My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 258: select

In the early morning, Chen Xu put on a brand-new suit, put on a briefcase, greeted her mother and Chen Ziqi, and went out.

When he got downstairs, Secretary Kim waited in his car. During his stay in the hospital, the car had been parked at the company. Today he was going to the company and she drove over to pick him up.

After Chen Xu got in the car, he said, "Let's go."

Along the way to the company, Chen Xu met several newly recruited employees. He had read all the information, and it was the first time for him. After a short meeting, let them go to work.

Back at the office, Secretary Kim reported to him about the progress since that time.

The third branch opened smoothly. The location, area, and passenger flow were better than the first two. In addition to the activities, the sales volume broke the record on the opening day.

Now, the employees of each branch are uniformly trained by Jinyun Group. The branch office's workflow and management methods were also learned from Jinyun Group. Jinyun Group has done catering for so many years. In this respect, it is much better than him and Secretary Jin.

With a mature training mechanism and management method, the business of the third branch soon became on track.

The success of the third branch has encouraged everyone's confidence. Now, the fourth branch and the fifth branch are in the process of preparation. They have already selected a good address, are undergoing renovations, and recruiting staff training. It is expected to open in half a month.

"You did a good job." Chen Xu gave her a very high evaluation. During this time, he was not in the company, and Secretary Jin arranged all the work properly, without making any mistakes.

Secretary Kim said, "These are all my jobs."

"In the future, you will worry more about the company."

Secretary King seemed a little puzzled and said, "I will do my best."

Chen Xu didn't explain much and let her go out. In the future, most of his energy will be on the side of the new company, and he will give it to Secretary Kim, he is very relieved.

He took out the notebook he had with him and turned to the latest page, which wrote seven or eight words, several of which were crossed out, and only two words were left, circled with a pen.

One is IT and the other is battery.

In the past few days, he has watched the playback of the second dream again, and listed several industries with more informative content. After consideration, others have been crossed out. These two directions are left.

At the beginning, he felt that these two industries had the most potential. The two areas of knowledge saw the most, in addition to basic theoretical knowledge. In the host of the A020 ​​shelter, there are also technical manufacturing materials for most industries.

Like the battery industry, from manganese-zinc batteries, to lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries, and graphene batteries ... except for the most advanced super-batteries, all other battery technologies, from principles to manufacturing methods, It's all in the data.

This industry has absolutely unlimited future. If he throws out these technologies, it will shake the world.

The same is true of IT. Various operating systems and the Internet of Things, which has just started on the earth, have already become popular and extremely mature. Yang Jinxia's ability to control so many robots is proof.

In addition, there is the most important artificial intelligence, whether it is a chip or a program. The theory, production methods and procedures, the programming language used, and more algorithms are all clearly listed.

Not to mention, as long as he realized artificial intelligence and robot chips, it will be enough to build an unprecedented business empire.

However, whether it is battery or IT, it is difficult to realize on the earth.

The battery industry has a high threshold and the investment required is very huge. He estimates that several hundred million will not be enough.

The difficulty of the IT industry is that the language used to develop software is different from that in reality. How to translate it is a huge problem.

He looked at these two words, pondered for a moment, and finally picked up his pen and ticked IT.

Since the popularization of personal computers and the great development of the Internet, a number of wealth myths have been born, both at home and abroad. Both the rate of increase in wealth and the total amount of wealth are startling. In comparison, other traditional industries are a bit inadequate.

As a generation who grew up with the development of the Internet, he still has more confidence in the industry.

As for the difficulties, we can find ways to overcome them.

He turned on the computer and searched.

The first thing he must confirm is whether the chip architecture in the second dream world is the same as the chip of the earth. If the underlying architecture of the chip is different, then he can only give up temporarily.

Some of the instruction sets of the mainstream chip architectures in the market are public, and he quickly searched them out. Then, compare it with the chip instruction set in the dream.

This is not an easy job, because he is watching the playback and cannot search. He can only pause for a while, look down line by line, wait for himself in the video to turn the page, pause again, and continue looking down line by line To compare.

After half an hour of comparison like this, my eyes took a look. He felt that this efficiency was too low. He simply typed all the instruction sets in the playback first and input them into the computer.


It took Chen Xu a few days to complete this work. In the second world of dreams, there are 17 kinds of chips included, and he manually typed out the instructions of these 17 kinds of chips.

Then, using the search function to compare, he really found the same one. He compared the chip's instruction set to what it found online, almost identical. It's just that there are more instructions in the dream world.

He was overjoyed, which means that the IT knowledge in the dream world can be used in the real world. Even if he doesn't develop it, he just copied the programs in the materials.

"That's right. The dream world was originally created based on the earth. The chip architecture is exactly the same, the names are different, but they are actually the same thing."

He immediately understood, thinking about which of the other sixteen chip architectures would correspond to. What he now confirms is one of the most mainstream architectures for computer chips.

Next, what he wants to make sure is the phone chip. After all, this is the age of the mobile Internet.

Addicted to work ~ ~ Time always passes very fast.

Chen Xu was busy for half a month. In addition to eating and sleeping, I am obsessed with programming, and don't even bother about company matters. Until that day, the fourth branch was about to open. He couldn't say no to the scene, but had to temporarily put down his affairs and go with Secretary Jin.

In addition to them, Jiang Yan of Jinyun Group also came, and the two have not met for a long time. Taking this opportunity, they talked about the company's development for a while.

Chen Xu heard what she meant and was very satisfied with the company's development speed. As long as this momentum is maintained, if the number of branches can be increased to 20 before the end of the year, Jinyun Group can invest more.

He dealt with it casually. It can be seen that Jinyun Group really needs a new brand to support its performance. Only five branches are so anxious to mention additional investment.

Jin Yun's additional investment will inevitably dilute his equity and hurt his interests. He couldn't sit still and decided in his heart that he must implement his plan as soon as possible.

Taking a break, he sent Yang Jinxia a WeChat and asked her to talk about investment.

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