My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 78 Rescue

Just in case, Cai Wenjie changed his battle plan. ♦♦  ♦♦

Taiwan Novel Network→𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒

Continue to rescue the hostages, but don't touch the food side yet.

"The rescue plan has changed. After you rescue the hostages, Deng Jun, support the deputy platoon leader in the assassination mission. After the other villagers in the village are eliminated, storm the villa. Then I will use the infantry fighting vehicles and rocket launchers. , eliminate all the militants in the villa in a short period of time."

Cai Wenjie issued the massacre order in a cold voice. It was not that he had no conscience, he was just trying to protect himself. Otherwise, his men would suffer casualties. This is what Cai Wenjie did not want to see. Instead of letting his men risk being shot, Instead of showing mercy, it would be better to massacre all the people who looked like militants without getting hurt.

Is Cai Wenjie going too far? Very excessive! Because innocent people will die under his orders.

But Cai Wenjie has no regrets. This is a decision he needs to make as a commander.

The time came to half past two in the middle of the night, and we only needed half an hour to go before we could take action.

Cai Wenjie was still observing the situation below. Most of the lights in the villa were extinguished but still very bright. Cai Wenjie was now observing the villa with an ordinary telescope.

It was found that the defense in the villa was weakening little by little as time went by, and many security personnel were slacking off. Cai Wenjie was not surprised by this. After all, they said they were security guards, but they were actually just villagers with guns, and they did not pass by. What training.

The patrols went from five minutes to half an hour, and the dogs were missing. The people on the roof who were staring down at them were also missing. They must be slacking off somewhere.

Soon it was three o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Time's up, everyone take action!"

After Cai Wenjie said something into the intercom to start taking action, he began to focus on his men.

At the guard post at the exit of the village, the two guards on guard had fallen asleep deeply, and no one was watching the gate at all. This made Cai Wenjie speechless. It was really unprofessional, but Cai Wenjie still spoke to the intercom.

"Please pay attention to whether there is a monitor or anything like that over the gate. If there is one, knock it off."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he turned to the sniper who had been lying with him for nearly two hours.

"Zhang Hai, Li Tian, ​​who are the two on guard at the entrance of the village? One of you two, listen to my command!"

Cai Wenjie took the thermal imager and looked at the sleeping guard below, and after seeing the right moment,


Cai Wenjie gave the order, and Zhang Hai and Li Tian beside him pulled the trigger at the same time. After the bullet passed through the barrel and silencer and made a muffled gunshot, the two people who were sleeping peacefully in the thermal imaging fell asleep even more. It smells good, but it smells so good that it will never get up.

To be honest, even with the use of a silencer, Cai Wenjie, who was next to the sniper rifle, was still startled by the sound of the gunfire, but fortunately, except for a few people close by, almost no one could hear the gunshot.

"The sentry at the entrance of the village has been taken down! You continue to move forward!"


The two teams under the thermal imaging quickly approached the wooden gate at the entrance of the village. The exit of the village was blocked by a three-meter-high wooden gate, but this height could not stop them. With the cooperation of a few people, they could easily jump over it. wooden door.

After successfully sneaking into the village, Cai Wenjie continued to track the two teams in real time and provide timely information.

"You can see the open space ahead by turning right. With the hostages in the open space as the center point, there are ambushes on the roofs at three o'clock, seven o'clock, ten o'clock, and twelve o'clock."

Cai Wenjie accurately reported the enemy's direction to Deng Jun and others

"There are at least two people on the top of each room, including three people at three o'clock and seven o'clock. Each of your two teams is responsible for the enemy in one place. The enemies at three o'clock and seven o'clock are left to you. , we will take care of the rest!”

After Cai Wenjie gave the order to the team below, he contacted the people on the opposite mountain

"Shunliu, you heard me. They will deal with the enemies at three o'clock and seven o'clock. Your two will be responsible for the enemies on the roof at twelve o'clock. I will be responsible for the people at ten o'clock."


After the smooth sound came, Cai Wenjie asked the sniper to aim at the enemy at the ten o'clock direction, and then waited for everyone to touch the enemy's invisible place, and cooperated with the team below to start calling the names one by one.


Almost at the same time, the sniper on Cai Wenjie's side and the sniper on Shunliu's side fired their shots within less than a second. Although the sound could not be heard, the flames emitted by the sniper rifle could still be seen for a moment.

Low gunfire sounded, and four more people fell asleep forever, while the two teams below also rushed to the roof.

Deng Jun's team quickly used MK23 to eliminate the enemies on the roof, and the deputy platoon leader's team also silently killed the enemies they were responsible for.

"Report! Unplug personnel safely! Start rescuing hostages!"

After Deng Jun finished his report, he led his men in a vigilant formation towards the pillar where the hostages were tied in the middle of the open space.

The deputy platoon leader led his people to carry out assassinations one by one.

The tied special police officers and others were shivering from the cold. Captain Zhang Yong vaguely heard some footsteps and hurriedly called out to wake up his teammates around him.

Before everyone woke up, Deng Jun brought people to Zhang Yong and blocked his mouth to prevent him from making any sound. Zhang Yong wanted to struggle, but he was stunned when he saw the equipment of Deng Jun and others.

After covering Zhang Yong's mouth, Deng Jun said softly

"Shh! Keep your voice down! We are here to save you. Nod if you understand."

Zhang Yong nodded quickly, indicating that he understood. Seeing Zhang Yong nod, Deng Jun finally let go of his hand covering his mouth.

Then he came behind him and cut the rope with a knife and let Zhang Yong down. The other team members also cut everyone's ropes like Deng Jun and let them down.

Zhang Yong wanted to say something, but was stopped by Deng Jun.

"Let's talk later. Let's leave here first! Can we go?"

Zhang Yong tried to stand up by himself, but soon fell down. Because he hadn't put it down for too long, Zhang Yong and his friends couldn't stand up in a short time.

There was no other way. Deng Jun ordered everyone to carry one person and leave. After Cai Wenjie saw this scene on the mountain, he asked on the intercom to confirm what happened.

"What's going on?"

Deng Jun heard Cai Wenjie's question from the intercom and quickly replied

"Report, the hostages have been rescued, but because they have been tied up for too long, they can't move in a short time, so we can only evacuate them to the rear first."

"I know! Take them to the infantry fighting vehicle and hand them over to the crew on standby there!"


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