chance."

"In short, I don't agree with this plan. You don't want to take advantage of me, and I don't want to take advantage of you." Yang Jinxia's tone was firm.

Chen Xu was helpless. The reason he proposed such a distribution plan was because he wanted to invest with his own woman. It felt a little shameful, and he shared some shares with her, which made him feel more comfortable.

However, she was right about one thing. Today's Internet has been ridden / broken by several giants. If you want to grow bigger, you can't get around those few. You must accept the investment of one of them, and, in order to avoid being annexed, it is best to pull in more and balance it.

At that time, his shares will definitely be diluted. If the shares become too few, it may really lose control of the company.

He asked, "How do you think it should be distributed?"

"100 million, 20%. According to your plan, if you want to promote your input method, you will burn a lot of money. It will not be long before you reach 20 million, and you will have to raise money once, and you will be in one step. This money can also last a little longer. "

Chen Xu looked at her and nodded slowly.

He believes that such a situation of pulling investment is definitely unique. One party wants investors to take more shares, but investors actively take the initiative to invest more and take less shares.

After talking well, now I just wait for the company to set up, sign the contract, and have the funds in place. His net worth instantly reached 400 million. Although it is only wealth on paper, it is exaggerated enough.


After Chen Xu separated from Yang Jinxia, ​​he looked at the distant car with some turbulence in his heart. He owed her more and more, and did not know when it would be paid off.

If it were not for her, it would not have been as smooth as it is now. Just by investing, you do n’t know how much time it will take, and you may be forced to accept very harsh conditions.

After a while, he cleared his mood and moved to the place where he had stopped.

At this time, it was already more than four in the afternoon. He had lunch with Yang Jinxia and talked a lot about entrepreneurship. She invests and has experience in this area. Provided him with many useful suggestions.

He drove to Wanhua Company, this time, he was not looking for Luo Xiyun.

Although he has been busy with software these days, he can know the current situation of Luo Xiyun through Dai Zixin every day.

The next day after that, she returned to the company to work. It was only two days ago that she asked for leave and said she was traveling abroad.

He didn't go to her, not because he couldn't really get away, but didn't want to intensify the contradiction completely. Listening to Dai Zixin, there have been several people in the company who are suspected of bodyguards in black following Luo Xiyun. Even if they go to work, they always stay outside.

Obviously, these people were all sent by Luo Zhenghai. These people are certainly not his opponents, but what happened after they hit them? Luo Zhenghai might also send someone to the side to record the video. Now is the era of gang sweeping, maybe he got him in.

More importantly, he knew very well that normal means would not work if he wanted to restore Luo Xiyun. Get some medicine. He must wait for an opportunity.

Thinking for a while, Wanhua company arrived, he took out his mobile phone and called Lao Tang.

After a while, Donald came down.

The two met at a coffee shop downstairs, and Chen Xu apologized, "Sorry, this time has troubled you."

Lao Tang is quite free and easy ~ ~ said, "I was able to get a promotion and pay raise at that time, and I was entrusted with your blessing. Although I have been transferred to another department, my position and salary have not decreased, and I am still idle. . "

Chen Xu listened to him with ease, but knew he couldn't do it that way. Now the focus of Wanhua's work has been transferred to the electronic sales department. Old Tang was transferred away as if he had been assigned and said that his future was ruined.

On the contrary, Old Tang was worried about him and asked, "It's you, is there any big problem with Luo?"

"The problem is quite big, but I can handle it." Chen Xu said, "If you are not happy at Wanhua, come over to me. I'm going to start a new company right away, and I am lacking a trusted person to help I. If you come here, you will be the head of the advertising department. The salary is the same as that of Wanhua. "

Old Tang was surprised, "You are going to start a company again? What company is this time?"

"Internet companies, for input methods, I've got 100 million angel investment. Otherwise, go back and talk to Xunzi."

"One hundred million?" Don looked at him in shock.

PS: At the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket.

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