My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 79 Rescue Completed

After receiving Cai Wenjie's order, Deng Jun and his men quickly evacuated to the infantry fighting vehicle.

The deputy platoon leader continued to lead people to sweep the houses around the attackers. No matter who they were, no one could escape from his gun.

On the other side, Deng Jun and other team members each carried a special police officer and returned to the place where the infantry fighting vehicle stayed.

After just arriving here, he handed it over to the infantry fighting vehicle crew without saying a word, and then left here without looking back. Just as Zhang Yong wanted to say thank you, he was no longer visible.

I had no choice but to start communicating with the crew of the infantry fighting vehicle.

"Thank you for saving us. If possible, can you give us water?"

"Of course, here you go"

The driver of the infantry fighting vehicle took out his own water bottle and handed it to Zhang Yong. The other crew members also took out their own water bottles and handed them to the special police officers. Although they were already very thirsty, the special police officers still resisted drinking water. desire, but first said thank you to the crew.


Then I started to drink the water from the kettle bit by bit. If I suddenly drink a lot of water after not drinking for a long time, it would be bad for my stomach, so I drank the water in small sips.

Zhang Yong asked the driver of the infantry tank while drinking water.

"Brother, which department are you in? What's your name?"

"I am a soldier at Xinguang Gathering Area. My name is Zhao Zilong. Don't laugh! This is the name my father gave me. He is a fan of the Three Kingdoms. When my mother gave birth to me, he named me Zhao Zilong. Can’t even stop it”

After hearing what Zhao Zilong said, Zhang Yong smiled because he was still drinking water and choked on it.

After Zhao Zilong saw that the guy in front of him was choked by water, he shrugged helplessly and then asked.

"What about you, brother? What are you and your brother's names? Please introduce yourself."

"My name is Zhang Yong, and they are all my brothers. The tallest one is called Yang Yijun, the tall one is called Xiang Long, the one with the silly smile is called He Geng, and the youngest Li Mu. The drivers who were with us didn't have any I held back and surrendered.”

Zhang Yong told Zhao Zilong his experience in detail, and Cai Wenjie heard it clearly on the intercom.

"Zilong give him the walkie-talkie and I'll ask him personally."

After Zhao Zilong heard the instruction, he handed the walkie-talkie to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong also knew that the entire conversation just now had been heard by this unidentified person.

When Zhao Zilong handed the walkie-talkie to Zhang Yong, he said:

"The person you want to talk to is our company commander, the person in charge of the Xinguang gathering place, and the person who issued the mission to rescue you this time. Pay attention to your tone."


After Zhang Yong took the walkie-talkie, he said carefully

"Hello, thank you for saving us, thank you!"

"You're welcome! Rather than this, I want to ask you, how is the enemy's firepower configuration? Have all the drivers rebelled? Why is there no gatekeeper where the grain truck is parked? Is it a trap?"

Cai Wenjie asked directly without politeness. Several questions were all information that must be clarified now.

"Let me answer your questions one by one. The first is the enemy's firepower configuration. They only have obsolete weapons, as well as the firearms and bullets taken from the police station and us. There are no heavy weapons, but there are grenade"

Zhang Yong calmly answered Cai Wenjie's questions. ♜ ♦ ♗♦

"The drivers rebelled a few hours ago, but like us, they persisted for three days before surrendering. I think they can be forgiven. As for why the grain truck parked at the warehouse was not guarded, I don't know. But it’s definitely not a trap.”

"are you sure?"

"Yes! I am sure and certain that it is not a trap, because I have seen many villagers staying there in the past three days, and I have not seen anything strange. No one even drove them away."

Cai Wenjie's brows relaxed a little. As long as it was not a trap, Cai Wenjie confirmed again and again for safety reasons.

"Are you sure that the other party doesn't have heavy firepower?"

"Yes! When they stopped our convoy, they just sent people to scatter crops on the road we must pass. They pretended that they accidentally overturned and caused the crops to cover the road. Then they begged us to get out of the car to help, because it was indeed It's a bit pitiful, I blame me for getting out of the car to help out of sympathy without thinking much, and then I was captured by those people using police equipment and old objects."

Speaking of which, Zhang Yong wanted to bury himself somewhere. It was so embarrassing.

"When he was captured, maybe he wanted to show how powerful he was. He showed us all his belongings intentionally or unintentionally. Some people even tied grenades in front of them like terrorists. I walked back and forth several times and I almost couldn’t help laughing."

Zhang Yong smiled silently when he thought of that scene.

"At that time, I carefully observed everyone. There were about 80 people who owned firearms. Most of them were 56 punches, 81 bar, and a small number of local muskets were our Type 95. I didn't find any weapons such as machine guns. , or heavy firepower such as rocket launchers"

The more Cai Wenjie listened, the more he blushed. It turned out that the footage taken by the drone was actually real. Unfortunately, he thought the other party was hiding his true strength. This time, Cai Wenjie thought the other party was on the fifth floor, but it turned out that the other party had not even reached the first floor.

In other words, Cai Wenjie can drive the infantry tank into the enemy's hometown and directly drive the Wushuang.

"Okay, I got it. You guys should rest over there first. Give the intercom back to Zilong. I have a few words to tell him."


After Zhang Yong agreed, he returned the intercom to Zhao Zilong. After Zhao Zilong took the intercom, he asked.

"Captain, please speak!"

"Zilong, be ready for the assault. When I give the order, you take another infantry fighting vehicle and rush directly into Wumi Village and wait for orders!"


Cai Wenjie ended the call, then raised the thermal imaging telescope, looked at the village below, and began to contact the two teams below.

"Team A! Team B! Got it, please reply!"

"Team A got it!"

"Team B got it!"

"Very good, according to the hostages' intelligence, the enemy has no heavy firepower, only light weapons, and the driver also defected a few hours ago, and should be in a house now. Be sure to find them and let them drive the truck loaded with food and leave here!"

"Team A got it!"

"Team B got it!"

At this time, the deputy platoon leader of Team B had already touched the eighth house. He quietly opened the closed door and flashed into the house like a ghost. In the previous seven houses, the deputy platoon leader had eliminated everyone in the house silently.

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