My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 77 Observation

After Zhou Zucai finished his instructions, he returned to his house.

The people around him gradually dispersed, leaving only the SWAT officers who had not surrendered. At this time, the SWAT officers who had not spoken anything started chatting.

"How is it, Mu Tou, can you still hold on?"

"Captain, do you look down on me? Not to mention three days, I can survive without food or water for a month"

"Damn! Brat, bragging without thinking, do you want to become a zombie without food or water for a month?"


Everyone laughed, and in order to slightly ease the declining morale, they actively communicated.

Time passed by, and after Cai Wenjie and others killed several blind zombies, they arrived at a corner not far from Wumi Village, where they could park their cars and would not be discovered by the villagers.

In order to ensure safety, Cai Wenjie has ordered everyone to eliminate all nearby zombies and any foreseen animals.

After eliminating all the zombies nearby, it was one o'clock in the middle of the night. There were still two hours before the operation began. Cai Wenjie first gathered everyone and began to arrange the tasks.

"Shunliu, take someone to a suitable high point on the left mountain. After you get there, contact us through the intercom. Go ahead."

"Yes! You! Follow me to find a high point."

Shunliu first whispered yes, and then took a sniper to the mountain on the left side of the village to find a high point.

"Deng Jun, you lead the team and set off in two hours. I will remove the sentries in the village during the operation. Don't worry about being discovered."


"Also, deputy platoon leader! You lead your team and sneak in with Deng Jun in two hours, and then remove the sentries one by one. For your safety, I allow you to kill without mercy. As long as they interfere with your mission, don't be soft-hearted and kill them directly. Do you understand!"

"Yes! Make sure to complete the mission!"

"Very good! Everyone keep practicing the walkie-talkie. I will take the remaining snipers to find an observation point on the mountain on the right. I will observe your actions throughout the process and provide remote support. Report any situation!"

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he took the remaining two snipers to the mountain on the right side of Wumi Village to find an observation point.

Deng Jun and the deputy platoon leader and others were left behind.

Cai Wenjie was always vigilant on the way up the mountain. In order not to be exposed, Cai Wenjie and others did not use lights, but used night vision goggles to watch the road.

Soon Cai Wenjie found an excellent observation point and sniper point. A small open space can just accommodate a few adults, and there are natural concealments from a high altitude.

Cai Wenjie took out a thermal imaging telescope and began to observe the village below. The village was about 300 meters away from here. Cai Wenjie could clearly see the layout of the village. Soon Cai Wenjie found the tied-up special police officers, and one by one they were almost wilted.

Cai Wenjie took out the walkie-talkie and started to talk.

"Deng Jun, the hostages are in the open space in the middle of the village, less than 200 meters from the entrance of the village. After entering the village, you need to go to the right for 50 meters at the first corner, then go to the left and walk all the way to the end to see the open space of the village."


Deng Jun listened attentively to what Cai Wenjie said.

"In addition to the sentry post at the village entrance opposite, there is also a sentry post at another exit of the village. There are two people on duty at each sentry post. The initial judgment is that the weapons are five or six charges."

Because it is thermal imaging, Cai Wenjie can only see white human figures. There are two human figures in the sentry post at the exit of the village. One is standing, and the other is sitting under the sentry post, with his head tilted to one side, looking like he is asleep.

If you look from below, it is easy to ignore the sleeping person and think that there is only one person in the sentry post.

Cai Wenjie continued to look for other hidden people, and finally found several people on several houses around the open space of the village.

They all held a gun in their hands, which looked like a 95-type rifle. From the distribution, it can be vaguely seen that they surrounded the open space, and the open space became their shooting range.

Although they had formed a siege around the open space, they were still discovered by Cai Wenjie. Through thermal imaging, it can be found that there were people on the roofs of several houses around, but only one of them was awake, and the others were lying on the ground or leaning against the wall, obviously asleep.

After careful observation, Cai Wenjie picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted the deputy platoon leader in charge of the assassination.

"Deputy platoon leader, when you go in later, cooperate with the sniper team first, and give priority to eliminating the ambush on the roofs of the houses around the village open space. I will remind you where there are ambushes later."


After notifying the deputy platoon leader, Cai Wenjie continued to do the reconnaissance task, and soon found that the largest building in the village was protected by at least dozens of armed men. There were several people patrolling in a few minutes. It was no wonder that this was the residence of the local leader.

Why did Cai Wenjie guarantee it? Could it be a place like a warehouse? Because this house is very out of place compared to the surrounding buildings. The surrounding buildings are all brick houses or two-story buildings. Only this place is a villa, and it is the kind with a swimming pool.

The villa is four stories high and covers an area of ​​about 700 square meters. The surroundings are dim, only this side is brightly lit. It is difficult for Cai Wenjie not to pay attention.

The villa is surrounded by a 2.5-meter-high wall covered with iron wire. There are people on the roof of the villa looking down. There are people patrolling the yard with large dogs every five minutes. There are also people holding guns at the gate.

The villa is 500 meters away from the open space, which does not affect Deng Jun and his rescue operation, but there is one bad thing. The villa is beyond the sniper's range. Of course, Shunliu can still hit it.

"Everyone pay attention. A villa suspected to be the leader of the other party was found 500 meters away from the open space. The villa is well guarded. Be sure to complete the task before the people in the villa react."

Cai Wenjie said to the walkie-talkie while observing the bottom. Suddenly, Cai Wenjie seemed to have discovered something, adjusted the distance of the telescope, and looked carefully at a place.

"The stolen grain truck was found. The grain on the truck has not been unloaded yet. It is not far to the east of the open space. No one is guarding it."

Cai Wenjie said with some doubts. To be honest, Cai Wenjie didn't understand why there was no one guarding the grain truck. Did he trust the villagers? Or was it a trap?

Cai Wenjie fell silent, feeling that things were not simple. If the truck was really a trap, then what was his purpose? What was the purpose of setting the trap? Was it to catch the hostage rescuers?

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