My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 754 Current Situation

After saying so much, the logistics department has everything, and even these researchers can find their favorite items there.

After giving corresponding rewards to the researchers who have made contributions, Cai Wenjie looked at the meteorite fragments in his hand and couldn't help but continue to ask.

"How many meteorite fragments are there like this? If there are extra meteorite fragments, give me four, no, or five. I don't want too much, each fragment is about 100 grams."

Cai Wenjie plans to make various jewelry with such meteorite fragments and give them to important people, such as his parents, wife, and his own nanny.

As for himself, Cai Wenjie plans to make a dragon-shaped pendant with 200 grams of meteorite and then carry it with him. As for the meteorite fragments of other people, he has also thought about what to do.

Earrings, hairpins, necklaces, thumb rings, bracelets, Cai Wenjie was going to have people make these five kinds of jewelry with this meteorite. The earrings and bracelets were given to Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue respectively, the hairpins were given to the little maid, and the thumb rings and necklaces were given to the parents...

Just when Cai Wenjie was thinking about what pattern to have people carve, the zombie suddenly woke up and let out a terrifying roar.

Cai Wenjie was brought back to reality by the zombie's roar, and the others instinctively turned their attention to the zombie.

"I almost forgot about this guy, someone! Send him to the recruit camp to be a meat target for the recruits, so that they can practice their courage in advance"


Soon, the struggling zombie was dragged out by the soldiers.

Since the other effect of the meteorite has been verified, Cai Wenjie has no reason to continue here, so he encouraged the researchers and left.

To be honest, Cai Wenjie still has a lot of things to deal with, so there is not much time to waste.

Now the three grain bases have entered a normal state of operation. The reclaimed land has been planted with various grains and vegetables. I believe that as long as the planting is carried out seriously, a large amount of grain will be harvested in the near future, and the Xinguang gathering place will be self-produced and sold, and everyone can eat the freshest rice and vegetables.

In addition to the grain base, Cai Wenjie also moved the military factory in the Xinguang gathering place to the YJ city, which has become a ruin, and built a larger and larger military factory in the ruins.

In addition to producing general firearms and ammunition, the current arsenal can also produce some mortars, howitzers, and anti-tank guns.

If mortars and howitzers are made to deal with large groups of zombies, then anti-tank guns are made to deal with those power-type mutant zombies and mutants.

However, it is called an anti-tank gun, but this anti-tank gun is not the previous artillery-shaped anti-tank gun, but a modernized and modified thing similar to a vehicle-mounted turret.

This anti-tank gun can be installed on the roof of off-road vehicles and armored vehicles, and even vans can be installed with this anti-tank gun. The operation is also very simple. It does not require too many operators. Only one person who knows how to use electronic products can rely on a tablet computer to load, fire, throw, and reload.

In addition to these cannons, the current arsenal can also independently produce some armored vehicles. Although the appearance looks silly, the biggest feature of this armored vehicle is its thickness! The thick armor can completely resist the shooting of anti-material sniper rifles, and ordinary RPG rocket launchers can also easily block it, not to mention the attacks of various zombies.

With the strong armor thickness and the self-produced anti-tank gun, this armored vehicle can be called a lightweight tank.

Because of its powerful protective performance, Cai Wenjie directly named this self-produced armored vehicle "Xuanwu Type 1" armored vehicle, which may be equipped with a large number of troops in the future.

In addition to the arsenal, other factories of all sizes have also been moved out from the Xinguang gathering place and placed in the ruins.

Of course, for safety reasons, all factories are arranged in a special area, where the security force is strong, and there are fully armed security personnel patrolling every day. As long as they do not leave this area, they are not in any danger.

Of course, for convenience, dormitory areas are also built around the factories. If you don’t want to return to the Xinguang gathering place after get off work, you can spend the night in the dormitory. Others will be picked up by special cars when they go to and from work.

As for why Cai Wenjie wants to move these factories to the city, it is because the current Xinguang gathering place has begun to have a population saturation problem. Simply put, there is not enough land.

In order to share the pressure of land and housing, Cai Wenjie moved the factories in the Xinguang gathering place to the city that has become a ruin. The place is large and there will be no disturbance to the people. It is good for both factories and ordinary residents.

There is also a power plant. With the large number of people in the Xinguang gathering place, three power plants alone cannot meet all the electricity needs, so seven power plants were built again during this period.

However, these seven power plants were not built inside the Xinguang gathering place, but in a village very close to the Xinguang gathering place, and were heavily guarded to prevent anyone from destroying the power supply system here.

There is also the problem of water sources. In the past, Xinguang Gathering Area used groundwater to supply everyone with drinking water. However, with the large number of people, it is difficult to rely on groundwater to solve the drinking water problem. Therefore, Cai Wenjie specially exchanged a super expensive large-scale filtration system from the system. Just this set cost at least five million points. Because of the three grain bases, Cai Wenjie directly exchanged four large-scale filtration systems for 20 million.

But you get what you pay for. This large-scale filtration system can completely purify the fresh water resources contaminated by viruses and filter out safe water sources.

In this way, people's drinking water and water use problems are guaranteed, and they can also irrigate crops. Overall, the 20 million is not a loss, at least it ensures that people will not have conflicts due to clean water resources.

There is also the network problem of Xinguang Gathering Area. The entire network was paralyzed once before, but with the efforts of engineers, Xinguang Gathering Area was reconnected to the network, and a local server was set up, and people's basic communication problems were also solved.

Now, life in the Xinguang gathering place has returned to normal. If it weren't for the military sentry towers that exist everywhere, people would probably think they have returned to life before the apocalypse.

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