My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 850 Conflict

Unable to make actual contact with the outside world, they can only live a self-sufficient life in the building.

But fortunately, there were no bad people among the two hundred people, so there was no bullying of men and women. Instead, they helped each other and spent a long time like a family until Nothing has changed now.

Now, naturally, someone in this big family of two hundred people heard the broadcast from the drone.

When they heard the content on the radio, everyone's expressions were different. Some people were full of joy and looked forward to being rescued soon, while others were expressionless and felt that it didn't matter whether they got out or not. They got out anyway. It’s just a matter of moving on to another place, it’s not a big deal.

In the end, some people were hesitant because they had regarded this place as their home. Compared with other high-rise buildings, this building was not very big, but it was enough for hundreds of people to live stably and from there. Everyone started growing some food from the day they were trapped, and they have harvested it several times so far, which is enough for them to live here for many years.

Therefore, they do not want to leave their familiar place, and there are even a few radicals. The troops outside are definitely destroying their homes, so they must use force to protect themselves and their homes.

However, most of the two hundred people wanted to get out from here.

"It's great. I knew the country would not abandon us. They finally came to save us."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the country can actually reverse the cities occupied by zombies. Sure enough, our country's military is the most powerful."

"Stop gossiping and come here to help. We need to hang up this banner to at least let the troops on the opposite side know that we are here."


Just when most people were about to hang up the banners that had been prepared for months, those left-behinds and opposition people who did not want to go out stood up and refused to let them hang up the banners.

"Wait a minute! Why do you so easily trust what the troops outside say? How are you sure that the troops outside are here to help us! Have you ever thought about what if the troops outside are targeting our supplies here? Are we going to hand over the food and materials we need to survive? Isn’t it better for us to stay here..."

Fortunately, the opposition and the left-behind faction did not think of using force. They simply wanted to use words and their own pessimistic conjectures to persuade those who wanted to leave.

It must be said that these people grasped everyone's doubts very well and brought out the problems they subconsciously avoided and brought them to light.

To be honest, people who want to go out also feel that if they go out, although their life safety is absolutely no problem, all the materials here will definitely be handed over to the authorities.

If it was a few months before the start of the model, it would be okay, because the things here don't belong to them, and even if the army confiscated all the materials here, they wouldn't feel bad.

But now, some of the food and grain here are the food they slowly cultivated from a seed, and then blossomed and bore fruit. The food here is all their hard work. It would be a lie to say that they don't feel sorry for them. .


Compared with these meager food, they still want to return to the outside world. They have been trapped here for too long. Even fresh air can only be breathed through the fan gap at night. A breath of fresh air outside.

This kind of life is not much different from prison except that no one is watching them.

Everyone has been holding their breath until now. Now that they finally have the chance to go outside safely, how could they give up?

Therefore, most of the people, after being silent for a while, replied with firm eyes.

"I'm sorry, brother. Compared with food, I still hope to live openly and openly under the sun. We have been trapped here for too long, so I'm sorry!"

Most people thought so, so after one person took the lead in speaking out their thoughts, they continued to get busy, hanging banners and packing things, and everyone's face couldn't help but smile. An expectant expression.

Compared with these people, the expressions of the opposition and left-behind faction were a bit unfriendly. They looked at the busy people around them with gloomy faces, as if they had made some decision in their hearts. They looked at each other and left one after another. .

Their performance has been noticed by many people. Optimistic people think that they just can't bear to be here, but those who are a little thoughtful think that these left-behinds and opposition parties must be up to something wrong.

There are many people who have this idea, so after all the left-behinds and opposition people left, they immediately gathered together to discuss what the other side wanted to do.

"Have you seen the faces of those people?"

"I saw it. I guess they want to use force to force us not to go out."

"I think so too. I suggest that we must take action before they take action and catch them off guard."


"I agree too"

"Instead of passive defense, why not take the initiative? I think this is feasible. Even if the opponent doesn't have that intention, we must make corresponding preparations."

Most people who have this idea are middlemen and a small number of young people with some social experience.

On the other hand, most of the young people who just graduated from school and the elderly who don't want to cause trouble have different ideas from them.

"Brothers, do you think they are too evil? We had a meal together with laughter a few hours ago. It's only been a few minutes, and they are going to start shouting and killing? This is too outrageous."

A young man who was about 20 years old stood up and interrupted their conversation, and then tried to ease the relationship between the two sides with emotion and reason.

The young man's words were not ignored by them. To be honest, there was nothing wrong with what the young man said. An hour ago, they were a group of people who helped each other, and everyone had their own acquaintances on both sides.

They didn't want to have any conflicts with their acquaintances and friends.

Living together for more than half a year has made them accept the existence of others and very familiar with everyone's temper and personality.

But because of this, they will be more determined in their ideas. Everyone is familiar with each other's personality and temper, so this conflict is inevitable. In order to minimize the damage as much as possible, they must take the initiative to control them as quickly as possible, so as to avoid more bloodshed.

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