My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 864 Giant Blood Plague Heart

Now that the target has been determined, the only thing left is how to bring it out.

It is impossible to pull it out by force, after all, the tentacles of this thing have penetrated deep into the ground, and it is impossible to pull it out by brute force.

"In this case, let's cut off all its tentacles and then move the main body out"

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The warriors took out their laser blades and chopped at the tentacles of the Heart of Plague.

As a laser blade with the strongest cutting power in the world, cutting off the tentacles of the Heart of Plague is not much different from cutting a thread.

Soon, all the tentacles on the Heart of Plague were cut off by the warriors using laser blades. After hundreds of tentacles were cut off from the main body, they quickly turned into a dry branch.

"Okay, come and help."

Three soldiers came to the front of the Plague Heart and began to pull it out from the ground together. The remaining soldier used the laser blade to cut off the tentacles under the Plague Heart one by one, leaving the Plague Heart without a support point.

The Plague Heart, without any tentacles to support it, was easily lifted by several soldiers to the hole where they had just jumped down, and then thrown it out of the hole with force.

The other soldiers who had been observing the situation below, after seeing the Plague Heart being thrown out, immediately stepped forward to control the Plague Heart, and then pressed it in front of Cai Wenjie.

And the soldiers who went down, after throwing the Plague Heart out from the ground, also jumped out.

They came to Cai Wenjie and saluted first, and then spoke loudly.

"Report to the chief! The mission has been successfully completed! Please give instructions!"

"Well, you have worked hard. As a reward, you can absorb this blood plague heart."

"Thank you, chief!"

Several people have been coveting Cai Wenjie's laser cannon for a long time.

Although their exoskeletons are also equipped with laser cannons, they do not have enough energy, which makes them unable to use this killer weapon. However, as long as they absorb the blood plague heart, they will have enough energy to charge it, and then they can use this killer weapon.

After saluting Cai Wenjie again, several people immediately came to the blood plague heart, and then, like Cai Wenjie before, they inserted their arms into the blood plague heart's body, and then activated the energy conversion magic pattern.

Instantly, a dark red energy flowed into the storage device in the body at a very fast speed along with the exoskeleton arm.

Soon, the exoskeleton armor of several soldiers was full of energy, and even the storage device was full, so it automatically stopped absorbing.

However, the Blood Plague Heart was still alive despite the joint efforts of several people to extract energy. It seemed that it could still be charged by several people.

"It seems that this guy's vitality is still very strong. Others who want to absorb energy, hurry up and collect some energy before he dies."


After hearing Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers who were jealous outside rushed forward, and countless arms were forcibly inserted into the body of the Blood Plague Heart, and then desperately absorbed the remaining energy of the Blood Plague Heart.

The Blood Plague Heart, which was already a little deflated, now turned gray. After about three minutes, the Blood Plague Heart completely turned gray, and then began to decompose into powder bit by bit, floating in the wind.

The soldiers who absorbed the Blood Plague Heart all gained the energy to fire a laser cannon, and everyone's face was filled with excited smiles.

Just when Cai Wenjie thought that the matter was over and was about to take people back, a sudden earthquake interrupted his action.

"Everyone, scatter! Quick!"

Since the end of the world, no, it should be said that since the last time that M country dropped nuclear bombs on all countries on the earth, the number of earthquakes around the world has directly increased by about ten times, and basically there will be an earthquake every three months or half a year.

You must know that this is the number of earthquakes in land countries. For places like those island countries, there is basically a small earthquake every three days and a big earthquake every ten days. If the people on the island countries have not died, otherwise that place is simply hell.

Originally, Cai Wenjie thought that this time he encountered an ordinary earthquake and it would pass by if he hid, but what he didn't expect was that this didn't seem to be a naturally caused earthquake, but a movement caused by something drilling out from the ground.

Cai Wenjie, who felt something was wrong, looked up and his pupils trembled.

At some point, on the other side of the deep forest, a giant blood plague heart as high as 70 or 80 meters suddenly appeared, and it was still rising, until it stopped when it grew to a height of almost 100 meters.

This giant blood plague heart, which is about 100 meters high, is made up of bones and organs of various creatures, including human and animal ones. Anyway, it is a mixture of flesh and blood to form such a giant blood plague heart.

Even though Cai Wenjie is at least a few kilometers away from this giant blood plague heart, they can still feel how disgusting this giant blood plague heart is.

"Fuck! What the hell is this?"

Even Cai Wenjie, who has memories of his previous life, has never seen such a giant blood plague heart. Cai Wenjie, who was shocked by this giant blood plague heart, couldn't help but curse.

Before Cai Wenjie finished sighing, the ground began to shake again. In order to stand firmly, Cai Wenjie grabbed the big tree next to him to stabilize his body, and then continued to look at the giant blood plague heart.

I saw that the giant blood plague heart, which was as tall as a mountain, began to appear around it. Tentacles as thick as a train carriage began to appear. After these tentacles appeared, they immediately began to wreak havoc around it.

And from time to time, they grabbed some mutant zombies or mutant animals and pressed them on themselves. Although those captured mutant zombies or mutant animals fought desperately, they could not cause any harm to the tentacles as big as a train carriage. They could only be passively swept away by the tentacles, and then forcibly swallowed by the giant blood plague heart and became part of the giant blood plague heart.

Just when Cai Wenjie was hesitating whether to escape, the roar of fighter jets suddenly appeared in the sky.

Three J20 fighter jets appeared in the sky in a battle formation, and after seeing this giant blood plague heart, they launched an attack without hesitation.

Perhaps because they were in a hurry, the three J20 fighters did not carry enough air-to-ground missiles. Each J20 fighter only carried four air-to-air missiles and two air-to-ground missiles. In an emergency, they could only make do with what they had.

Eighteen missiles were fired by three J20 fighters in turn, and then hit the giant blood plague heart without any surprise.

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