My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 753 Verification

In order to verify, Cai Wenjie even asked the troops stationed at the entrance of the autonomous prefecture to immediately capture an ordinary zombie and transport it by air. He wanted to conduct an experiment himself.

By the time the zombies were airlifted, two hours had passed. Two hours was enough time for Cai Wenjie to return to his senses. He regretted saying such stupid things like asking someone to catch a zombie from over there, but now the zombies have been sent over. , he had to hold his nose and admit the fact.

"Bring a ten-gram meteorite here."


Soon, a researcher in a white coat brought over a fragment of the meteorite protected by a glass cover. Moreover, this fragment of meteorite was still in the shape of a triangle. With the faint blue light coming out, it looked very... Magical.

The specially treated meteorite blocks no longer have the function of causing zombies to mutate, so when the meteorite fragments are close to the zombies, they do not cause them to mutate and become difficult mutants.

When Cai Wenjie took out the triangular meteorite fragment from the glass cover, it was obvious that the zombie not far from Cai Wenjie immediately appeared groggy, as if he had stayed up all night for three days and three nights in an Internet cafe. It's like he's about to fall asleep.

Cai Wenjie looked at the meteorite fragments that emitted blue light and couldn't help but observe them carefully. He had to say that these triangular meteorite fragments were natural works of art. Just by relying on their current appearance and the blue light they emitted, they could be used before the end of the world. If you meet someone who really likes it, you can probably sell it for eight or nine.

After admiring the appearance of the meteorite fragment, Cai Wenjie took the meteorite fragment and slowly walked towards the zombie.

As the distance got closer, the zombie, which originally looked drowsy and about to fall asleep, now rolled its eyes and fell asleep on the spot.

At this time, the distance between Cai Wenjie and the zombies was only two or three steps, about one meter.

"It seems that this thing really has this magical effect. As long as it is used properly, it should be able to produce unexpected effects."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie thought again, took the meteorite fragments, and slowly left the zombies. He thought that as long as he took the meteorite fragments and left the zombies, he would be able to wake them up, but what he didn't expect was that even if they were far away enough, The distance still didn't wake the zombie up.

Having no other choice, Cai Wenjie waved his hand to the soldiers next to him to touch the zombie to see if he was pretending to be dead.

However, no matter how the soldier touched or even shook the zombie in various ways, the zombie would not wake up. In the end, Cai Wenjie directly drew his gun and opened a hole in the zombie's chest, but it had no effect and it was still in a comatose state.

Seeing this result, Cai Wenjie turned to look at the researcher and asked doubtfully.

"When you were doing this experiment, when did the zombies who fell into coma wake up?"

"Reporting to the leader, five minutes! During the experiment, we found that when the zombies leave the range of the meteorite, they will start to wake up in about five minutes, and the zombies that have just woken up will briefly lose the desire to attack. This time is almost three Minutes, three minutes later the zombies will regain their desire to eat people."

"That is to say, no matter what kind of zombie it is, as long as it is affected by the meteorite, there will be a safe period of eight minutes, right?"

"Yes, that's true, but..."

"But what?"

"However, this effect is not very effective against mutated zombies and mutants. These two types of zombies will revive in a very short period of time after leaving the impact of the meteorite, and they will still maintain a super high desire to attack."

"Really... I understand. Anyway, you have done very well this time. As a reward, do you have any wishes or needs? If you have any, just ask them and I will try my best to satisfy you."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he looked at the researchers in front of him, waiting for them to express their wishes.

"if you can……"

Cai Wenjie felt regretful as soon as the researchers opened their mouths, because he saw some not-so-good emotions in the eyes of these researchers, which made him feel a little hasty.

"We hope to update our experimental equipment, preferably to the world's top equipment. Many of our subjects cannot be studied due to the lack of top equipment..."

"Stop! I understand your needs, and I will find a way to get you a batch of the latest equipment."

"Then thank you, chief."

"Are there any other needs besides these?"

"there is none left"

"In this case, I will give each of you 100,000 points. If you need anything, you can go directly to the market or the Civil Affairs Center to exchange for what you need... By the way, if there is none in these two places, you can You can also go to the logistics department to exchange it, just say it is allowed by me."

Originally, the researchers didn't have much reaction when they heard the previous sentences, but when they heard that they were allowed to go to the logistics department to exchange what they needed, each researcher's eyes suddenly lit up.

Everyone in Xinguang Gathering Area knows that only the Logistics Department has the most and most complete items. If you don’t buy what you need in the market and the Civil Affairs Center, you can go to the Logistics Department to buy it. As long as it is Basically everything you want can be found in the logistics department. Even if you don't find what you need, you can still find substitute items.

Before, a man urgently needed a rare medicine to save his life. He went around the market but couldn't find it. Even the Civil Affairs Center didn't have the medicine he needed. Just when he thought he was dead, a soldier from the logistics department happened to pass by. When he heard that the man needed a rare medicine, he just remembered that the logistics department had newly collected and stored some foreign medicines. In this life-threatening situation, the soldier immediately asked their logistics department director.

After explaining the cause of the matter in detail, the logistics department director agreed to the soldier's request and allowed the soldier to go to the logistics warehouse to find the life-saving medicine.

In order not to waste time, the soldier took the man directly to the warehouse in the logistics warehouse where medicines were stored. After the man entered the warehouse where medicines were stored, he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

Because there are so many medicines stored in the medicine warehouse, all kinds of domestic and foreign medicines are available. It seems that almost all medicines circulating in the market can be found in this warehouse.

Unsurprisingly, the rare life-saving drugs the man needed were also stored in this warehouse, and the quantity was not small, enough to last him for at least a dozen years.

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