My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 755: Animals vs. Zombies

Just when the Xinguang gathering place began to flourish, the troops stationed on the border of the autonomous prefecture discovered a strange phenomenon.

For some unknown reason, more and more mutant animals began to appear on the border, and they were all mutant animals that had successfully mutated and not rotted.

Although they did not attack people, they would not run away. They just wandered around the border. It seemed that they wanted to enter the autonomous prefecture, but because there were fully armed soldiers guarding the entrances and exits, they did not dare to force their way in, so they could only wander around waiting for an opportunity.

Because these mutant animals did not attack anyone, the soldiers also turned a blind eye and pretended not to see these mutant animals.

Perhaps they realized that these soldiers had no intention of attacking them, and these mutant animals gradually became bolder. Some mutant animals even walked to the middle of the road to bask in the sun, regardless of the soldiers standing guard not far away staring at it, and still basked in the sun as they pleased.

For such bold mutant animals, the soldiers on guard had no way to deal with them. After all, these mutant animals did not disturb him on guard, and they were still outside his alert range, and they could not kill it with one shot.

In this way, these mutant animals and the soldiers lived in peace for several days until the appearance of a mutant zombie and a group of zombies interrupted this phenomenon.

The scale of the zombie group was not very large, only about a hundred, and there was only one claw-type mutant zombie in the zombie group.

The leading claw zombie looked up and saw the figure of a living person a few hundred meters away. Seeing this scene, the claw zombie immediately roared excitedly. After walking for so long, he finally got to eat fresh human flesh. Don't mention how excited he was.

The rest of the zombies listened to the roar of the claw zombie. Although they didn't know what was going on, they still roared along with it, and then followed the claw zombie's footsteps and started running.

If these zombies encountered a group of inexperienced survivors, they might be able to have a good meal, but they encountered the experienced Xinguang gathering place troops, and these more than a hundred zombies were not enough for them to fill their teeth.

Just as the soldiers were about to shoot these ignorant zombies, a sudden barking of dogs came from the woods.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Along with the barking of dogs, a large group of mutant animals suddenly rushed out from the depths of the woods, including cats, dogs, wolves, tigers, and even wild boars and bears. These mutant animals rushed out of the woods and charged at the zombies.

Because these animals are mutant species, they have become much larger than before the mutation, so ordinary zombies are no problem at all.

Even the smallest mutant cat here is now about the size of a leopard, not to mention other animals. These animals use their sharp claws and fangs to kill zombies one by one.

Ordinary zombies have no resistance to these mutant animals. They can't catch the small ones and can't break the defense of the big ones. They can only passively suffer the attacks of these mutant animals.

Now, the sharp claw zombie in the zombie group was not happy. It waved its claws and began to attack the mutant animal closest to it. The mutant tiger, who was happily hunting zombies, suddenly saw a zombie with very large claws flying towards it.

But past experience told him that these things couldn't even hurt its fur, so the mutant tiger did not avoid the attack of the sharp claw zombie, but ignored him and continued to hunt the nearest zombie.

Facing the mutant tiger that ignored it, the sharp claw zombie seemed very angry. It raised its claws high and grabbed the mutant tiger's back fiercely.

The claws of the sharp claw zombie were very sharp, and it was angry, so the power of this claw was very strong, directly scratching the mutant tiger's back with deep blood marks, and bright red blood flowed out along the scratches. In less than a while, the blood that flowed out soaked the entire lower body of the mutant tiger.

The injured mutant tiger immediately turned his head to look at the claw zombie that hurt him. He roared and pounced on the claw zombie angrily.

The claw zombie was not to be outdone and raised his claws and pounced on him again.

But this time the claw zombie was not so lucky. Just when he raised his claws and swung at the mutant tiger again, the mutant tiger actually dodged the claws of the claw zombie quickly, and then slapped the claw zombie with a tiger claw.

Because the distance was too close, the claw zombie had no way to dodge the claws of the mutant tiger, and could only block the attack with his face.

How strong is the tiger? This depends on the weight of the tiger. Generally, the weight of tigers in the wild is about 200 kilograms, while the tigers in the zoo are about 300 kilograms. According to the general calculation, the strength of the tiger is about 4 times its own weight.

In other words, an ordinary tiger can basically exert a force of 1,000 kilograms. If it is a mutant tiger, it only needs to double it again on this basis.

That is to say, a casual blow from the mutant tiger can reach an explosive force of 2,000 kilograms. With this kind of power, how serious would the consequences be for the Claw Zombie to take a tiger claw? The answer is that the Claw Zombie's neck was completely broken after this, and the Claw Zombie's body was also knocked out.

With just one grab, the claw zombie completely left this world, and after the mutant tiger slapped the claw zombie away, it seemed to be still unsatisfied and jumped directly onto the claw zombie's body, holding down the body with one claw, then lowered its head and opened its bloody mouth to bite the claw zombie's head, then suddenly raised its head and forcibly pulled the claw zombie's head out of its body.

Then it shook its head violently and threw the claw zombie's head far away, and then roared.


For a while, the mutant tiger exuded a strong aura of kingship, and even the soldiers who chose to watch the battle quietly in the distance couldn't help but get goose bumps.

This battle between mutant animals and zombies did not last long. More than a hundred zombies were cleared out in less than ten minutes under the siege of more than a dozen mutant animals, and as the winner, except for the mutant tiger who was caught with blood because of carelessness, there was basically no injury.

After the battle, the mutant animals did not leave the corpses of the zombies alone, but slowly dragged the corpses of the zombies to the sides of the road to avoid blocking the road.

After doing all this, the mutant animals took a deep look at the place where the warriors were, and then slowly retreated into the deep forest.

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