My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 849 Survivors in the City

Perhaps feeling unsatisfied, the speed-type mutant zombie directly used his right leg to stomp hard on the head of the corpse controller unit.

Fortunately, the speed-type mutant zombie's strength was not very strong, otherwise this kick could completely crush the corpse controller's head.

The corpse controller, who was kicked again, had a clear footprint on his head.

Looking at the footprint he made, the speed-type mutant zombie felt very satisfied.

Seeing this, several other speed-type mutant zombies also surrounded and stomped hard on the corpse controller's head.

They also wanted to leave their own marks on the corpse controller's head.

Just when they were having fun, the sound of helicopter propellers suddenly appeared in the sky. The speed-type mutant zombies instinctively looked up and their eyes collided directly with the pilot and weapon operator of the armed helicopter.

"This thing actually provoked me? What a courage"

The weapon operator did not indulge him and directly shot at the speed-type mutant zombie below with the mounted machine gun.

As expected, all the standing mutant zombies were slaughtered in an instant, leaving only the unconscious corpse controller and the legless speed mutant zombie.

"Confirm the target! Unknown mutant zombie found"

"Send the location and let the army come over"


After seeing the appearance of the corpse controller, the helicopter pilot and weapon operator agreed that it was the mutant zombie they had been looking for that could control other zombies.

There was no way, because his head was big and round, and from a distance it looked like a watermelon that had become a spirit.

It was hard not to doubt it.

Before the army arrived, the helicopter gunship repelled several waves of nearby zombie attacks. Their target was not the helicopter gunship, but the unconscious corpse controller.

These zombies seemed to have hatred for the corpse controller. Once they approached the corpse controller, they immediately punched and kicked him, and some even picked up stones and smashed the corpse controller's big head.

When the army arrived, a lot of corpses had piled up around the corpse controller.

Even the armed helicopter that caused this phenomenon did not expect that this corpse controller would be so hated by zombies. Even though it was in a coma, many zombies came to kick it. If the armed helicopter had not intervened quickly, it would probably be the first mutant zombie to be kicked to death by zombies.

Because it was clearly stated that the army was to come and recover the mutant zombies, the armored vehicles sent by the command center included trucks responsible for transporting mutant zombies and two infantry fighting vehicles for full protection.

After the three vehicles stopped not far from the corpse controller, several soldiers in protective clothing immediately got off the vehicles, and several soldiers wearing exoskeletons held various binding tools in their hands, tied up the corpse controller in all aspects, and then carried the corpse controller, who had been trapped like a pillar, to the back of the truck and threw the corpse controller on it like throwing away garbage.

Their convoy would not return to the temporary base, but according to Cai Wenjie's order, they would return directly to the Xinguang gathering place and send the corpse controller to the research institute for slice research.

After the corpse controller was sent away, the armed helicopter returned to the temporary base.

They will be rewarded for catching the culprit who controlled the zombies this time.

As for the content of the reward, it is not convenient to disclose.

After dealing with the rear affairs, Cai Wenjie gave orders with confidence to let the troops clear the remaining zombies in the city, and called on the survivors living in the corners of the city to come out and accept inspection.

Cai Wenjie did not expect that after so long after the end of the world, there are still survivors in the city, and they are the kind of survivors who have not received official assistance at all.

If the zombies in the city are eliminated in the same way as before, it is estimated that these survivors will be killed by mistake.

In order to find more survivors, Cai Wenjie ordered to install a high-power speaker on the drone, and then play this sentence in a loop.

"Attention all survivors! We are from the military. We have eliminated most of the zombies in the city. It is safe outside now. However, for the sake of safety, please do not leave your shelter and wait for our rescue. We will clear the zombies one area at a time. After we confirm the safety of an area, please ask the survivors in this area to come out and join us immediately..."

In order to prevent these survivors from being harmed by the zombies hidden in the corners of the city.

Therefore, the broadcast specifically reminded the survivors that they should wait until the troops have cleared the zombies in each area and confirmed the safety of the area before they can come out.

The looped broadcast recording will be transmitted to the entire city with the drone to ensure that the survivors can hear the sound of the drone.


In a building in the central area of ​​the city, there are nearly two hundred survivors hiding. They relied on blocking the entrances and windows of the building to survive at the beginning of the apocalypse. However, this also made them lose the opportunity to go to the official gathering place.

This building is the China World Trade Center. Basically, food, drinks and clothes are available here. So although the two hundred survivors are trapped here, they will not starve.

During this period, they have been trying to get in touch with the outside world, but they have not succeeded. It is not because there is no signal or other problems, but simply because there are too many zombies surrounding the China World Trade Center. The general-sized troops cannot get in at all. Even if they get in, they cannot get out. It is simply unsolvable.

They have thought about using a helicopter to pick them up, but the problem is that the China World Trade Center is not very high. In addition, although it is an old building, it has not reached the point where it must be demolished, so it has not been expanded or renovated. However, various buildings next to it have been expanded and renovated several times. The height of the entire building has even exceeded hundreds of meters, and even the shortest one is 70 to 80 meters high.

The height of the old China World Trade Center is only about 20 meters at most, with only five floors.

If the helicopter wants to come and pick up the survivors here, it will have to face a problem, that is, the human sandbags falling from the sky.

The zombies and mutant zombies in other buildings would take the opportunity to jump out of the tall buildings from all directions when the helicopter landed on the roof of the old China World Trade Center or hovered on the roof, using their bodies as sandbags and constantly jumping down, trying to crash the helicopter or force it to land.

Because of this, let alone the helicopter, even the survivors did not want to go to the roof of the China World Trade Center to avoid being hit by zombies and dying on the spot.

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