My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 851 Lone Wolf Survivor

The young man's words not only failed to calm them down, but instead added fuel to the fire, directly arousing everyone's desire to fight.

"Everyone, take up your weapons, we must end the battle with them as soon as possible"


A large group of people, holding various sticks in their hands, led by several tall and strong men, rushed straight to where those people usually were.

However, before they rushed in, those who stayed behind and the opposition also bumped into them halfway with various sticks or machetes.

"Sure enough, these guys can't hold back! Look at the machetes in their hands, they must want to kill us"

"That's right! If we hadn't equipped ourselves with sticks in advance, they would have killed us with machetes. Everyone, pay attention. Don't hold back. Beat these despicable guys so hard that they can't get out of here"

"Oh! You guys say we are despicable, but I was thinking you are shameless. The things in your hands are definitely not for communication"

"Don't waste your time talking to them. Let's fight! Brothers, charge!"

Both sides looked at the sticks in each other's hands and started to call the other side shameless. Then, without saying anything more, the two sides started a brutal fight. [6][9][s][h][u][x][.][c][o][m]

In terms of numbers, the remaining party and the opposition side were definitely at a disadvantage, but they were much better in terms of weapons. After all, they also had weapons such as machetes and machetes, which were still quite advantageous over the other side that only had sticks.

The fight did not last long, because Cai Wenjie's patrol team rushed here immediately after seeing the banner hanging on the building.

"Stop it!"

The patrol captain frowned and shouted loudly at the people fighting each other.

Unfortunately, the captain's words did not stop the two sides who were already fighting, and they continued to fight each other.

In response, the patrol captain did not say much, and directly pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger at the ceiling.


With a gunshot, the people who were still fighting each other immediately calmed down. They seemed to have been paused and froze in place.

However, there were also a few people who were still hurting each other. The patrol captain did not indulge them and directly pulled the trigger again at the people who were already killing.

With another gunshot, a young man who had raised his machete high and chopped at the opposite side was directly pierced through his palm by a bullet, and the machete raised high also fell to the ground with a scream. ♦♦  ♦♦

This incident made the remaining people regain their sanity and stop hurting.

"We are the troops of the Xinguang gathering place. We have been ordered to take you to a safe place. Now everyone listens to my command. Try to compress your luggage to less than ten kilograms, and then gather on the first floor. A truck will come to pick you up in half an hour. Do you understand?"

"Understand, understand"

Under the majesty of the patrol captain, these people took the initiative to drop their weapons, and then helped the injured back to their own places and began to pack their luggage, even those who stayed behind and the opposition.

The scene just now made them realize that relying on flesh and blood and the sticks and swords in their hands, they could not defeat the regular troops with sophisticated firearms and equipment, so the original active thoughts were deeply hidden in their hearts under the influence of the two gunshots.

As for the young man whose palm was pierced by a bullet, he was taken back directly by the patrol team. Not only him, but also those who were seriously injured by machetes and various sticks were all taken away by the patrol team.

If these people are not treated in time, they are likely to die on the spot, so they must be given regular treatment.

Therefore, the captain of the patrol team decided to take these seriously injured patients to the newly established field hospital in the rear to give them regular treatment, and the rest of the lightly injured will be treated by their medical staff.

In this area, in addition to the survivors hiding in the department store, some survivors hiding in various buildings were also found.

Most of these survivors are one person, or two people hiding in some inconspicuous places, such as the roof of the building, the basement, the cellar and the like.

Usually, they usually stay in their own shelters and wait until night. When all the zombies leave the buildings where they hide during the day and run rampant outside, these survivors will quietly come out of their self-built shelters and collect supplies from various buildings.

When the night is about to end and the sun is about to appear, leave the original place before the zombies come back and return to their own shelters.

These survivors have survived in a city full of zombies in this way.

It can be seen that no matter how bad the environment is, people's desire to survive can still overcome everything, and they can adapt to the surrounding environment as much as possible, so as to survive with difficulty.

Of course, the survivors who survived in a city full of zombies in this way basically became lone wolves who were not easy to trust others and lived alone.

So, when Cai Wenjie's patrol team appeared in this area, the first reaction of these lone wolf survivors was not happiness, but resistance.

They have become accustomed to this way of survival and are living well. Each lone wolf survivor has a special supply point for himself.

These are the things they have collected bit by bit from various buildings.

The lone wolves can survive for more than a year with their own supplies, and as long as they are a little more cautious, they don't have to worry about the zombies. In this case, basically no one wants to abandon their supplies and go to the official gathering place in an unknown place to live as a resident.

However, not all of these survivors have this idea. As mentioned earlier, in addition to the lone wolf survivors, there are also several survivors who gather in groups of two or three.

These survivors are composed of a family. These survivors with families hope that they and their families can have a safe environment rather than these collected supplies.

The official gathering place and the troops in the gathering place can just meet their needs.

Therefore, these survivors with families took the initiative to seek shelter as soon as the patrol passed through this area.

They also exposed the location of the lone wolf survivors nearby. As for why they knew the shelters of other lone wolf survivors, it was mainly because they also needed to trade, so they naturally revealed their respective shelters.

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