My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 865 Giant Blood Plague Heart 2

The destructive power caused by the 18 missiles was very large. Basically, each missile blew a hole of more than ten meters in the giant blood plague heart.

If it were an alien fighting beast, these injuries would be enough to kill it.

However, after suffering such a huge blow, the giant blood plague heart did not die or collapse. Instead, the damaged areas were quickly repaired by the rising blood plague heart underground.

In just one minute, all injuries were restored to their original state, which surprised the pilots of the three J20 fighter jets hovering at high altitude.

"It seems that this thing cannot be killed by normal means. 03, please contact and return to the base quickly, replace it with the newly issued new white phosphorus bomb, and then come over and burn it to death. I will stay here to continue high-altitude reconnaissance and lock this ghost thing."

"Understood! 01 Take care"

"Don't get shot down, 01"

"Go quickly"

After a brief conversation between the three J20 fighter pilots, two J20s immediately left the area, while the remaining J20 fighter stayed behind and began to monitor the giant blood plague below from high altitude. heart.

Perhaps because of the obstruction of trees or because the Blood Plague Heart attracted too much attention, the J20 fighter jet in the sky failed to immediately spot Cai Wenjie and others a few kilometers away.

Cai Wenjie and others naturally saw the performance of the three J20 fighter jets.

"Is this thing so powerful that even eighteen missiles can't harm it?"

Cai Wenjie couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the giant blood plague heart that had returned to its original state in just one minute.

But this surprise only lasted for a moment, and he soon regained his composure.

"If ordinary missiles can't cause effective damage to him, then I don't know..."

After thinking for a while, Cai Wenjie decided to give it a try.

"Everyone return to the vehicle immediately and be ready to evacuate at any time!"


"Yuan Di, please bring my car over and be prepared to leave at any time."


Yuan Di, he is Cai Wenjie's newly appointed officer and the company commander in charge of the armored infantry company.

All soldiers obeyed the orders unconditionally. The soldiers used their fastest speed to return to the place where the vehicles were temporarily parked.

A few minutes later, Yuan Di also immediately drove over a Black Knight that had not appeared for a long time, ready to take Cai Wenjie away at any time.

After seeing that everyone was ready to evacuate at any time, Cai Wenjie ignored the J20 fighter jets that continued to circle in the sky and directly stretched out his right arm to aim at the giant blood plague heart thousands of meters away.

Then he slightly bent his knees, preparing himself for impact.

After he was ready, Cai Wenjie took a deep breath and started charging the laser cannon.

"1%, 10%, 100%, 200%...500%!"

In order to ensure that the giant blood plague heart was seriously injured as much as possible, Cai Wenjie decided to directly use the highest-standard laser cannon.

A 500% laser cannon can destroy several office buildings in one strike, which is perfect for dealing with this giant blood plague heart.

As the energy compressed, Cai Wenjie's right palm began to slowly gather a blue energy, forming a round energy bomb. As the energy continued to be compressed, the original blue energy bomb gradually began to transform. turns red and gets bigger and bigger.

Originally, this red energy became larger and larger as it was compressed, but when it really reached 500%, it suddenly seemed to change in quality. The energy ball that was originally red and scurrying with electric current instantly changed into It turned into a black ball about the size of a billiard ball, and the original violent current surrounding the energy ball disappeared.

Cai Wenjie, who had no time to think, felt some pain in his arm, directly pushed the black energy ball in the direction of the giant blood plague heart.

The black energy ball on the palm of his hand was like a cannonball, shooting towards the heart of the giant blood plague at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

In just the blink of an eye, the black energy ball arrived in front of the giant blood plague heart, and then shot into the giant blood plague heart's enlarged body without any hindrance.

The giant blood plague heart that was originally twisting stopped struggling instantly when the black energy ball penetrated the body. Then a few seconds later, the giant blood plague heart that originally stopped growing began to expand again.

But unlike just now, the place where the giant blood plague heart expanded was where the black energy ball had penetrated. After a few seconds of expansion, the giant blood plague heart suddenly exploded, and a huge energy shield erupted from the giant blood plague heart. The center of the heart of the plague spread rapidly, directly covering the entire giant blood plague heart.

Finally, after this energy shield enveloped everything within a radius of 500 meters, it began to rapidly shrink and collapse. All areas covered by the energy shield disappeared instantly, and even the giant blood plague heart also disappeared in an instant. not see.

There was nothing left at the scene except a giant crater with a radius of 500 meters. It was as if the appearance of the giant blood plague heart was just everyone's fantasy, but the giant crater left on the scene was the best. prove.

Although he thought that a 500% laser cannon would be very powerful, the actual power still shocked Cai Wenjie.

"Woc! What a genius!"

Cai Wenjie, shocked by the effect of the 500% energy cannon, couldn't help but swear.

The result of this 500% laser cannon is comparable to the effect of some small nuclear bombs, and unlike the use of small nuclear bombs, which will produce more or less nuclear pollution, this 500% laser cannon will not leave any side effects after causing the same damage. It is clean, neat, and powerful, and is simply the best weapon to kill giant mutants.

Not only was Cai Wenjie shocked, but the pilot of the J20 fighter jet that was originally conducting reconnaissance in the sky was also unprecedentedly surprised.

A giant creature with a height of more than 100 meters and an area of ​​thousands of square meters disappeared under his eyes in just a dozen seconds.

He clearly saw with his own eyes that a black energy shield wrapped around the giant creature below and then disappeared, leaving only a huge pit with a radius of about hundreds of meters, telling him that what he saw was not a dream.

"What the hell is going on?"

Before the pilot of the fighter jet could figure out the situation, a call came in from the base on his communication device.

"Calling No. 01, this is the base, please report the current situation"

Hearing the voice coming from the communication device, the pilot of the J20 fighter jet replied with a complicated expression.

"No. 01 received, I'm here..."

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