My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 76 Zhou Zucai

As for how he knew that the grain truck would pass through his village, it was not because Cai Wenjie thought there was a traitor or spy, but because someone took a photo of the grain truck and uploaded it to the Internet, and it happened that Zhou Zucai saw the photo posted by this person. . ♦♦  ♦♦Reading

Zhou Zucai simulated the route of the grain convoy in his mind and found that there was a high possibility that it would pass through his territory. With the feeling of a blind cat holding a dead mouse, he ordered the villagers and his die-hards to set up the route that the grain convoy must pass. trap.

In the end, he was actually robbed, allowing him to directly harvest several carts of grain, enough to feed everyone in their village for a year.

Moreover, they also obtained a large number of firearms. It turned out that the grain transport convoy also transported several boxes of firearms and ammunition. They were originally intended to supply weapons and bullets to the stadium gathering place, but now they were all seized by Zhou Zucai.

This made Zhou Zucai's ambition grow crazily, but at the same time he also knew that he had caused a big disaster. If it was just food, it would be okay. As long as he believed that his village had run out of food, he would not be able to survive. For the sake of hundreds of people in the village The mouth people can only rob food, so they should be able to cope with it.

However, the grain convoy not only transported grain but also had these firearms, which meant that there was no chance for quibbles. Zhou Zucai had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue walking. He ordered that all the special police officers and drivers who were escorting the grain be tied up in the village. in the open space, and then personally come to win over these people and let them join their village.

And he promised that as long as they join his village, they will be given a lot of benefits or welfare. As a result, no one agreed to him. Instead, they all tried to persuade Zhou Zucai not to do stupid things and let them go early, otherwise once the gathering place knew The situation here will send someone to deal with him as soon as possible.

Seeing these people's unwillingness to eat, Zhou Zucai could only continue to have them tied to pillars in the open space in the village, and tortured them without food or drink until they gave up and joined his village.

This is already the third day. The people tied to the pillars are already shaky. They have not eaten anything for almost three days, and they have not drank a drop of water. They can hardly hold on.

As we all know, water is an important component of the human body. About two-thirds of a person's body weight comes from liquid, and only one-third is solid matter.

The time a person can survive without drinking water is only 2-7 days, which varies depending on the individual's physical constitution and environment.

If you are in the desert, if you don't drink water for a day, you will soon fall into dehydration symptoms, and then die of thirst.

Fire was now rising in the open space in the village.

Zhou Zucai stood in front of this group of people, holding a mineral water bottle in his hand, which contained the water they urgently needed to replenish.

"Surrender. If you don't drink water, you will soon die of thirst or freeze to death. As long as you surrender, I will let my men let you go immediately. Look, what is in my hand? Don't you want to drink water? As long as you surrender. If you surrender, I will give you water."

Zhou Zucai shook the mineral water bottle in his hand in front of everyone. The water made a liquid collision sound as the bottle shook. This was a particularly cruel torture for the people tied to the pillars, especially since this group of people had been there for three years. I haven't had any water for the whole day, and I won't be able to hold on any longer.

But most of this group of people are special police, and their will is not so easy to destroy, so the special police still refused to surrender, and even closed their eyes to resist the body's instinct. However, the drivers are not special police, and they are not that big. I have worked very hard to persist until now.

Under Zhou Zucai's temptation and the limit of his body function, one driver finally couldn't hold on any longer, and shouted in a hoarse voice with all his strength.

"I surrender, give me water! Give me water! I'm dying of thirst, hurry up!"

Seeing that someone finally surrendered, Zhou Zu breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was about to give up. This group of people was particularly difficult to deal with, and they had very strong willpower and were simply difficult to deal with.

Zhou Zucai immediately laughed happily, then asked his men to untie the driver's rope, then gave him a bottle of water and said

"Very good! I said that as long as you surrender, I will give you a very good house, women, and food. You just need to obey my orders."

The truck driver didn't listen to what Zhou Zucai said at all. He just poured the mineral water into his mouth. Soon he drank the 500 ml bottle of mineral water, and then asked Zhou Zucai's men for water again. .

Zhou Zucai's subordinates looked at their boss. After getting the boss's acquiescence, they immediately brought a whole box of mineral water and asked the driver to continue drinking. Maybe it was because he hadn't drank water for too long. The driver drank at least five bottles of five hundred bottles. After drinking 500ml of mineral water, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ha-so comfortable"

The other drivers who were still tied to the pillars saw that they could drink as much as they wanted after surrendering. Another person surrendered. Soon all the drivers except the SWAT officers had surrendered and were desperately drinking water next to them.

Zhou Zucai smiled happily. People all have a herd mentality. As long as one person can't stand the temptation, basically everyone will act according to their own desires.

There was a young man among the tied up special police officers who was a little moved, but he gritted his teeth and persevered. His name is Li Mu, he is 22 years old, and he has just become a special police officer for less than a year.

Among the entire escort team, he is the youngest and the oldest is thirty-two years old. He is also the captain of the escort team.

The captain's name is Zhang Yong, and he is already an experienced special police officer with eight years of experience. He is very proud of the team members who grit their teeth and persevere even when they are about to give up. However, no matter how proud he is, it cannot compare with his name. In order to prevent his team members from sacrificing in such a place, he decided to be a traitor if there is no rescue by tomorrow.

Even if he is cursed, he must let the team members live. They should not die here.

Zhou Zucai is no longer anxious. Now it is only a matter of time for them to surrender. There is no need to do it so personally. To be honest, Zhou Zucai does not want to recruit these special police.

Because it is very difficult to make the special police obedient. Although the village now belongs to him completely, the people in the village basically do not know how to use firearms skillfully. He can only find someone who can use firearms skillfully to teach them how to shoot.

This is why Zhou Zucai tried every means to recruit special police and teach his villagers to shoot.

"That's it for today. Put those who surrender in a separate room and find a woman to serve them. As for these special police, let them freeze outside for another day."

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