My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 756 Trust Relationship

The person in charge of this place is Liu Xu, the commander of the first company of the sixth battalion.

He watched the mutant animals fighting zombies from beginning to end.

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After a few days of observation, Liu Xu found that these mutant animals had no desire to attack living people, but had a huge killing intent towards those zombies infected by the virus. As long as they encountered zombies or mutant zombies, they would rush out to kill these zombies.

And most importantly, these mutant animals seemed to have wisdom. After encountering these living people, they would keep their tails between their legs and behave like beasts. They did not provoke or provoke them, but chose to coexist peacefully as much as possible.

In fact, this is not the first time that mutant animals have helped them kill zombies. As early as a week ago, a few scattered zombies approached their outpost. At that time, several mutant dogs rushed out of the woods and bit the scattered zombies to death. At the same time, after biting the zombies to death, they wagged their tails at them naturally, as if they were trying to please them.

For safety reasons, the soldiers at that time did not approach these mutant dogs, but took out some dog snacks and threw them to them as a reward for thanking them for helping them clean up the zombies. In fact, the dog snacks were actually canned meat. The soldiers originally thought that these mutant dogs did not like these canned meats.

But surprisingly, these mutant dogs did not refuse the canned meats fed by the soldiers. Instead, they excitedly wagged their tails and picked up the canned meats and ran back to the woods.

Since then, these mutant dogs seem to be familiar with each other. Every time at a fixed time, they will wait at the place where the soldiers fed them before, and they will not go back until someone takes out canned meats and throws them to them again.

Seeing such shameless mutant dogs, the soldiers did not feel angry, but found it very interesting, so every now and then, several soldiers would take out various cans to feed these mutant dogs.

After almost a week of feeding, basically all the mutant dogs in Shunlin had a certain trust with the soldiers. Sometimes, in addition to these mutant dogs, there were also mutant cats and mutant wolves who came a few times, but the mutant cats and mutant wolves did not accept the soldiers' feeding, but secretly observed them from a distance.

Perhaps because they did not find any danger for several days, the mutant cats and mutant wolves were also tentatively approaching the outpost. Finally, the day before yesterday, the mutant cat took the lead in accepting the kindness of humans, and the mutant wolf followed closely and accepted the feeding.

And yesterday, in addition to the mutant cats, mutant dogs, and mutant wolves, there were two new faces, the mutant wild boar and the mutant bear.

As soon as these two huge animals appeared, they snatched the meat cans that belonged to the mutant dogs without hesitation, and stuffed them directly into their mouths. In particular, the mutant bear directly poured a can into his mouth with one hand, and finished twelve cans of meat in less than a minute, and almost finished one can in five seconds.

This bear alone ate more than twenty cans of meat. If it weren't for the salty cans, which caused the bear to leave here to find water, it would probably eat dozens of cans.

In addition to this bear, there was also a wild boar. This wild boar was also very gluttonous. Although it didn't eat as much as the mutant bear, it also ate more than a dozen cans and left with satisfaction.

Because of the appearance of these two big eaters, the number of cans brought by the warriors was not enough. The remaining mutant cats, mutant dogs and mutant wolves were not full at all. They could only stare at the empty cans reluctantly and left here in frustration.

Cai Wenjie was very concerned about the food supply of the troops. Basically, he provided enough food. Each person was given 800 grams of rice and flour, 200 grams of oil, 350 grams of various meats, 200 grams of various vegetables, various supplementary foods and vitamin tablets every day. In addition, each person had two cans of food every day. They could choose canned fruits and meats by themselves. The total cost of food was about 100 yuan per day.

Cai Wenjie did not distinguish between the food standards of the army, air force, navy, etc., but treated them equally. As long as they did not eat badly, they could eat as much as they wanted. Cai Wenjie did not feel sorry for his money on the issue of food. After all, only by eating well can one show his greatest ability. Cai Wenjie knew this clearly.

As for the matter of taking out canned meat to feed the mutant animals, Cai Wenjie did not want to care too much. As long as the soldiers were full and drank enough, they could deal with the remaining canned food by themselves. If these canned food alone could tame these mutant animals, it would be the best.

Fortunately, these mutant bears and wild boars seemed to know that their appetites were a bit large. At about dusk, the mutant bears and wild boars brought the best Lingzhi and wild ginseng, both of which were treasures of a hundred years old.

Anyone who is a Z countryman will know how precious these two precious medicinal materials are. If this were in the martial arts world, these two medicinal materials would basically cause a fight among the entire martial arts world.

Although the above situation will not occur in reality, these two hundred-year-old Lingzhi and wild ginseng are indeed very precious.

It is definitely worth exchanging dozens of canned meat for these two treasures.

Liu Xu, who originally wanted to control the soldiers from feeding canned meat to the mutant animals casually, shut up after seeing the Ganoderma lucidum and wild ginseng brought by the soldiers. He no longer mentioned that feeding canned meat to mutant animals was a shameful waste of food. Instead, he took out his share and gave it to the soldiers, asking them to feed the mutant animals.

After the day's battle between animals and zombies, the soldiers at the outpost became closer and closer to these mutant animals. Even the mutant tiger that was injured today took the initiative to come out of the woods, sat down in the feeding area where these animals often go, pointed its wound at the soldiers, and then lay down.

It seems that he wants the soldiers to treat his wounds, and in order to show that he will not hurt anyone, he kicked his two tiger claws into his arms like a cat kicking his hand when he is relaxed.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers looked at each other, but in the end there was a brave soldier who picked up the medical box beside him and slowly approached the mutant tiger. After seeing a human approaching it, the mutant tiger ignored him and instead lowered its head and closed its eyes as if it was going to sleep, allowing the soldier to approach.

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