My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 752 Another function of meteorites

Perhaps seeing their determination, no one persuaded them to go together, but one of the three tanks that were originally supposed to escort the infantry fighting vehicle stayed behind to cover them and pick them up after they completed their revenge. Google Search Reading

At this time, on the roof of the institute, a completely unrecognizable monster, that is, the alien mutant, was quietly recovering from his wounds in the corner of the rooftop.

Just now, the prey that he had caught with great effort exploded just like the previous prey.

The previous prey shattered its armor and suffered serious injuries to its body. In the end, it relied on eating other mutants to recover some mobility.

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But now, it was embarrassed by the prey just now.

Not only was the body seriously injured, but the only remaining eyeball was also blown away. It could not see anything at all. At the same time, its chin was cut in half by the flying debris. Now only half of the chin was left.

Anyway, the current mutants can be summed up in one word: disabled!

At this time, as long as someone took an anti-material sniper rifle and shot it in the head, it would be sent directly to hell. Coincidentally, there were two fully armed soldiers moving quickly towards the rooftop, and their purpose was to kill it and avenge their sacrificed comrades.

A few minutes later, the two fully armed soldiers had reached the rooftop. There was no other emotion in their eyes except hatred.

"This guy is quite cunning, he knows how to hide"

"Is hiding useful? Even if I have to dig deep into the ground, I will find it and kill it"

There are two living people on the rooftop, but they failed to attract the mutant. This made the two more convinced that it was seriously injured, and it seemed that the injury was not simple. It didn't dare to come out for such a long time. It seemed that it was half dead or half disabled.

In this case, there was only one thing they had to do, that is, to carefully check all corners of the rooftop until the mutant was found.

In order to prevent any accidents, the two would not leave each other's sight to avoid being defeated by the mutant.

At this time, the mutant hiding in a corner of the rooftop, relying on his ears that were not completely deaf, also judged that someone was going to kill it.

The mutant, who had no ability to resist, fell into fear directly. This was the first time he felt fear and despair since he was born.

The fear of death forced it to move its body, hiding in the darker depths, and shrinking its body as much as possible, so that people outside could not see it at a glance.

It must be said that the current alien mutant has completely lost its former domineering side, only

However, this did not hinder the two people's revenge plan. The two people who searched almost carpet-style quickly found this corner. Even if the alien mutant curled up, it could not cover all of its body, and there was still a part exposed outside.

This was also the main reason why the alien mutant was discovered by them.

After seeing the alien mutant, the two did not rashly launch an attack, but looked at each other, and then nodded tacitly.

The two of them did not approach the alien mutant, but slowly retreated to a place about fifty meters away from it, and then took out the big killer on their backs without hesitation, two 08-type rocket launchers.

After careful aiming, the two pulled the trigger one after another, and the two rockets hit the alien mutant one after another.

Fifty meters away, it flew over in the blink of an eye. Two rockets hit the mutant accurately, blowing it up to almost nothing but a skeleton, and the upper and lower parts of the body were split in half by the shock wave of the rocket launcher.

Even the throat was blown away to who knows where. Now the only flesh left on its body is basically the legs. The flesh and blood in other places were either blown away or burned to ashes.

"It's still alive after all this. Forget it. This will allow me to vent my anger for a while longer."

"Wait a minute, even if it only has one head left, we can't underestimate it. Who knows what other tricks it has left. For safety reasons, we'd better kill it with one shot and don't give it any hope."


Thinking of their deeds today, the other soldier also felt that they must not give it a chance to turn the tables, so the two of them took out the rocket launchers behind them and aimed at the mutant with only one head left.

"Goodbye, bastard"

"Go to hell!"

With two shouts, two rockets flew out again and hit the head of the alien mutant directly. After the two explosions, the head of the alien mutant was like a burst watermelon, with all kinds of red and white scattered all over the ground, deader than dead.


On the other side, the platoon leader who had been safely escorted back to the military base was arranged in the hospital ward and was taken care of by a special person, while the medical soldiers were arranged to take care of other wounded without even having time to rest.

As for the black USB drive, it has been sent for identification. Now the people above attach great importance to the content in this USB drive. If it is true as the researcher said, there is a method to accelerate the antidote for the virus, then the sacrifice of these people is valuable. Otherwise, they will not let the sacrificed soldiers die in vain and will definitely hold them accountable.

At the Xinguang gathering place, many researchers have finally found out some functions of meteorites after several days of sleepless research.

In addition to causing the virus to mutate, this meteorite can also make the virus fall into a dormant state through special means. In short, after special treatment, the meteorite can make zombies or mutant zombies within a certain range fall into silence or dormancy. At this time, even if living people walk around in front of them, they will not attack humans.

This certain range is defined according to the size of the meteorite. Almost one gram of meteorite can affect zombies within ten centimeters. Ten grams is one meter, and one hundred grams is ten meters. By analogy, Cai Wenjie now has about 500kg of meteorites, which means that if Cai Wenjie is willing, there will be absolutely no zombie attack within 50 kilometers of the Xinguang gathering place.

When Cai Wenjie learned the news, he immediately rushed to the scene and asked the researchers in person whether the news was reliable.

When Cai Wenjie got a positive answer, he immediately smiled and laughed happily.

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