My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 863 Laser Cannon

After absorbing the enchanted exoskeleton armor of a whole blood plague mutant zombie, the whole body began to emit a dazzling red light. The built-in Kirin auxiliary system reminded Cai Wenjie that the energy inside the armor had been automatically stored and could be called up at any time.

After calculation by the Kirin auxiliary system, the energy just collected can replace the battery inside the exoskeleton armor for up to 24 hours of combat consumption, and can also be used to charge laser weapons.

For example, this enchanted exoskeleton armor is equipped with a laser cannon, which is very powerful. Its power can directly destroy an old residential building, but the energy required to use the laser cannon is also very large.

Basically, if you want to use a laser cannon once, you need to consume 95% of the energy of the exoskeleton armor. In other words, as long as the laser cannon is used, the exoskeleton is basically useless and must be dragged back by others for recharging.

And most importantly, the limit of this laser cannon is not 95%. The relative 95% of the energy can only fire the most basic laser cannon, which is the kind that can destroy an old residential building.

Due to the material and other factors, this laser cannon can stack up to 1000% of the energy, causing up to 10 times the damage, and the energy required is almost close to the power generation of half a power plant.

If it were not for the limitations of materials and technology, this number could be even higher, but now it is already the limit.

And the power of the laser cannon using 1000% energy can even directly destroy several office buildings with dozens or hundreds of floors.

After the energy absorbed by Cai Wenjie just now is charged, he can fire a laser cannon with 200% power.

More importantly, the energy storage area inside the exoskeleton armor is not full because of absorbing a blood plague mutant zombie, but only one-tenth is full, that is, Cai Wenjie can continue to absorb the energy of at least nine blood plague mutant zombies.

At the same time, this also means that Cai Wenjie can use the 1000% laser cannon twice and still fight normally for a day.

This is simply invincible.

Of course, this is only the situation under ideal conditions. The reality is that the exoskeleton armor can only withstand one 1000% laser cannon. If it is used forcibly for the second time, the exoskeleton armor will most likely fall apart directly.

Of course, you can also choose to concentrate all the energy and then self-destruct.

In the state of self-destruction, all the energy in the exoskeleton armor can be fully released, that is, the power of 2100% laser cannon. This explosion can completely destroy all the buildings in a block.

This is simply a big killer used to perish together. Of course, now is an era of unmanned operation. Soldiers can completely control the exoskeleton armor to self-destruct at a distance, and there is no need to sacrifice their own lives.

While Cai Wenjie was thinking, the battle here was over. No! This cannot be said to be a battle, it should be said that the massacre is over.

The blood plague mutant zombies without supernatural powers are no match for the rogue warriors wearing the latest enchanted exoskeleton armor.

Even if the warriors are unarmed, they can punch a small Karami and directly blow them up on the physical level.

The whole massacre even lasted more than a minute. One hundred blood plague mutant zombies faced one hundred rogue soldiers and had no chance of winning.

"Well done. There is a blood plague heart right below us. Who of you wants to blow it up?"

"Report! I'll go!"

"I'll go!"

"Let me go!"


All the soldiers have seen the power of this new exoskeleton armor and are now in an excited state. So when Cai Wenjie asked who wanted to blow up the blood plague heart below, they rushed to raise their right hands and expressed their strong desire.

"Hahaha! Good! This is the soldier of my Xinguang gathering place!"

Although Cai Wenjie couldn't see their expressions at all, he still felt very relieved. With such human hearts, why worry about the end of the world? Although they are all clones, what does it matter? Aren't clones human beings?

Looking at the people who were eager to try, Cai Wenjie picked a few soldiers who looked clean and asked them to go down and get the blood plague heart up.

The selected soldiers were very excited. They immediately walked up to Cai Wenjie and saluted, then wanted to walk to the edge of the cliff and climb down.

But Cai Wenjie stopped them from doing so.

"Don't bother, I'll open the way for you."

Cai Wenjie stretched out his right hand, then opened his palm to reveal a jet nozzle in the center of his palm.

And this is the launch port of the laser cannon. Although the launch port is not large, it can fully release its full power.

"Look! This is your new weapon."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie directly called on the stored energy and pointed his palm at the ground not far away. With the compression of energy, a blue ball of light began to appear in Cai Wenjie's palm. When the ball of light was formed, Cai Wenjie pushed it hard and fired it out of his palm.


The blue laser ball flew out of Cai Wenjie's palm at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and then hit the ground more than ten meters away, and made a deafening bombing sound.

The powerful penetrating power of the laser cannon directly blasted a large hole ten meters deep and three meters wide in the ground. The moment the large hole was formed, a strong blood-red gas floated up from the entrance of the hole, which looked very strange. Not good.

But no one present, including Cai Wenjie himself, felt panicked, because they had already sealed the exoskeleton to prevent the red gas from invading the interior of the exoskeleton.

Several soldiers who had been waiting aside jumped directly after the big hole was blown. The cave on the cliff is not very big, but it has a few hundred square meters of space. The soldiers did not feel crowded after jumping down.

Just because of the red gas, they couldn't distinguish it with cameras and naked eyes, so they could only activate the thermal imaging apocalypse of the exoskeleton armor.

Then, they "saw" something very disgusting made of flesh and blood nestled in a small hole not far from them.

As early as when they were at the New Light Gathering Area, they had already learned about the appearance and characteristics of Blood Plague Heart through teaching, or in other words, only the characteristics.

Because blood plague hearts do not have a fixed shape, these blood plague hearts are basically composed of human flesh, bones, and a large amount of red meat and tentacles.

Therefore, as long as you can recognize its characteristics, you can determine whether it is the heart of the blood plague. The heart of the blood plague in front of the warriors is exactly the same as the characteristics of the blood plague creature learned during the New Light Gathering, so even if they cannot see it, they It was also confirmed that this was the heart of the blood plague.

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